All terrain armored transport

>all terrain armored transport

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Then why mostly AT-ST's on Endor?
>only AT-AT around cleared base.

>can't defend behind itself

What the fuck were they thinking. Such a dumb design.

Oh, right... it was made purely as a plot piece, just like everything else in Star Wars. Bravo Lucas.

TIL: Luke rode in an AT-AT to see Vader.

wonder if he sat up front?

I wish they would just lop the legs off and make it fly.

There was a version that could float like a landspeeder in the EU before they nixed it.

Because their heads would be above the canopy.


>those weirdos who say AT-AT phonetically.

No, it's a fear tactic. A lumbering, metallic beast to quell backwater planets intent on uprising.

I literally hate those fags, how do they pronounce the AT ST? Atsts?


all terrain, scout transport

god bless the models from these movies

That's eu retcon bs to justify retarded design choices. Why did Star destroyers have the bridge in an exposed location? The real reason is that it was cool and George Lucas didn't give a shit.

>chicken walker

Do people actually do this?


>pronouncing like they do in the movie is bad

i find it really funny that the clone era vehicles seem better and more well designed overall than imperial ones

In a setting with flying craft, why would you ever need an unmaneuverable land vehicle? Especially for troop transport where speed is essential

Cause they are trying to scare people.

Flying craft don't work through shields. Look at the trade fed repulsor tanks, they shorted out going through shields and were left vulnerable while restarting. If the Gungans had actual heavy weapons they would have been massacred. Walkers don't get affected by shields and keep on fighting. Note that the first order of business was dropping the shield and then they start bringing in the flying ships

>that AT-ST sweeping the streets of insurgent filth on Jedha in Rogue One

Dick was diamonds.

In general? Not flying means you're not as constrained by mass so you can put more armour/shields/weapons on to help penetrate heavily-defended installations.

AT-ATs are retarded though because there's so many points of failure that they're probably even easier to take out than flying transports.

I was always thought the thing was designed to avoid mines or explosives on ground.

As someone who does pronounce AT-AT phonetically, I don't do it for any of the other walkers. Only AT-ATs get the privilege.

Posting a superior walker design here

As retarded as they are, I have a thing for moving fortresses.

Which movie do they say "atat?" I never hear them say "Ayy-Tee-Ayy-Tee" either, but that at least isn't retarded.

>it can be defeated with a cable

>complaining the design of a giant robot in a children's movie about space wizards isn't 100% practical

Legitimate autism

40k is king of moving fortresses


I'm already too old for these fucking acronyms in my 20's.

To offshoot the AT-AT, post PRACTICAL sci-fi weapons

what was the point of the death star when they already had super star destroyers?

When I was little, I always thought they were talking inside the AT-AT here. I figured Vader walked into the AT-AT from the landing pad

Keep in mind, AT-ATs are TRANSPORTs, basically overgrown IFVs (pic related). That they carry the firepower they do and armor they have is abnormal. Imagine a proper Imperial main battle tank.

My friend, we are all plot pieces.

>people will defend epV


It's how they say it in Empire so fuck everybody who doesn't.

>all-terrain as long as that terrain is a perfectly flat plane

proper Imperial tanks exist(ed) in EU

diagnosis: autism

Because it can't obliterate a planet with a single shot.
Remember the DS wasn't meant to be just a weapon, it was supposed to be a tool of fear.

i mean if a ship a thousand times the size of any other capital class ship busts out of hyperspace isnt enough of a fear factor maybe they should come up with another tactic

fucking everything existed in the EU, sheev trained luke as a dark jedi in the EU.

that the roci?

I didn't know they had a rail gun (?) up there by the front.


that look like the vehicle that the imperial had on jeddha , whose commander get shot

I think a final battle between the Solo siblings would have made for really good film. That's one good thing I can think of that would have been cool from the EU

Luke, did I ever tell you about your clone Luuke Skywalker?

Luuke Skywalker was a genetic clone of the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, grown from cells extracted from the hand Skywalker lost during his duel with the Dark Lord Darth Vader on Cloud City. Skywalker's hand and lightsaber were recovered by Vader and taken to Emperor Palpatine's Mount Tantiss storehouse on the planet Wayland. In 9 ABY, the insane clone Jedi Master Joruus C'baoth performed a mind trick on Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn's subordinate, Captain Gilad Pellaeon, ordering him to make a special clone for him. The clone that later became Luuke Skywalker was grown in secret from sample B-2332-54, the sorting code assigned to Luke Skywalker's hand. The clone was grown in a Spaarti cloning cylinder over the period of less than a month. When he was ready, the clone was given Jedi training by C'baoth and over time became little more than an extension of C'baoth's will.

He was not a good friend.

>the best defense is to stand in front of it



I still don't get what that sperg's problem was with that scene in R1.

I believe they have them in Star Wars Rebels too. That also looks like a light tank, not a main battle tank, so not quite fitting the criteria.

A huge scary shit doing an orbital strike on one city < a smaller space station obliterating an entire planet.
Not to mentiom they didn't have those til after the first DS was destroyed.

Executive Ordering 66

something about the roci reminds me of playing with lego or drawing space ships as a kid. it's just got all the things, gun here gun there radio here thruster there, maybe I was just an autistic child though.

I mean anything they touch will turn to mud, all the good stuff in the EU can stay there undiscovered by disney afaic.

It broke new ground


I imagine you're right. They most definitely would have fucked up what I mentioned above anyways. Pretty crazy how Jaina was trained by Boba Fett. Which would have, I think given her a serious edge against Jacen. In the EU Boba could hold his own against Vader even without force abilities.

I think Disney may have abandoned the badass bounty hunter angle which annoys me.

>all terrain alimony transport

Luke, did I ever tell you about bigger luke?

>Friend asks what AT AT stands for
>I know offhand that it's All Terrain Armored Transport
>"All Terrain? Can they walk on the ocean?"

>I wish they would just lop the legs off and make it fly.

How do you think they got to Hoth?
4 years in a hyperboic time chamber with GIMP

While you're friend is retarted, his heart is in the right place. An ATAT is going to have a bitch of a time in any kind of rocky terrain considering how easy they are to trip.

why does the AT-AT's shields drop when it falls forwards?

I get the feeling Lucas read something about the retarded German super heavy tank designs and figured he could make it even more ridiculous

*blocks your path*

Any non-Force user holding his own against a Force user in direct combat was always retarded anyway.
The proper way to do is by doing as HK-47 explains.

Like sharks, AT-AT's need to keep moving to breathe.

what is it with the empire and design flaws?

Which is?

Because it's a walking artillery/armored transport used for assault on entrenched positions. The job of defending it is on the guys outside/ the AT-ST escort.

oh damn what did he say? be impulsive and use grenades? that conversation was another reason TSL is better than KotOR.

they never call them that in the films

the empire uses walkers not because they're super effective, but because they can reliably function in the widest range of environments

what. if that were the case wouldn't it be tank-like in some way. there's literally no reason to think this

They're also fucked on mud because all their weight is focused on 4 points

not true at all. you think giant sauropods gave a shit about mud?

I mean an uneven surface is going to see them fall to one side anyway, and I don't see how they're going to adjust themselves quickly if the ground moves a bit under them.

do you know how many dinosaurs sank in mud and bogs? they got so stuck they're still there.


>if that were the case wouldn't it be tank-like
Hence the "more ridiculous" part of the post

>they can reliably function in the widest range of environments
They'd have treads of that were true. It's literally just because they look badass and scary.

the roci always reminds me of this

>Answer: Select grenades, sonic screamers, cluster rockets, and plasma charges. Mines are also effective, since many Jedi will run to meet you in hand to hand combat. Silly Jedi.

kh47 was seriously more reddit than quipbot3000 in rogue one jesus christ

>Addendum: Gas attacks are effective if you can take the Jedi by surprise - inhalation is less effective than ones that work on skin contact, as some Jedi seem able to hold their breath for long periods of time.
>Cautionary: Still, don't rely on it, since Jedi can fight off the effects, it just distracts them, leaving them open to another avenue of attack.

>a giant waste of money and resources thats extremely easy to subdue or just avoid

>Recitation: Do not forget to activate any energy shields you possess. Lightsabers, while powerful, have trouble penetrating most military issue energy shields - provided they are energy shields and not those crude Mandalorian melee shields.

>Answer: Countering their other powers is more difficult.
>Confession: I do not fully understand their other abilities, but I do know that many of them require that the Jedi know that you are there, and can see you. Thus, sniping and using cover are always advantageous.

Finally, when asked about indirect ways to kill a Jedi:
>Answer: Kill their allies, or place them in jeopardy. Many Jedi will leave themselves exposed in order to protect another. That is why there is many less Jedi than there were a decade ago.

Shouldn't it be either much less or many fewer?

And then the game shits on these explanation by allowing you to fight a whole academy filled with Force users without doing any of this shit.

that windowed balcony bridge thing is fucking cool. I want one on my house

>empire uses walkers not because they're super effective, but because they can reliably function in the widest range of environments
it's too top heavy to even climb a hill