Why did Pam cheat on Jim with Daryl?
Why did Pam cheat on Jim with Daryl?
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Which episode did this happen in because I think you are lying and trying to stir the pot because you have nothing to do on a Friday night.
Literally who? All I see is Jenna
>tfw the white boi ruins the bull session
Is this tonights /jenneral/ ??
I was posting in I'll stay here so I can post best Jennas.
I liked when Daryl forced Pam's face in his crotch and Kelly pops up from the back seat and starts fingering herself
Very cool
Is this the Jenna thread?
I've been making some new stills today, perfect size for reaction images and will keep doing so until my absolut+pineapple juice cocktails put me to sleep
Tomorrow (saturday) I was planning to make some Jenna gifs from A Little Help and MAYBE Giant Mechanical Man but maybe not because because I don't feel like crying that much
You're in the right place, brother
So what's on the Jenna menu for this evening?
Why did Pam cheat on Roy with Jim?
She's a skeezer.
Why did Jim cheat on Pam with Roy?
I was half way powering through season 3 after work today, and got Business School episode where Pam has her art show. And I noticed something that I never picked up on (The scene where Oscar and Gil criticize Pam for making motel art that we always make fun of)
>Gil: Meaning, real art takes courage, okay? And honesty.
>Oscar: Well, those aren't Pam's strong points.
>Gil: Yeah, exactly. That's why this is... motel art.
Pam was behind them overhearing them when she realized herself that she needed to have courage/honesty.
She had just started dating Roy again at that point and shortly after she used the opportunity to stand up for herself and be honest by admitting to Roy that she had kissed Jim.
Then after that she used the opportunity to muster up the courage to walk through the coals on beach day.
If it wasn't for her overhearing that motel art criticism, she wouldn't have gotten the push she needed.
humina humina humina humina
So it took a couple of fags for her to admit being a roastie whore. Got it.
The real question
Pam looks like THAT?
Seasons 2-4 had the best writing character-wise.
Season 1 has the most cringe humor outside of Scott's Tots.
Explain yourself.
Yes. She was shy and was hiding her sweater puppies under cardigans and business suits.
It all came to a head with the Beach Games firewalk episode. That's when Pam really became a hero to shy normie girls.
It reached your cervix, how far did he get it in?
>tfw normie girls love the office, but you can't enjoy it with them because they're filthy office casuals
Hi everyone! I guess he beat me to making the /jenneral/ tonight but this works. I was watching Ben Franklin today and realized he fell for our girl too. Ben Franklin would be a jennaposter
Then MAKE THEM obsessive Office/Jenna fans.
Lol we're pretty much synced with our Office marathon, saw this earlier too
>Didn't Ben Franklin have syphilis?
The conversation with Dwight was hilarious.
If I focus on making bank for the time being, I can have enough money that I can get them to actually change themselves into looking and dressing like Pam. Playing the long con and for now that means saving money......
Could you have done a better job seducing Pam than Ben did?
Do you just watch these movies / shows and keep an eye out for interesting reaction images? Or do you sort of skim through them?
holy crap, those could be tracings
I'm always on the lookout for nice jennas. watchtheoffice.cc is low quality though, so I have to go back to netflix to take the actual screenshots
holy fucking shit what
Ben was a pimp I don't know how she didn't respond to that
I've seen them enough that I'll just pause to make a quick reaction still.
But then there's stuff like gifs, that I always have a notepad file open to jot timestamps down to do gif them in the future. I'm pretty backed up with that with other non jenna stuff though.
>You could strip, you know...
>Giant Mechanical Man
>it's a quirky indie rom-com and not a mecha action movie
So we've gone full circle from making fun of Jenna to worshiping her
I'm okay with this
what a terrible, shapeless dress. looks like it's made out of paper
her tits look great in it though
Gotta let the girls breathe.
It's a shelf to put your Pam Beesly official Bobble-head
It's a vicious circle
is that a hint of nipple i see?
You sly dog
Nah, trust me I've studied it.
She's basically /oneofus/.
>tfw jenna is behind jenneral threads
Don't tell anyone, user
>ywn build Lego castles with Jenna
I don't understand.
portray - to depict
23% minority that think we're the freakin idiots are actually the freakin idiots!
lmaoing@yourlives Jenna4ever
WTF is this real?
They live a Jenna-free life. They deserve our pity, not our hatred.
Yes sir
They'll come around eventually. No one with eyes can resist Jenna
i wanna put my penis between her tits
These threads make me uncomfortable
She looks too much like my mom
Post your mom pls
>so until my absolut+pineapple juice cocktails put me to sleep
So are you gay or a woman?
What are these gifs from?
>t. new jennafan
Its Friday and I want to drink something I find delicious, not have to go out, be tired, and drink a bitter craft beer to fit into a crowd of Jim and Roys
Celebrity Poker Showdown, a game show that capitalized on the poker boom by having celebrities play a poker tournament.
2005 was a different time.
I don't think Jenna would judge you for that.
Was she any good at poker?
Yeah actually, I think she finished 2nd in her tournament.
Here sharing the episode link since it's a bitch to find.
Here's an unlisted full episode found on youtube in decent quality
hopefully it saves an user the headache, since it certainly was for me. DL it while it's still good
And I don't think anyone should be judged for that! My favorite go-to when I go out is a pina colada. And screw all you anons with bitchtits that prefer machismo over flavor
Honestly, as long as you own it and are unapologetic about it, you can look cool drinking anything. #confidence
Is that your autograph or found it on ebay?
>And screw all you anons with bitchtits that prefer machismo over flavor
Just say you like the taste don't make it some big psychological thing.
Thanks for the link, brother! I need to broaden my Jenna knowledge
It's Jenna's autograph, but I don't own the picture, you found it on an image search.
*I* found it on an imagesearch, not you.
>me in charge of typing
nice tiddies
No problem! I'd say it's her hardest thing to find, it theres any other particular video you want I can point you in the right direction.
I'm always skeptical, since she's inconsistent with her signature and it varies VERY wildly in any autograph I've ever seen. So I can never tell what's really authentic. Just makes me think she's autismo like me since I'm the same way and sign differently on purpose every time!
Her breasts are her best (physical) trait IMO.
Lewd. I think it's her art.
Anyone have a webm of this
i hate u pam
I'm only a man.
What was that movie that got made because of her?