Bernice Summerfield Edition
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Bernice Summerfield Edition
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Benny thread? Now we _really_ need a drinking game.
>Take 1 shot when you post.
>Take 1 shot when someone else posts.
>Stop posting when you pass out.
If Doctor Who took place in the Pokemon universe, what would each of the Doctors' Pokemon teams look like?
Third for Irving Braxiatel
9/10 themes are spookykino
11s theme is repetitive
12's theme is dramakino
10 weeks till Simm
simm's in the 3 parter though
>reminder that the finale title 'the doctor falls' is a placeholder title
Oh, that's interesting. I'd like to see the source for this.
You do have one, don't you, user?
>11s theme is repetitive
Yeah but it's so catchy, how can you mind?
>If Doctor Who took place in the Pokemon universe
>implying it doesn't
>how can you mind?
when it's overused in every single episode
12's theme is in practically all of his episodes too, but it's more subtle and nowhere near as overbearing
>12's theme
Too bad that the two characters are completely unrelated
Still waiting on that source,
>Still waiting on that source,
It's not an actual claim, it's one of those things that someone randomly guessed one day and now gets posted over and over for no reason.
The melody is much more subtle in the sense that it's slower and not fast paced
>Too bad that the two characters are completely unrelated
What's your source on that? Because it looks like a pretty obvious homage. Admittedly I haven't played the game.
you mean like heather being bill's girlfriend?
Looker is such a hilariously obvious Tenth Doctor reference, I've played all the games he's shown up in.
Was just scrolling through my cloud drive, feeling sentimental and sort of down. I'd saved this over two years ago.
From SJA's pilot, Invasion of the Bane.
God, I'll never figure any of this out. But I'll never stop running. I hope everyone's doing well tonight, /who/.
My life is nosediving at the moment and I draw for the thread so I can distract and ground myself from my very real life issues :^)
delet this
I feel like shit desu
Probably the wiki page which has a more likely explanation for what he's based off? Why would the Japanese base a side character off one of the main characters from a British tv show?
Lots of things are changed when they're translated for a more western audience, they add a lot of sneaky references. If GAMEFREAK didn't intend for something to be a reference, the english translators certainly did.
He looks so fucking hot wet it is making me wet
eliminate this
Could it be that you're craving his mcnuggies?
I mean I guess he kind of looks like this guy, but he looks a lot more like 10. And there's also the whole mysterious name thing.
>Why would the Japanese base a side character off one of the main characters from a British tv show?
I don't know, why would American shows have references to anime?
From what I recall, Japan thought Doctor Who was too weird to latch onto (they prefer British detective shows like Poirot), so it'd be odd for a mainstream game company to reference an obscure show from their perspective.
People love throwing Doctor Who references in shit where they have no reason to be in the first place
Again, if it wasn't intentional by GAMEFREAK, there was most likely more than one person in on the joke in Nintendo America's translation/westernization team.
Japan loves the fuck out of both Brett and Cumberbatch Sherlock, but they couldn't give less of a fuck about Doctor Who according to this DVD chart.
I found it to be a comforting post.
It might not be as mainstream over there but there is still a following. They do some really unique art for the books. Pic related, it's an Auton.
>Space: 1999 more popular than Doctor Who
Okay, you may be right.
it's a depressing reality
Also Daleks are eggs.
There's something about Doctor Who that makes it a great reference outside the UK (and Aus/NZ and a few other places). When the Simpsons needed a "spirit of British television" throwaway character, they used the (Fourth) Doctor, not someone from any of the British shows that had actually gotten onto (or been adapted for) commercial TV.
And I think it's the fact that everyone recognises Doctor Who, even though almost nobody actually watches it or knows all that much about it.
That's changed a bit with NuWho, but there's still only a few million Americans who watched any given episode of S2-4, and yet the majority of (at least video-game-playing) Americans will recognise his quirks and gimmicks as being "that Doctor Who guy".
>not using the most obvious image
It's strange. Doctor Who does pretty well in South Korea, but why not in Japan?
Yeah, but at least you know it's not just you.
Is Dr Who good? Need a show to watch
It's shit, but less shit than everything else airing on TV.
depends how much of a tolerance you have for the shit moments and generally bad CGI
Stop falling for this copypasta you dingalings
I haven't seen this one because I don't watch the anime but haha who is responsible for this, he looks even more like Ten than he does in the games
Here is the art request from yesterday
>"Clara arm-wrestling Bill. While Me looks on."
You'd think "average girl meets a wacky, charming man, and they go on adventures in other worlds together" would appeal to the light novel audience.
It's from an internet short the Pokemon Youtube released.
>just fucking punts the pokemon in the goddamn face
Damn, when did Pokemon start looking kino?
I think some of it is just that there's no room for widespread Britfaggery in Japanese culture. Japan so thoroughly embraced American imports for so long that the two stock positions are loving American stuff or not liking any Western stuff. This is a lot less true today than a couple decades ago (because now you'd be rebelling against granddad instead of dad by rejecting Western imports, and who wants to rebel against granddad?), but it's still left its mark.
But also, Japan and Korea are a lot more different from inside than from outside. Certainly more different than Canada vs. America, and nobody is surprised that Canada has always had Doctor Who as part of their culture and America hasn't.
Also, not wanting to racistly imply that all Japanese are racist or anything, but sometimes things that are popular in Korea seem to be not popular in Japan specifically because they're thought of as "that thing Koreans like". Like Starcraft.
wake up /who/!
>Don't die /who/
Not the best way to wake people up. They always look so comfy, I just want to go take a nap too.
Look at how precisely his hair matches up to Ten's.
Even the Doctor fucks up sometimes, user. Nobody is perfect. It's going to be okay.
The Doctor never starts over. He regenerates and takes with him all the good and the bad from his past and tries to find new ways to be good. The TV show does the same thing. Sarah Jane never started over either, or went backward (and when she did, it almost destroyed the universe…). She just kept finding the best way to go forward from where she was.
You can do that too. Right up until the end (by which point you'll have a lot more to look back on than you do today, so it won't seem as tragic), there's always new ways forward that are far more important than the ways behind.
>I'm scared to face the Doctor tomorrow
are you on the spectrum?
why are you drinking? Why do you have alcohol around if you want to not drink?
It does. The 12th Doctor flooded the downstairs with Pokémon, remember?
they were just holograms
So Rory was right all along!
Pokemon is not the same universe as Doctor Who, and is just a game franchise there the same way as in our universe. But the Doctor actually somehow released real Pokemon anyway, even though it's impossible.
And this means hundreds of Pokemon Go players got the signal telling them to go there to collect new Pokemon for their game, only to arrive and find that there were real-live Pokemon running around and fighting each other.
That's as hilarious an image as it is implausible.
And that's why it's the only true interpretation of the line.
We all fall or falter sometimes. Sometimes it takes longer to get up. What matters is we dust ourselves off and get up eventually. IIRC the Doctor wasn't the best of students, and we've seen him fuck off on responsibility. I don't think he'd hold a night against you and everyone needs a break once in awhile. So long as you try to be kind I think he'd be quite proud of you. Chin up user.
Delivering another art request for user from the queue
>"Eight carrying Fitz out of a fire."
chronological user here.
best get in a while.
holy fuck, Journeys end really shits the bed about half way through and only gets worse.
you don't deserve this
Stop wasting meme digits you fucking tumblr degenerates
D'aw, Cloister buddy.
Don't listen to these two, they're just jealous
new request, fitz carrying 8 into a fire.
At some point, you have to stop watching Journey's End for the story and just go back and start over and take whatever drugs are necessary to get you into the headspace of RTD (or maybe even Gary Russell), where a reunion between Sarah Jane and Davros is the greatest thing that could ever happen.
Or just stop watching it full stop and imagine your own story for how they're going to get out of the mess RTD has written himself into.
Is this now a get thread?
You tell me
Thanks! I was kind of expecting the more Tiggerish Eight here, but I think it's actually better the way you do did it. (And you probably have no idea of the distinction between the different EDA eras in the first place, but that's fine.)
I have no idea why that's hilarious, but it is.
Still better than /who/
sec, will deliver
Damn the Japs sure like their David Tennant.
>the one time /who/ gets a get it's not a doctor number
You mean Debiddotenanto?
Nonsense, #0 is the Other.
Cartmel's Master Plan has finally come to fruition, here on Sup Forums.
Who ready for ehhhh it was alright I guesskino
I thought he only messed with Pokemon Go's servers, making rare shit appear downstairs.
That's the most rational, sensible interpretation. It's just not nearly as much fun. And which one of those is more important for Doctor Who?
you're not getting out of posting your dick by framing mediocre as kino, user
This would be the most logical assumption if it weren't for the fact that pogo does not factor in altitude, so downstairs would be no different to higher floors
I'm sorry, I'm only familiar with Eight's movie, his minisode, and some of his BF audio plays :(
everything that matters then.
Why did people like The Pilot?
Everyone who didn't like it has given reasons and everyone who did like it can only bring up the lesbian puddle. Is there anything else that was good about it or was it just because of that qt3.14 Heather?
The novels really are worth reading (with some judicious skipping…), but if you listened to Caerdroia, you've got everything you need to know about how his character wildly diverges and yet they're all still McGann, done better than Lloyd Rose or anyone else ever pulled it off in the novels.
Anyway, your drawing works whether you know any of that or not, so it doesn't matter. Death of the author and all that bullshit, right?
exquisite get