>politics cant be ki-
Politics cant be ki-
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i don't hate women or anything but this is fucking hot i want to see them fuck after this
I would unironically let her use my face as her own personal hairy pussy resting stand. Can only imagine the hideously sweet smell of girl sweat and pussy juice mixed together
it would be hotter if he was a more athletic race
This meme isn't funny.
all the times they show some right wingers beat someone is either some old guy or a woman, or a guy vs 5 of them.
why are they such cowards?
Jews really fucked up white society. In a normal society both would be married to each other and would have had 5 beautiful little white children. RIP white people.
>blonde hair and blue eyes
Moldylocks' porn is disgusting.
Someone please post the webM of that glorious blond hulk just going berserk and bashing the face of everyone in his way.
>jesus will judge you on sweater as he gangs up on some manlet
ew 2bh
you mean a shitskin, right?
Don't have the WebM, but I have a screencap.
He's so beautiful.
Do you think there's a way to come back for people like her? What about for people who browse Sup Forums? Or are we doomed to degeneracy forever?
roastie antifa btfo
S...source on the lower right pics?
>hairy vagina is bad
Shaved vaginas are the minority plus I don't eat vagina because i'm not a fag so i don't care.
but wait, she used to be cute..
*block your path*
you sound like a beta faggot mate. he punched a hippie who was waving a bottle around looking for a fight. so what. she's female? and? antifa are absolute fucking scum. Most violent, most cowardly, most hypocritical, most vindictive and vicious who cry the loudest when they get BTFO and bitch boys like you defend them. Pathetic. Aslo, I wouldn't advise getting all your news from just one source. Try not being dumb, OK?
you will run out of vpns
found a vid,\ he and Based Stick-Man are the true heroes of the Battle of Berkeley
>you will never cum in a hairy crust punk looking qts pussy
Why even live lads? Where can I find a chick like her
I bet her feet stink like the heavens
Isn't there footage of that same guy running away from a skinhead a foot taller than him?
Will they ever learn lads?
Still would even though she probably reeks of 10 week Hoagie
Better than any civil war fight scene.
>lol punching women is strong
pos has a nasty ass tat on his elbow too. how classy.
You alt right idiots need to leave
fuck you bigots I'm coming to get you
>Act stupid and beg other stupid people to come and fight you
>Nature takes its course
Watching this from afar and not being poor must be what its like to be Jewish.
I actually enjoy watching sweden burn
fuck em.
she makes me so horny!
So, was she throwing glass bottles?
Wait a sec, she's culturally appropriating dreadlocks. She needs to check her privilege.
>Sacrifice gallons of semen over the course of years to ATK Hairy
>This happens
>Sup Forumsposters posting her everywhere to try to discredit the left
Hnnnnnnnnngh. This is almost as good as the time I found one of the chicks from ATKHairy did some snuff porn. Unfortunately it wasn't one of the good studios so it was kinda shit, and she was shaved sadly.
based pusyposter
He's a literal neo-Nazi faggot manlet who walks around with a facial expression like he needs to take a shit all the time. If anything, he's worse.
Fuck off you delusional redditor
>he punched a hippie who was waving a bottle around looking for a fight
I don't see any bottle
>Trump supporters chimping out and beating up women who will run into the loving tender arms of black men
Really gets the ol' cogitator strumming.
Should an officer of the law assault a suspect?
Every action by a police officer reflects on the entire force. They were either ordered to do something immoral or they did something immoral without repercussions.
You cannot say the same for protestors. Any individual protestor is responsible only for their own actions.
And yet when protests happen and a protestor breaks any law, the whole body of protestors is demonized by the liberal media, if an individual police officer breaks the law, we're lucky to have their name on TV.
That's a black person you fucking racist
I met these guys, they were huge fags.
Fuck off reddit or get redpilled
you guys are fucking faggots.
source for sure
of course he's a manlet lmao
College really fucks women up
she had one before the webm starts
Funny how it's in pictures but not the actual video
Too hard to shop shit in to videos and make it look believable huh?
It's incredibly pathetic that one of Sup Forumss proudest moments is someone sucker punching a 90 pound woman
That was no sucker punch, she saw that shit coming.
hey thats pretty good
>Dirty hippies with blown out pussy
And nothing of value was lost
It was two separate incidents
There are many photos of her holding the bottle.
>sucker punch
Yeah, no.
A) She came there to fight according to her SM
B) She had interviews there where she confessed to fighting
C) Moments before she was seen throwing shit and had a bottle in her hand to glass someone
D) She was just about to jump into the nearby scrap to fight
E) She's essentially unharmed and recovered completely
F) Meanwhile antifa actually used m80s and bikelocks AND intentionally pulled people out of crowds to dogpile.
Hate to tell ya but Sup Forums is right again and antifa are far worse than supposed neonazis.
Your reaction is exactly why that's all they ever show and not the other fights where it's dudes brawling
It's wrong to fight for your beliefs.
>Sorry I wasn't there for ya babe, I heard someone say there are only two genders and I couldn't let that shit slide.
I'm an anarchist and I don't see what all the fuss is about.
She went there for a fight.
She got a fight.
If you think people should stop in the middle of a brawl to decide whether it's ok or not to punch someone then you definitely shouldn't be in one. Unless you're an effeminate nazi and then I will enjoy pounding your twink ass. ;^)
>one of Sup Forumss proudest moments
not even close desu
What the fuck even is antifascism?
Are they lefties, or just crazy people?
they're anarcho-communists aka proponents of literally the most retarded ideology in history
it's a reuters photo, sadly it's true
Radical leftist bums who squat in abandoned buildings (which sometimes burn down from pirated electricity, killing dozens of them, pic related) and organize chimpouts on Facebook. The European variety are pretty formidable, but the American ones are just a few hundred combined in major cities who posture themselves by ganging up on people but are having more and more trouble dealing with growing right-wing retaliation and cops who aren't given stand-down orders from retarded mayors.
how did I miss this meme
Fash Gordon?
That's amazing.
finnally i was looking for a thread on metaironic meme politics and drumpfkin/reddit insults
finnally Sup Forums is great again
but my knowledge only comes from webms I see posted here or on Sup Forums
they fight nonexistent nazis
Yes it is wrong to beat up people you disagree with if that's what you mean.
Or do you really want to rationalize people starting literal race wars? Or for retarded anti-abortionists or anti-vac people going after parents?
Most of them are fucking crazy yes. A lot of them are either communist or anarchist and a lot of them justify violence by saying they're fighting fascists.
To them fascist = a trump supporter, a white nationalist, a neo-nazi, or ANYONE that doesn't actively attack those people.
Do alt righters live under rocks and not recognize lines from very popular Tarantino movies?
>t. Trudeau
Another white male chimping out again. I really hope the jews finally get rid of white """"""""""""people"""""""""""".
that bitch deserves it
as we all know cultural appropriating dreadlocks from black people IS THE MOST RACIST crime!!
why are white females so evil?
If you watch the actual video and not just the webm thanks for no audio moot you can clearly hear glass breaking when she hits the ground
Oh it was horrible there were dreadlocks everywhere!
>Are they lefties, or just crazy people?
noble heroes that would of stopped ww2 if they were in germany in the 1930's.
Buff Drinklots
>just now americans are realizing what antifa is
this has been going for like 20 years and it is just an excuse for people to fight for, just like hooliganism