World Peace was cancelled because Trump won. It was nothing more than an outlet for the "alt-right" to displace their feelings. Once Trump won it became irrelevant. Additionally, when Hillary lost, the "liberal side", especially the bosses holding the leashes of the "showbiz" Jews, started freaking out and striking wildly at anything unfriendly to them. The point is the cancellation was not personal against MDE, it is political censorship. People like Tim Heidecker have nothing to do with these things. They are servants. The entertainment industry is an important tool of governance and it doesn't work according to the whims of its servants. It works according to the political and financial needs of the establishment.
World Peace was cancelled because Trump won...
Other urls found in this thread:
It got cancelled because it was shit
It was cancelled because Sam Hyde is not very funny, that's all. He's probably as bad as Heicecker and Andre, and the problem here is that these two have their own programs, not that Sam doesn't have.
t. Ira Rothstein
pretty much yeah
You do know that Jews are the best humorists, right? Larry David, Philip Roth, Alex Ross Perry...
Hyde seems like he could be funny in person. He could be the organizer of the group, since he has become the face of it.
But it's the other guys, the guy who does the overworked doesn't give a shit teacher and the one who can't win if he doesn't play, even the angry boss guy, so everyone but Hyde, who are the talent.
A lot of Jews are funny due to their high IQ, sure. Larry David certainly
I watched The Color Wheel and thought it was annoying nu-male garbage
Where does this myth even come from?
Oh yeah, one set of tests from the sixties.
Jews who assimilate do not score higher or lower than other white people. Jews who don't assimilate score lower than other white people.
>A lot of Jews are funny due to their high IQ, sure. Larry David certainly
>one set of tests from the sixties
Lmao, no. There are plenty of other evidence of Jew intelligence
>While only about 2% of the U.S. population is of full Jewish descent,[2] 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century,[2][3] 25% of Fields Medal winners,[4] 25% of ACM Turing Award winners,[2] 9 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Jewish ancestry.[4]
>Lmao, no. There are plenty of other evidence of Jew intelligence
Like? Winning prizes?
Jews are COSMOPOLITAN, so they do a lot of things that become famous.
Hiya Sammy, long time no see. I was looking through the archives a bit and noticed you were really posting a lot these past few days, especially last Sunday. I think it's kind of sad that someone would post videos and threads of themselves all day on their birthday. Did you have a party? Did you invite anyone to go? Because it would be mean if you invited people to your birthday party only to post on Sup Forums. Is it weird at 32 years old having no one to talk to and using Sup Forums as an outlet for human contact on your birthday? I'll give you time to really think it over.
Ashkenazi Khazars, Edomites, life-time members of the synagogue of satan, indigenous people of the caucas caves, and descendants of Esau (red and hairy). Historically, they mated with the fallen angels (satan's off spring). Consequently, they are the serpent's off springs, non-humans. Hence, their strange appearances, inhumane behaviors, and barbaric desire to kill, steal from, and attempt to destroy the chosen people of the Creator, or the indigenous people of Jerusalem (Israelites). Earth has been bamboozled and deceived by those barbarians. So, how can anyone be anti-semitic to people who aren't semitic at all?
Do you even know what the Fields Medal is you little shit? People don't go after it for "fame".
Actually, The Color Wheel is a great movie. Watch Listen Up Philip too.
He is involved with the best people that emerged from Mumblecore, such as Bob Byington, but you'll probably hate him as well.
Funny Jews mock everything, mostly themselves. See the mohel episode on Seinfeld or anything from Curb.
Even this Christian Jew is funny lol
People who are economically privileged and internationally connected are more likely to win prizes like that one.
The average Jewish person is not even close to one standard deviation from average non-Jewish person, if there is any difference at all.
Ashkenazi, not Jewish.
>only about 2% of the U.S. population is of full Jewish descent
0% of any population is of "full Jewish descent." They're the most mongrelized people on the face of the earth.
Do you think cannot be both? Why?
>0% of any population is of "full Jewish descent." They're the most mongrelized people on the face of the earth.
Well, that's true, they are always looking for the best genes to reproduce with.
Or maybe it was cancelled cause it's a shit show that no one ever heard of?
Mumblecore shouldn't even exist as a genre, it's just a word to describe puerile New Yorkian hipster garbage made by upper-middle class cunts with zero life experience
My point is: the smart ones are Ashkenazi Jewish, not only Jewish. The Ashkenazi part is what makes the difference, their average IQ is 115, Sephardis have 96 IQ.
You don't invent new mathematics just with economic privilege and good work ethic. You need high IQ. And tests indicate a 10-15 average IQ difference to whites, which is very significant.
If you want to compare ethnoreligious groups then White American Catholics and Anglicans outscore that on average by 5-6 points.
The tests being referenced are from decades ago.
Have you watched Somebody Up There Likes Me? The Pleasure of Being Robbed? RSO? Mutual Appreciation? Happy Christmas? Quiet City? Funny Ha Ha? Heaven Knows What?
The only problem with Mumblecore is the movement hijacking performed by Duplass Brothers, and ten years from now you'll say "mumblecore" and people will think about them instead of Byington and ARP or SPR
Do you have a new one? Any tests about Gentile geniuses?
Or check Ireland. We were measured at 97 when the odds were stacked against us, the poorest part of the western world. A comprehensive test today would definitely put us at 115.
Sam Hyde is hilarious, and his AS show was canned due to Turner being Liberal faggots who can't take somebody's opinion. Fucking SJW shills who vote for Hilary, gross.
Are you saying that White Anglicans and Catholics have an average 121 IQ? Any source?
It was a conservative canceling. They were losing advertisers, not receiving letters of complaint, or trying to maintain an image.
That's cause (((they))) put a moratorium on studying IQ differences after the Bell Curve controversy
Too close to the real thing to be satire.
Oops replied to wrong post.
Anyway, average IQ isn't all you have to consider. You also have to factor in the bell curve. Jewish communities have a higher proportion of profoundly retarded and mentally ill members. That's the price you pay for increased neurodiversity.
Also you have to consider that IQ tests are artificially manipulated to exclude differences between men and women. Jewish women might actually be inflating that score, and a woman with a high IQ is like a fish with a bicycle.
Also IQ is only 80% genetic. Jews live in wealth a privilege most people can't even imagine. So subtract 20% from that 115 to account for environment and you'll probably be closer to their inherent genetic intelligence.
Jews should be gassed, you fucking kike-lover.
t. Reddit shitskin
That Indian guy said that in five years that will exist undeniable proof of genetic superiority, so don't worry.
So you don't have a link that shows Jewish people score higher on IQ tests?
I still can't believe how much he hyped up his appearance at HWNDU only for him to just do this all day. What a let down.
Yes I saw a study that broke American IQ down by religious affiliation and ethnicity and those groups scored that highly. White Atheists were between them and Jews, and evangelicals and fundamentalists scored okay without being weighed down by blacks. I'd have to google to find it again but no time right now. You could probably find it as easily as I could.
Anybody see Sam Hyde's appearance on The Dick Show?
Hey Sam just wondering if you get upset when AS won't even rerun your show on their 4 am slot? I mean they run shows fron 2008 and shows that no one has ever heard of, just wondering if you are confused why the network that gave you a chance won't even give you a tiny bit of money to rerun your show?
Charles Murray (The Bell Curve), J.P. Rushton and Cochran all found high average IQ for Ashkenazis. I don't have the sources handy but surely they're out there if you're interested.
>Also IQ is only 80% genetic. Jews live in wealth a privilege most people can't even imagine. So subtract 20% from that 115 to account for environment and you'll probably be closer to their inherent genetic intelligence.
I live in a place where Jews came as poor immigrants in the end of the 19th century, fleeing mostly from Russia. The first and second generation had bad jobs, but nowadays everyone in the Jewish community is well off, most Jews are Physicians, Lawyers or Advertisers.
Why did they evolve and other ethnicities stay poor? What is the difference? Are you saying that Jews work harder than other races? That doesn't seem to be true to me, everyone works hard.
The real difference is IQ.
Thanks, I'll try to find it.
>Why did they evolve and other ethnicities stay poor? What is the difference? Are you saying that Jews work harder than other races? That doesn't seem to be true to me, everyone works hard.
Jewish communities were not as thoroughly destroyed before they were assimilated, they assimilated as a community. This makes them unique among immigrants, except for Old Chinese migrants.
The difference is that they look out for each despite what the government says. Other minorities often make the mistake of thinking the law applies to everyone equally, Jews almost always know better.
Nepotism and tribalism. Jews look out after Jews. They are on constant guard for their community, and they actively try to hurt everyone who isn't Jewish in any way they can. Everyone else is busy fighting a war of all against all, where no one has any loyalty to anything, in large part because of efforts mentioned above. Atomized individuals are weak both as individuals and as communities.
Blacks don't look out after Blacks? They are a very strong community where I live, but because of their low IQ they are not working as physicians or lawyers, they are mostly on blue collar jobs.
IQ is the difference, face it.
ratings were fine and it was very entertaining. Even my normie friends liked it whille hating sam hyde for the most part outside of the show and a few choice videos.
Blacks started from less than nothing, not even a community.
Jewish migrants joined Jewish communities.
I don't believe normals liked White Phosphor. Which bit did they pretend to like? World without women, right?
Yes they did, but they were not rich, they were the same as blacks back then. Are you denying the importance of IQ?
World Peace was cancelled because Sam was a retard on Twitter
IQ is obviously the main difference between blacks and Jews as well as blacks and whites, but socioeconomic status is the difference between Jews and whites. Jews have a genetic basement of 93, which is 13 points higher than the average black IQ which is probably close to their basement since they're mostly poor, while whites probably have the same basement as Jews but there are a lot of poor whites meaning that they haven't reached their potential like Jews have. Whites probably have a genetic basement around 95 with a 5 point environmental bonus since so many are middle class.
Some of them were rich. Most of them joined existing Jewish communities. Black people had to start from scratch upon emancipation.
>Are you denying the importance of IQ?
Of IQ in particular or of intelligence?
It really is pretty funny seeing a bunch of jews talk about how important racial differences in IQ are when people point out that they aren't actually that special.
But either way, it was literally jewish people who got the show taken off air. World Peace would have gotten a second season if it wasn't for 'Blockhead' Joe Bernstein.
WP could make a second season and get paid if they set up a site to do it.
it's not some big conspiracy. no one gives that much of a fuck about your second rate adult swim show.
it got cancelled because sam consistently and intentionally pissed off the people who gave him his outlet in the first place. that's it. mde was a headache to deal with and while world peace had decent ratings, they can get similar numbers from any show if they place it after eric andre. that's just how the world works, you weigh up what you bring to the table with what you take away. I'm sure hypercapitalist trump fans like mde would understand
It's Sam's dumbass fault for going after the guy. He wasn't even funny, he underestimated how influential the guy could be to getting his show taken off the air and acted like a cunt.
Sam routinely makes horribly poor decisions, stop crying when it bites him in the ass.
Producers probably own the rights.
>some jew calls sam so he can write a hit piece on him(he had already written similar hit jobs in the past)
>sam reks him on youtube
>somehow this means its okay that his show was cancelled
Nah, Joe was planning on taking him down before the interview happened. Do you really think Joe Bernstein was going to give him a fair, even-handed interview? You need to do some reading, friendo.
No. It was canceled because twitter activists led by a buzzfeed writer made a stink about it. This was backed by well connected names at Cartoon Network/Adult Swim like Tim Heidecker. There was a smear campaign replete with all sorts of accusations like "hidden swastikas" and so forth. The big wigs decided they didn't want to deal with that and just decided to part ways.
Knowing that, why wouldn't Sam be more careful? Or just avoid the interview entirely?
No, I'm saying Sam was fucked no matter what. Anonymous edgelords who spew stormfront shit make up almost the entire fanbase, and that shit makes AS nervous because advertisers could drop out.
>Knowing that, why wouldn't Sam be more careful? Or just avoid the interview entirely?
Because he's fucking autistic and surrounds himself with dweebs who worship him. He thought he could get away with it, and that his show was more successful than it was. In truth his show was performing at replacement level and CN will take someone who kisses their ass over someone who attacks them any day of the week.