sam hyde banned on twitter
what went wrong?
sam hyde banned on twitter
what went wrong?
hopefully mods permaban you on here too. stop shilling your edgy gay ass shit sam.
That's actually what went right
Poor Sam. When will he catch a break?
twitter should start banning attention whores. it would actually make the site more bearable without all the people trying to start shit
*blocks your path*
twitter should just shut down. it's ruined america
Could he BE anymore JUST?
If they did then 99% of their userbase would be banned
>In a self defense situation
On Sup Forums Hyde posting would be a perma ban offense.
I just so distraught.
why do cucks want harsher moderation? I thought you guys came here because reddit had censorship. unless maybe i'm being trollered???
>show cancelled
>no healthcare
>destroyed live on air by heidecker
>banned from twitter
>reduced to starting threads about himself on Sup Forums
>what went wrong?
what didn't?
What would Twitter be without attention whores? Small time comedians tweeting their tour dates?
pathetic oil wretched zionist
They are proving his point by banning him. If what he had to say was wrong, they wouldn't care about it.
he's not even remotely funny guys, stop hyde posting
I think he's breaking down. Jewish money can make you do that. 100% he regrets shit he said and done and wants his show back badly.
He looks like a fat retarded Elijah Wood in OP pic
Bitter election losers still trying to silence the loudest voices that conflict against the virtue signalling, politically correct status quo. What they haven't realized is that were still a silent majority and censoring our front liners just makes that majority grow. I can post comfortably knowing that every person behind a Sam hate post is probably some sad, fat cucked Hillary supporter. Yes, winning is good.
He will not divide us, right fellow kids?
Hows that swamp draining going? Is hillary in jail yet? Is America great again yet?
I hope the Mods ban the fuck out you here too Sam, just kys
>Hows that swamp draining going?
It already happened.
>Is hillary in jail yet?
Yes, the prison of being an irrelevant loser.
>Is America great again yet?
We're bombing sand niggers and deporting spics. You tell me.
we're getting there, yurobro
His youtube page could get shut down.
>We're bombing sand niggers
Oh yeah? In Syria right? What did he say about doing that again?
The fucking ass hurt of this post. Holy shit. Consider suicide Sam.
Doesn't matter. There's 90+ dead sand niggers in the ground. You mad sweetie?
we're gonna bomb the shit out of them
>We're bombing sand niggers and deporting spics.
>he thinks Obama didn't break records for both
It would be hilarious
Triggered. I love these threads because the libcucks congregate for easy (You)s.
what records
that's next
I love how reddit Sup Forumstards think responding to someone is giving them a like. you don't belong here
>no argument
>Doesn't matter.
> the President straight up lying to his base doesn't matter
How's it like being a cuck?
That's not what I was implying at all sweetie, I was implying that you're mad. Keep replying.
ask your dad
thedonald cancer
The vast, vast majority of the country would have no interest in Sam Hyde, he's trash
The reddit/poltard asshurt that would ensue. Holy shit. This place would become uninhabitable for at least a week.
I would stand by you Sam, but lost causes depress me.
No need. You're capable of answering.
your newfag is showing
What's the point of even doing that? I'm not going to look and see who you're talking to
>libcucks post these threads
>libcucks inhabit these threads
>libcucks get triggered in these threads
It would be a funposting for me for at least a week. Still so flustered after the election. Still posting about Sam Hyde, when even his fanbase doesn't give a shit anymore. Thanks for the entertainment. 8 years.
So, MDE's basically dead, right?
He's done nothing since the show's been cancelled, effectively letting it die. Shit posting, resulting in a ban, doesn't count either.
I like MDE, but god damn is he dumb. Hell, even Charls left that sinking ship and found his own thing, and Nick's been doing that antique store. I guess he's got money from that book, dunno how long that'll last.
>WE'RE reddit
Think again sweetie :)
nu-Sup Forums is the absolute worst
Donald J. Trump is the president, not a Sup Forums poster. This is not an argument sweetie.
honestly i have fuckin loved mde for so long and world peace was so fuckin amazing but i am so sick of this shit
sam is getting exactly what he deserves
HoLy FuCk!!!! Epic ironic picture shows how BLUNPF = REDDIT & poltards destroyed!!!! Epic funny picture PROVES fascist reddit pissbabies wrong!!!
Go back to r/The_Donald
How'd the Arby's interview go sam?
How do you Redditors survive on this website getting trolled all day in and out
Fuck yeah dude, I rember when Sup Forums was completely leftist before it got fucken co opted by the Russian hacker spies. Join me on r/marchagainsttrump
How can I trigger sweeties this easily?
Because only conservatives get banned on these sites
>Your mother sucked my dick last night, she's a grade A whore!
>Whoa why you getting upset bro? If I was wrong you wouldn't care about it!
How'd the election go libcuck?
Haha they are from reddit and not me, shhh shut up trumpkins I'm not from reddit please guys shhh
Hiya Sammy, long time no see. I was looking through the archives a bit and noticed you were really posting a lot these past few days, especially last Sunday. I think it's kind of sad that someone would post videos and threads of themselves all day on their birthday. Did you have a party? Did you invite anyone to go? Because it would be mean if you invited people to your birthday party only to post on Sup Forums. Is it weird at 32 years old having no one to talk to and using Sup Forums as an outlet for human contact on your birthday? I'll give you time to really think it over.
Hey, checked your IP and you're the one that started this false flag thread. Can you stop spamming the board because you lost the election?
>show cancelled
do people (ie. not niggers) get mad over these obvious wind-up jobs?
Every day before I go to sleep I think about those FUCKING thedonald trumpkins, and how they're such FUCKING Reddit, and my hand clenches into a fist and my face starts reddening up and I kind of throw a temper tantrum, but at least I'm not a fucking Reddit trumpkin. haha well actually I do browse Reddit a little but only for r/againsttrump image macro & cool memes
>Some loser youtuber
>Trump winning the election
Winning sweetie... :)
Had he just stayed off twitter and ignored liberal journalists writing hit pieces he probably would have gotten a season 2
>what went wrong?
You didn't protect him, OP. You didn't protect his smile.
Why do you people worship this insufferable cunt?
How does it feel to live every day knowing you look and act exactly like this?
You are Reddit incarnate
this is good shit
Hahaha he is farty and sweaty!!! Ugly man with lots of words around him .Jpg is the perfect representation of my mortal rivals... Thats why I spent 2 hours making a meme no one will read....
How does it feel to be mad right now loser? Tell me sweetie...
what the fuck did he mean by this?
Okay, reading your little image you seem to be criticizing the people that are still with Trump no matter how much he plays into (((their))) agenda... I actually agree with you dude, carry on haha
This post triggered a lot of Sup Forumseddit. Well done.
>Tim's voice literally cracking/shaking on the phone.
Pretty obvious it was his call. And good for Sam for having the balls to confront him about it directly. If only Tim had also had the balls to admit it. I know which one I revere.
thats already happened like twice
hourly thread where we all pretend to hate sam hyde again? ok.
I guess that means conservatives are more likely to be bad people
What if the websites are the bad people?
Really gets that noggin joggin'
How is the health insurance situation going for you Sam? Now that Trump is president I'm sure you have some, right?
HGAHA Epik Trump peepee keeps LIBERALS out!! fuckin liberals destroyed... heh yea I watch sam hyde, i'll defend him all day on imageboards.. what do u mean jewish question shut up fuckin bigot isreal is based Sam wouldnt approve of this shut up shut up
Time to get off Sup Forums, Sam.
How is the being a fat unfunny washed up loser Tim? Did it bother you someone else was on the cutting edge matching Eric Andre's ratings? When are you going to make something with comedic value again?
>show cancelled
>can't pay for health insurance
>banned from twitter