Mike Pence cinematic universe when?

Mike Pence cinematic universe when?

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Nobody cares about Drumpf's little bitch ass white boy VP. Fucking honky.

wow rude

A man can dream.
Oooga booga indeed

I would unironically produce a trilogy of movies about Mike Pence if I were a multi-millionaire.


what's his name again?

>cringey alt right meme

Fag spotted

I voted for shillary and these are funny to me you humorless cunt

>mfw I smell a gay





expressing yourself with "cringey" lets us know you have 2 moms.


>if there ever was a TV show about the 2016 election hollywood would ruin it

Gay-detector activation





They'd probably massively overhype the "Russian influence" and portray the whole thing as Watergate 2.0. Like JFK half the film would be blatantly made up.

all i have

but seriously 2016 needs a movie

I hate Pence and voted for Trump. What a shitty choice.

how many volts can he put out?


1.21 gaygawatts

His power is unlimited.

haha it's funny because he believes in outdated barbaric practices but really I'm just happy to see people I disagree with in pain

Has comparing people to Star Wars villains lost its impact because everybody likes the Star Wars villains better than the heroes?

They'd also make Hillary some innocent 30 year old instead of the old fucking criminal she actually is.


What's with this electrocuting gays meme?

Idk man I saw this meme on r/pol and I'm just here to redpill haha


In 2000, Indiana Governor Mike Pence endorsed a rider to the Ryan White Care Act that included funding for a "gay conversion therapy" camp that involved prayer groups, nausea aversion therapy and electroshock. He based it on the premise that the best way to prevent new HIV infections was to shock the gay away.

Pence used to do volunteer work at mental asylums. He worked as the fagzapper.

it's funny you try to normalize and embrace the mentally ill.

It's not funny at all. Imagine if we treated anorexics or compulsive cutters the way we treated homosexuals.

maybe we should.

Good riddance.

its great because the whole meme is based on the lies promoted by his political opponents back then. The bill was to not allow state funds to go to organizations that encouraged the spread of AIDS. Pence as governor sent the bill back to the state senate saying they needed to include protections for sexual orientations

Way back in the day Pence said that if people wanted to use conversion therapy to attempt to become gay via therapy and such he supported it, one of the most extreme forms that is pretty much never used is shock therapy like they used to use for phychosis treatements, so it was misconstrued and bastardized into "pence wants to zap all the gays" which is pretty funny, so it caught on.

>homosexuality is a mental illness

Heh... no more degenerates only us aryans....brother


>to become straight via therapy

>conversion therapy to attempt to become gay
I've gotten a lot of that from Sup Forums over the years

But if it's a disease then how come it has no symptoms?

Wow you're an ideas man, user

I'm getting a great mental image of a "cutter's pride parade" where emo kids toss razor blades to a cheering crowd

More than just making the bad guys cool, they've gone over the top with specifically and unironically saying half the country is literally the Empire and making the rebels SJWs.

...........it is.

Sexual paraphilia isn't a symptom? Especially with its incredible comorbidity to extreme promiscuity, addictive behaviors, etc.


the symptom is attraction to the same sex, you fucking idiot.


Dr. user showing off his PHD here

How so?




>Mike "fry your inner gay away" Pence
>Mike "set phasers to straight" Pence
>Mike "zap the traps" Pence
>Mike "Watt Watt in the Butt" Pence
>Mike "deus volt" Pence

I mean I get it Sup Forumslacks are fucking newfags but that's a new one

>organizations that encourage the spread of AIDS


>50% of HIV infections are contracted by men who have sex with men in spite of the fact that they are less than 2% of the general population - and it's closer to 70% if you count women who are only infected due to intercourse with a man who previously had sex with another man
>83% of homosexual men estimate they have had more than 50 sexual partners, 43% estimate they had sex with more than 500 partners. The average heterosexual will have 6 to 10 lifetime sexual partners.
>anal sex causes irreparable sphincter damage resulting in bowel perforations and fecal incontinence, this will happen 100% of the time if a person continues to engage in this activity for several years

>avoiding answering the question and not posting sources
wtf I just got redpilled

promote sex without repercussions essentially

They're all right in the middle and bottom of this.
And they're all VERY well documented sources, either medical books or .gov/.health addresses.

>avoiding answering the question
Are you saying a person who repeatedly and compulsively engages in self-harm isn't mentally ill?

>not posting sources

I hate gays and want them to be zapped, but I love traps/shemales.

We should turn all fags into qt traps/shemales.

This can't be an uncommon mentality. Iran has the death penalty for gay men but has full civil rights for transsexuals for some odd reason.

So I'm lost here, anal sex spreads AIDS better and seeing as that's how a bunch of gays have sex that makes them mentally ill? And not a single actual psychological source says that?

The extreme number of partners is a symptom of mental illness, as is the heightened rate of drug abuse and suicide.

It's blowing up something he never even said/did about conversion therapy into a quality meme since the shills kept insisting he did.

Cool, what page of the DSM?

How come libcucks wanna start libcuck threads but they can't take the heat? Really makes you think hehe. Feels good to won the election.

Dramatically higher number of partners, dramatically lower chance of successful pairbonding, higher chance of AIDS, drug abuse, sexual abuse.

It does seem like a mental illness doesn't it?

>DSM I classified these orientations under "paraphilia," and DSM II under "sexual orientation disturbance." DSM III further modified this to "ego-dystonic homosexuality."

Ah, so some gays act like that? Or are you saying all of them? What page should I be looking at here?

Willing to bet a suburban white kid wrote this.

"ego-dystonic homosexuality n.
A psychosexual disorder in which an individual has persistent distress associated with same-sex preference and is unable to initiate or maintain heterosexual relationships, usually experiencing a strong need to change the behavior or, at least, to alleviate the distress associated with the homosexual preference."

I'm just lost on what that has to do with all gays having a mental illness. If you're going to skew terms and lie on the internet let me know so I can go back to doing nothing on my Friday

Pence co-sponsored the only American anti-anime law which is currently on the books so he's OK in my book


>PROTECT act and Manga[edit]
>Anime or manga that portray children engaged in sexual activities has been included in the PROTECT Act's prohibitions in several jurisdictions.[18] According to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund,[15] the PROTECT Act can be used to prosecute people who obtain Manga. According to Adler, Delohery, and Charles Brownstein,[19] "the current law raises concerns for creators, publishers, and collectors of various forms of entertainment (including, but not limited to, comics/manga, video games, and fine art)."


>I'm a crazy faggot
Oh, it shows.


>shit he found out I don't actually have an argument, guess I'll just use an ad hominem!
bg 2 ez

Not all schizophrenics commit mass shootings.

Does this mean that schizophrenics who don't commit mass shootings aren't mentally ill?

You don't have an argument. You haven't made the semblance of an argument. You've said "I disagree, citation needed, oh not that citation though, that's a bad one" without ever providing a single statement of your own. Over and over again.

Fuck you.

But user, schizophrenics are diagnosed from the start so they are mentally ill. That's a very bad false equivelance and also not an argument.

M8, he listed everything that homosexuals put themselves at risk of, and are more likely to have, with very good sources and citations, if the DSM doesn't classify it as a disorder, that's on them. Anyone else can see what it causes and see that it's not good.

Why is "I see purple elephants" a delusion but "I'm a woman trapped in a man's body" not a delusion?

Both are user. We're talking about gays, not trans "people". Try to stay on topic!

How do you think the VP copes with Trump's acceptance of fags?

How do you know "I'm sexually attracted to men" isn't a similar delusion?

Why do you think the rates of homosexuality among survivors of child molestation are so much higher than the general population?

Actually they do as he's vice president and the most you will ever accomplish in life is being a nigger who works at McDonalds

You exclusionary transphobic fuck, what's the difference between you and a bigot like Pence?

Not going to diasgree that they are more likely to have shit like AIDS, but that doesn't make them mentally I'll. Blame being a fucking moron and not realizing anal has a higher chance of aids transmission. But I mean fuck what the DSM says because that and psychology are Jewish tricks when they disagree with me.

You're probably right. I wonder (((who))) taught him to behave that way?

>Jewish tricks when they disagree with me.

They're Jewish tricks when they promote a lifestyle of perversion and self-loathing, degenerate.