How long until the faux nerd bubble bursts, more importantly what will replace it?
How long until the faux nerd bubble bursts, more importantly what will replace it?
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It's been renewed for two more seasons. Fuck knows why.
How long will 4 chan last?
When world war 3 officially starts. Then we'll have to get back to actually caring about stuff. So within 5 to 10 years
I wonder if TBBT is what helped proliferate this nerd culture appropriation identity politics or if it was the MCU and TBBT only helped make it an identity? I wonder if the TV series ends then so will the trend?
It will swing towards hypermasculinity as nationalism grows as the optimism of a peaceful, multicultural planet dissipates
Not even Sup Forums, the West's collective view of a perpetual safety and security is quickly being dismantled
does it really matter that they've retroactively edited history in terms of who nerds are and how society treats them? As long as nobody's getting shoved in lockers anymore for reading something by alan moore they can have it.
Until the cast of the show has enough of doing it.
>How long until the faux nerd bubble bursts
2 years and 7 months
>more importantly what will replace it?
hardcore right wing populism
>I wonder if the TV series ends then so will the trend?
i dont think so the MCU is still going strong and we got a shit ton of shitty star wars material coming soon, dune, stephen kings CU, WoT and shit like that
I dont see the bubble imploding, we just gotta find new hobbies that arent taken over by normies
>star trek was literally a show
>star wars was literally a movie
>tbbt comes along
>people get angry and pretend that nerds weren't mainstream for some reason
Wow it's literally nothing
At least pre-Tolkien fantasy seems to be safe since no one seems to care about it anymore.
I don't think twenty years ago you were a nerd if you'd seen star wars, but you were a nerd if you could speak klingon and you ran an irc room where you could only speak klingon and you masturbated to worf.
Except shit like that still goes on. The only difference is now the only thing these nerds had to escape the torment of their lives, is being sullied for the enjoyment of normies, and the very chads that beat them
Do nerds today like the things they talk about on TBBT though?
>the only thing these nerds had to escape the torment of their lives, is being sullied for the enjoyment of normies
I was never bullied, but I can relate to this. My own brother used to call me a faggot for reading comics, now he unironically enjoys capeshit. He also refuses to acknowledge that despite having a decent amount of comics around our house he never read a single one.
I feel like people are being told to like things for the sake of liking them not because they genuinely enjoy them.
Guy Ritchie is doing a dudebro version of King Arthur.
>Walking down the hall
>Group of jocks walk up to you and knocks your textbooks out of your hands
>"Hey cishet, we heard you were talking shit about the Star Wars prequels"
>Try to deny it while picking your books up
>"I.. I just prefer the original trilogy..."
>"Don't deny it now, whitey. We heard what you said about Jar Jar Binks"
>One of them punches you in the gut
>They open a locker and shove you inside
>Bang on the locker trying to get out, start to cry
>One of them yells "Now this is podracing!" as they walk off laughing
The "Geek culture" will continue to grow as it becomes more profitable, what with marvel and star wars putting out new flicks every year
Wasn't there already one?
war with iran
enjoy getting drafted tv
that's consumerism for you. real original nerds wont be swayed by adverts though because they aren't a market that can be sold to, they're too small and diverse.
being a nerd used to mean you were smart and loved learning and books.
now it just means you like Star Wars and old video games.
somewhere people lost the distinction between being a NERD and being a GEEK.
>How long until the faux nerd bubble bursts
The actual "nerd culture" that has been instilled will likely never go away.
Its not really a bubble that can crash, seeing how most of our lives are on the phones or on computers, or connected in some way.
We are teaching children in grade school how to program. Its going to become the national identity before you know it.
you can't categorise people that easily, well you couldn't then, I don't think it's so much two words that have been conglomerated but a culture invented recently which borrows from the biggest of the small subcultures that used to exist (star wars/trek etc.) for which you used to get swirlies for being involved with.
>Its going to become the national identity before you know it.
It pretty much is already. Corporations have made this skin for people considering how much easier it is to "buy" a fake persona like Geek chic nerd or whatever the fuck normalfags call it than coming up with a genuine personality with depth and character. Nothing but a way to perfectly destroy collective individualism. Debt also plays a very large part into this, they get into debt by going to university, whoever is pulling the stings has a more stranglehold on them while they crush their soul and make them theirs.
but you have to admit the 'tastemakers' that market to demographics dropped the requirement about being smart now it is really about being a consumer of the right things like Star Wars
I guess they realized the irony considering science is not lefty material at all despite how much they revisionist it.
I just don't understand how it got so popular.
yes that's exactly what I was saying.
>science is not lefty material at all
apart from it is in basically all respects?
>not even Sup Forums
>says dumb Sup Forums shit
well done user
First season had a Two and a Half Men feeling, themed with nerds. Internet made memes out of the "nerd is the new sexy" aspect and since cable TV is basically driven by internet culture, we got a full show get flanderized
This. It's all about the money.
I still don't see the appeal. I never liked sitcoms though.
This guy gets it.
>Not even Sup Forums
You don't have to be from Sup Forums to be called out as a Sup Forums retard. Just like calling nigger to people who isn't actually black, we are just pointing out your resemblance to the worst aspects of the Sup Forums stereotype
You asked how it got popular not why don't you like it, I ain't gonna diagnose your snowflake complex mate.
Chuck Lorre, the show's creator is very powerful in the industry. He's got his shitcoms on multiple channels playing at the same time, for many hours.
Who is the guy on the right? I assume some nerd status icon like Gene Roddenberry but I don't know what he looks like
He was Palpatine, the senator and sith lord, in Star Wars.
he was the voice of darth vader
But where do you think it'll go? Nerd culture has become a coping mechanism for men facing an uncertain future. Just like fat acceptance acts as a bubble for some women to shield themselves from reality, nerd culture is a way to live through fantasy during periods of a bleak reality. Just as punk was a counterculture to glam rock (aggressive masculinity against a male femininity), the counterculture against nerd culture will be a return to masculinity.
>the counterculture against nerd culture will be a return to masculinity
Won't happen until the war on "evil White straight men" ends, and that will probably take at least another decade. And then there's the problem with all the men who ended up signing out of society completely, whether that's as NEETs or whatever. Women will be the ones whining the most about this in the end.
>punk was a counterculture to glam rock (aggressive masculinity against a male femininity)
t. somebody who doesn't understand punk
she deserves it. I'm glad she feels bad and remorseful (if chicks can even feel that emotion for longer than 2 minutes)
I feel bad for the guy she tricks into staying with her.
A study found that it is to be expected that the generation of women who are in their 20s now will be one of if not the largest generation of women who will never marry or have kids.
the faux nerd thing is only going to go away when first world society ends.
>Won't happen until the war on "evil White straight men" ends
No, that's in part what fuels it. Nerd culture also acts as a way of presenting a pacified man to a pacified public. A 'scary white male' is rid of all his evil terror when he spends his days quoting Star Trek and playing magic the gathering. An issue arises when this submission is not enough, as white men have become an easy scapegoat for the left as they represent power but are also powerless when they thrive off nerd culture. But this leads to resentment among some nerd cultists, as they only wish to please but are still told they're worthless.
>Women will be the ones whining the most about this in the end.
Don't make it /r9k/ as men willingly do this to themselves and society as a whole suffers
how can you judge them so harshly from four lines where all they say is they're independent, have had previous partners and got dumped recently?
Which part was so heinous? Being independent or having multiple partners?
wont that mean there's a generation of men in their 20s who wont marry or have kids too?
It being an article on how she wanted to ride the cock carousel as long as she wanted and then demanded she be loved even though she has no worth to a man with a spine.
You can't have it all. Either you want the man of your dreams to love you, or you fuck til the sun comes up. I don't know why this is so difficult to grasp.
What women desire in men has such higher standards than what men want in women. Every woman, from 0/10 to 11/10 deserves a 9/10 or better man, a tall man, a wallet thicker than his dick, who is good with her son (from another father), etc. he has to be perfect for her.
A guy wants a cute virgin. Most girls are cute, most girls aren't virgins.
Money is why
The "white nerd" meme will die out at some point, inevitably it will, it's just a question of what exactly will take its place. I would put my bet on the "masculinity" thing, some kind of form of it, but it could be something else.
>Don't make it /r9k/ as men willingly do this to themselves and society as a whole suffers
What do you mean? Also society doesn't suffer right now, because "society" wants more women. There's more women than men going to university, and graduating too. They want to fill the economy with sassy independent strong women, and women seemingly want this too, so why not? Time will tell if it's better with a dominantly female run economy or a male one. Though one thing women will never get into is physical labor jobs. Liberals will complain over not enough vaginas in STEM or as CEOs but keep their mouth shut at carpentry, construction, waste disposal etc. No need for equality there.
Yes but the men chose that because of the society around them, the women didn't(inadvertently they did by believing "focusing on their career" and fucking a new guy every month until they hit 30 and THEN "want to settle down" when no one wants them).
No one cares. The issue is only framed around the well-being of women.
This too.
>she wanted to ride the cock carousel as long as she wanted
seems reasonable if that's what she wants
>demanded she be loved
whoa now that seems hard to believe, what did she take somebody to court and demand they marry and love them?
>even though she has no worth to a man with a spine.
would it be ok to demand to be loved if men with spines did place value on them?
>Either you want the man of your dreams to love you, or you fuck til the sun comes up
surely the man of her dreams would love her regardless of her having had sex with other men?
I think that seems reasonable, you're allowed to want the moon on a stick, and there are men that will marry somebody for their personality not their hymen status.
Are men allowed to have sex with people and then want a wife who loves them by the way, or is only women who are ruined by sex?
>What women desire in men has such higher standards than what men want in women
>A guy wants a cute virgin
You know you can only be a virgin once right, how do you think that you're not asking for a lot to ask women to risk their assigned value on choosing the "right" man first time? A man will have all those things you listen whether they bang 1 or 1000 women. If a man picks a woman that isn't perfect for him then he can just leave her and be no worse off, while she'll be valueless apparently. This doesn't seem like a good deal for women at all.
This is some pretty basic stuff, and you write some pants-on-head retarded shit too, how can you not understand? Either you're a woman or baiting for (You)s. Take it.
so men and women are banging in their 20s, but when they're in their 30s the same men and women aren't marrying, and that's the women's fault, even though the women are up for getting married?
Are you saying that men want to get married in their 20s and even though they're getting laid all though their 20s as soon as they turn 30 they don't want to get married to the people they were sleeping with previously?
That's Matthew Mcconaughey. Feel old yet?
>This doesn't seem like a good deal for women at all.
And settling for used up trash isn't a good deal for men. Too fucking bad.
>this is basic
so explain it
but the men are used up trash too, why are you so special you get to get laid and then demand a virgin wife
I mean too fucking bad goes both ways because from what you're saying it's you who have the problem with the system not women generally. So, you know, too fucking back you wont get married and women get to enjoy their liberation and apparently also get to have kids and a career.
>The "white nerd" meme will die out at some point, inevitably it will, it's just a question of what exactly will take its place. I would put my bet on the "masculinity" thing, some kind of form of it, but it could be something else
The 'white nerd' will never die out as it's just a more submissive form of male attitude. Right now people are equally valuing submissive and dominant male traits. For instance, the main subconscious worry about refugees in the EU on Sup Forums is that they pose a more dominant form of masculinity while the 'nerd culture' men in the West decry that they have conformed to a submissive archetype while they find cherry picked FB posts of western women saying they favour the 'masculinity' of refugee men. All you can take away from that is men should stay men as they shouldn't try to be something that they aren't.
I still like the show. Not many traditional sitcoms left anymore.
I think it's down to what becomes the next rags to riches archetype. I don't think it's a coincidence that "nerd culture" became fetishized to a large extent when that sphere produced the Bill Gates and Zuckerberg types that became some of the wealthiest men in the world in a handful of years, even if the association between them and wider nerdom is just a perception. Going out of their way to like things "smart" people like to be associated with the image is a big part of it too. Regardless, whoever strikes it big in the next big economic shift will have their background become fashionable most likely, it mostly comes down to who can see far enough around the corner.
>tfw unironically became a straight edge Christian salary cuck to be a contrarian
I am the normie now, normies.
Just get the masses into anime.
Even entry level stuff like Attack on Titan will lead to
Can you feel it brothers?
Mr spark from a space war
>May the odds be forever in your prosper
I'll make it real simple for you, roastie:
In terms of relationships the average age between the man and woman is 6 years, with the woman being the younger one. When it comes to preferences for age, a study also found that women's preference rises as they get older. So as an 18-year-old, a woman will prefer a man who is in his mid twenties as a partner. As she gets older, the number also goes up. However, for men the number stays in the 20s until they reach about 40-50, where the preferred age rises to early 30s. Additionally: women marry across and up in terms of social standing, men marry across and below. For example: a woman who is a lawyer will look for men who are at least as "successful" as she is or better. And that means in terms of income too. For men, all of this doesn't matter, for men it's pretty much all based around physical attractiveness(obviously personality matters, different from person-to-person yadayada). There's a good Jordan Peterson video where he explains this but I can't find it.
>so men and women are banging in their 20s, but when they're in their 30s the same men and women aren't marrying, and that's the women's fault, even though the women are up for getting married?
Men in their 20s get less pussy than men in their 30s. Women in their 20s get more dick than women in their 30s. Once men reach their 30s their "value" increases while women's decreases. Why? Because men in their 30s usually have a good career going for them, make good money. For women it's the other way around, they've passed their prime a couple years ago. So now you got 30-year-old women who have spent their 20s fucking men in their late 20s and 30s, who want to settle down with a man who is about mid to late thirties. But these men don't want them, because they can get women who are younger, women in their 20s. Why would a man marry some "strong independent successful career woman, aged 33" when he can meet a beautiful woman in her early 20s?
>some things I'm saying but I'm not presenting evidence for
>I can't find it
>when he can meet a beautiful woman in her early 20s
except he can't marry them because all the 20y/o women don't want to settle down apparently. For every woman not getting married there's a man not getting married.
Soon hopefully. Probably a faux criminal bubble.
Sitcom about a loser neet guy with depression who posts on a chimney sweeping forum 12 hours a day and makes cynical quips about the absurdity of life to his mother who is the only person he's spoken to in 6 months
roastie was a bit of a mask slip btw you might want to work on that
I think it'll be impossibly considering anime and manga can't be used as an identity politics like Capeshit or American comics can.
Not soon enough, staring at walls.
TBBT is honestly the pinnacle of background noise kino. Inoffensive, colorful, and quirky, almost cartoonish in those ways, yet also grounded and upbeat. None of these traits make for inherently good quality programming or anything, obviously, but in terms of background noise it can't be beat.
Just a shame I'm officially turning off the cable next month because now I won't ever see the escapades of Bazinga man and his Jewish cohorts ever again.
>Leonard Nimoy confesses he hated being pigeonholed into Spock and that it ruined his career
>panders to the nerd crowd when it becomes hip and trendy again
Eh, maybe in time he realized that no one would give a single fuck about any of his other projects if he wasn't Spock. Being able to capitalize on success like that is a pretty rare opportunity.
>he hated being pigeonholed into Spock and that it ruined his career
>his career
then why the fuck wouldn't he pander to the nerd crowd if it helps his career?
Pic related is one of the stats from one of the studies. There's another one from a study but I don't think I have it saved and I can't find it, but it shows the same thing just easier to see.
This isn't the exact Peterson video I was thinking of but it's similar:
The one I was describing was him saying pretty much exactly what I wrote, even the same example with the lawyer shit.
Also eat shit you retarded worthless hole, how old are you even? You could be 28 or 15 I have no idea considering how dumb you sound so far.
>except he can't marry them because all the 20y/o women don't want to settle down apparently.
Just because the number is expected to be the lowest of all time doesn't mean literally no young women want to marry young and have kids you fucking air-headed cunt.
>For every woman not getting married there's a man not getting married.
And again, it's worse for women, because as the years go by the chances of it happening is less and less whereas for men they can put it off until they're 40 or whatever. And just fucking watch
Remakes of Transformers & Fast Furious
I smell ratings.
>a man talking
that's not evidence of anything that's somebody saying things you think
>Also eat shit you retarded worthless hole, how old are you even? You could be 28 or 15 I have no idea considering how dumb you sound so far.
Well that's not very nice is it.
Who are you going to marry user? Will it be a 20y/o virgin cutie like me?
>Just because the number is expected to be the lowest of all time doesn't mean literally no young women want to marry
So how many will it be, what percentage of these older men will be marrying hot young women and what percentage will be out of luck. Presumably for every woman not settling down in their 20s with an older man there'll be an older man not marrying a 20y/o. Would you like to make a graph with me? It might help you visualise.
>you fucking air-headed cunt
I wonder if you wrongly thinking that I meant that all women in their 20s aren't getting married means I'm air-headed or somebody else is air-headed?
>chances of it happening is less and less whereas for men they can put it off until they're 40
but for every woman not getting married there's a man not getting married, sure maybe if every old guy married a young woman there'd be a generation of women that didn't get married but then after that what happens when a woman in her 20s doesn't get married?
>he even touches on it
still not evidence, you could type it all out and say how amazing, this guy says exactly to the word what you wrote, but it'd still be a guy talking. You can link stats and papers if you want but I'm hardly going to read past the raw data.
What didn't you understand?
why was he so fucking bloated in this season?ans of The Big Bang Theory will be happy to hear this news – the show has been renewed for two more seasons!
The five original stars of the series – Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Johnny Galecki, Simon Helberg, and Kunal Nayyar – are taking a pay cut for the additional seasons so that their co-stars Melissa Rauch and Mayim Bialik can get raises.
The original five have been earning $1 million an episode for the past three seasons. They will now be earning $900,000 an episode, according to THR.
Melissa and Mayim previously were earning $175,000 an episode and they are likely to be bumped to $400,000 per episode.
While The Big Bang Theory is a very costly show at $10 million per episode, with a majority of the expenses going to pay the cast, it is the number one scripted series on television in both viewers and the coveted ad demos.
Left literally doesn't care. Gets 1 million per episode.
Right is a jew wants more shekels from being promoted in this shitshow.
Everybody wins.
Never. Rick and Morty will continue where TBBT left off.
Remember when people claimed that surely normies wouldn't stomach 23235 marvel movies every year?
Well, they are. Marvel is still making mad buck.
I don't think the LMAO NERD phase is going away anytime soon
>what will replace it?
Faux metalheads.
Are you talking about the show or the general phenomenon? I don't recall ever seeing an episode of TBBT so I can't speak on that.
>How long until the faux nerd bubble bursts
Quite a while I imagine. It isn't just Star Wars and Marvel, it's pretty much anything popular right now that these faggot nerd websites cover. Game of Thrones, whatever. This is a generation where every kid is a proud and obnoxious gamer. And this isn't some new thing either, "nerd" stuff was always popular, people are just more proud about it now and the associated industries have found better ways to milk more money out of it.
I'd go as far as saying the nerd fad has already been and gone, and these are now just considered standard things, at least with young people.
>more importantly what will replace it?
I think an increase in "ironic" sports viewership is possible. It's kinda already happened with the NBA. Maybe that will be the replacement, but I don't see the nerd thing going away any time soon.
Why does a basic sitcom need one million per episode?
>Humans of New York
Does that shit still exist?
>pay us this or we won't do it and you will lose the top rated show
do you fucking understand making money?
I wonder if general audiences would even care if they were all replaced
Do you think they have enough clips and audio from past seasons to make an episode by scratch edited together and hopefully no one would notice?
>Mfw that is the future of television and the next fad
I think what people fail to understand is that this isn't nerd stuff any more. People aren't pretending to be nerds besides a few YouTubers, the stuff has just been accepted as normal.
>the counterculture against nerd culture will be a return to masculinity.
Eh, to be honest all this superhero shit isn't particularly effeminate, and I think that's part of why it's caught on. It has cross appeal. Suicide Squad was huge with minorities, it's not just white "cucks" or whatever the fuck that's watching them.
that's almost how they make some cheaper kids cartoons, so they could just have them record a load of lines and scenes of them moving around the set and sitting in chairs and moving their mouths.
yeah it's perfect they could save millions.
and punk wasn't particularly that masculine either, just angry and loud and anti-establishment.