SJWs did it again, free speech my ass, any opinion you have about other people now is "cyber bullying XD"...
Other urls found in this thread:
Someone should get favstar pro and screencap the account up to milo/les first engage to show absolutely nothing was said.
Recent doesn't show anything abusive at all and the article images show cattyness, but nothing overtly abusive.
Maybe Milo will show up here more often instead. #freemilo
>sustained campaign of vitriolic racist and sexist abuse.
Milo's entire career is based on denigrating people who are often already marginalised. He contributed nothing to the great contest of ideas, no insight, no wisdom. The guy could be shot tomorrow and the world would be no worse off for his loss.
Except that you guys would have your great martyr for the noble cause of being an abusive faggot.
>being an abusive faggot
This is basically Sup Forums compressed in a single phrase. Milo is our hero because he's the best troll faggot there has ever been. We need his guidance and faggotry.
Well look, you can talk about free speech all you want by trolling is not a valid opinion. The banning of milo is not censorship, it is simply maintaining standards of civility.
>Sorry, Favstar could not find that user.
>Contributed nothing therefore okay
You should be banned then
> free speech
He didnt get arrested wtf are you talking about? Do you not agree with the owner of company being able to Run his business with the right to remove people detrimental to his product?
Of course you dont.
Freedom of speech was not violated hes free to keep saying what he wants with out fear of imprisonment. Your not American so I dont expect you to understand anyway.
>harass someone via endless spamming
>get banned
I'm worried that they're just targeting Milo because he likes Pakistani dicks in his ass. This would be discrimination. People should be free to choose whatever flavor of dick in their ass that they want. Milo needs to be defended and reinstated to his rightful place as king troll.
It's not free speech, you moron.
Anita sarkesian (gamer gate, feminist frequency, and a known liar) controls Twitter's standards committee.
Twitter was dead a long time ago, go worship faggots on your containment board.
Then why didn't they ban that "black" activist for inciting riots the day before the police killings?
I'm glad this retarded faggot is banned
its a world-wide media platform and it shouldn't have any sort of "personal reasons" because it has huge influence over everything, imagine him being removed from every platform there is, youtube, facebook, twitter, just because the left didn't like him, how do you imagine him to promote his "free speech", if you think that just being on the street and screaming your ideals is enough, then you're wrong, which is actually going to not be allowed if the left come to power, and world-wide platforms such as twitter should NOT permanently ban someone which the politically correct people don't like, or for personal reasons anyway
That'd be fine.
No you're, not. Twitter is full of homosexual Pakis, Milo is just a faggot.
Because that was an opinion.
>faggot and his shut in army have no idea what terms of service from a private company means
lmao kys you alt right cocksucker
Mate Pokémon Go has more users than Twitter. Twitter is journalists and celebrities tugging each other off.
What did he do other then inform the world of someones disgusting racist opinion. She was in the wrong and got rightfully hell because of her stupidity.
>the pokemon go argument
People spend more time on Pokemon Go than they spend on Facebook, does that mean Facejew is over?
Kek confirms, Milo is becoming so powerful the establishment is cringing under his rule
Twitter alternatives and their background as SJW or not?
Because the people in charge are leftist trash? There's a reason this faggot was banned but you can easily find pro-ISIS accounts.
I saw screens of him jumping on the lets harass the ape bandwagon, if they were real.
but its a super popular platform in which he can advertise his movement from which he was permanently banned because the SJW doesn't like him, if it was a bar, or a restaurant then its fine, but a world-wide platform? Of course it should apply freedom of speech. All of you are retards who dont support someone which hates muslims, BLM, feminists and SJWs just because he's alt-right, are really retarded, even if you dont like that hes a fag, you should support him because he at least promotes a ton of the ideologies that you also follow, and by hating someone that does that, you lose a lot of chances to get them put down
How's it like being useful idiot? You're defending censorship
Haha, delete ur account milo you fag
If "super edgy" Milo, his cringetastic, pathetic shtick and entire fan base die I would be so happy. Literally the cancer of the internet.
>his movement
We've already established that his 'movement' is jsut being a fucking arsehole to people. That's not something worth a shit.
is it cause hes jewish?
he's getting a lot of attention while hating BLM, feminists, SJWs, and almost every other ideology that we hate, so there is absolutely no reason to hate him, you're just sabotaging your own force and giving less and less potential to any kind of right party to prevail by doing so, his movement isnt really unique
Milo stands for NOTHING. He jsut acts like an arsehole and panders to easily exploitable demographics (gamers, directionless young men) for clicks. He has no original ideas. Champions no coherent ideas. He's jsut a shallow cunt..
>Professional shitposter gets banned from shitposting and needlessly acting like an asshole over non-issues like movies he doesn't like.
Fuck yourself with a cactus, Milo
>He's just a shallow cunt that panders to angry demographics who think they're being oppressed because they're not allowed to be assholes anymore
Gee, where have we seen that before?
I agree that Milo went way too far this time. But I'd like to be able to read his articles without manually checking Breitbart everyday.
Sup Forums has really gone down ward since milo shills post everyday
>OP is a faggot
Save free speech, one meme and dangerous faggot at a time
Word must get out, it must become common knowledge, that Twitter and Facebook are online prison camps defined by the ideology of their owners, and not common carrier communication platforms.
There must be 40Gbps of memes shit into Twitter and Facebook mocking their users for being slaves on a digital plantation.
This was Twitter's and Facebook's fatal mistake, to ban a dangerous faggot like Milo. It's going to end the companies, bearish on their stock. The corporate board should replace Jack Dempsey and he should be investigated for his ties to #BLM terrorist #Deray4Treason. #TwitterHatesFags #FireJackDorsey #FreeMilo #MillionMiloMarch
Share your favorite Twitter slavery pics let's get the memes of production going I'll start with pic related!
what the fuck are you talking about, im saying that he's advertising the things we support as well, how hard is that to understand?
#2 shit all over Twitter poopaloo.
Well тбх Twitter is a private business and it's their right to refuse service to certain people if they want to.
>The permanent ban means that Twitter will essentially keep Yiannopoulos off its network in any way possible, including finding and suspended any new accounts he creates
is that twitter policy or just an assumption by recode?
Don't ISIS have known and confirmed twitter accounts?
And gay too, that's double haram. They'll have to revive him after killing him to kill him again.
If corporations are people then those people have no right to silence other people and ban them from communicating. It doesn't matter what their policy is if it is discriminatory then it should be held to its own standards.
so you think that its okay to allow all of those "private businesses" run by jews like twitter, facebook and youtube to ban anyone who is against SJWs or feminists?
>Fuck yourself with a cactus, Milo
thats probably his fetish already.
I have seen parody accounts but no legit ones.
What did he do that went to far?
I'm pretty sure Twitter's ToS is against bullying, regardless of whether or not it's considered free speech.
Your analysis is good, kek approved
Milo wasn't banned for being against SJW's. He was banned for causing Leslie Jones to have a meltdown and quit Twitter. So it's only fair that he loses his Tweeting privileges too.
I thought Sup Forums liked Nazism. Censorship is an important part of Nazism. How could you oppose this?
He's pretty gross. You know what he reminds me of? All those bitchy girls in high school who tear each other apart with gossip and rumors just for the fun of it. It's like he saw that movie Mean Girls and decided that he's gonna be the Regina George of """""""journalism""""""""".
Why does twitter not have competition?
wtf I hate white people now
>That flag
Stay safe lad
These are some top bants thou
>I thought Sup Forums liked Nazism. Censorship is an important part of Nazism. How could you oppose this?
SJWs censoring shit they oppose isn't the same as Nazism enforcing proper law
silly jew
i wouldnt put it past a muslim that they would try it.
Activist CEOs will eventually destroy the tech giants. There is no reason that anyone else can't start their own twitter clone. Twitter just has name recognition. Without freedom, people will eventually look elsewhere.
He wasn't granted a twitter badge or whatever it is because he's anti-feminist, which basically identifies him as who he is, and he also didn't "Lead" the raid anyway, it was just trolls and Milo said something about it, that's why they pinned it on to him because he's the most famous person talking about it and also because they don't like him anyway, that's why he was permanently banned
Milo was acting like a little bitch. What the fuck was he thinking?
I like Milo because he puts the panties of cuckservatives and libtards alike into bunches, but trolling is not being a fucking prick. Trolling has, and always will, be provoking somebody into a response.
I know it's been a long time since most of us "did it for the lulz," but if you're the one who flips out and causes everyone else to chimp out on someone, you're not trolling. You're being a fucking faggot and you'll get what's coming to you.
Complete lapse of judgement on his part. Tweeting juvenile shit to some meaningless lady was truly stupid Milo. You deserve it.
>It's like he saw that movie Mean Girls and decided that he's gonna be the Regina George of """""""journalism"""""""""
well he likes black cock as much as a teenage girl.
I don't think he's permanently banned. He'll find some way to come back but has to promise not to be overtly hateful. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.
>Non white
>Passive faggot (takes it in the ass)
>Race mixer
>Nigger lover
>Attention whore
>le based milo will save us from feminism
I hate how neo/pol/ keeps shilling for this disgusting degenerate.
He's basically everything that Sup Forums hates but people here seem to be willing to look to the other side just because he calls himself a conservative? Are Sup Forums's principles and values really that cheap?
Shame on you.
I propose a new alternative, Shatter.
How does suspensions on twitter work?
Can his account be unbanned or does he have to make a new account? I kinda feel sry for him, it will take ages to reach that amount of followers again.
The king of Sup Forums is here!
Not gay but I'd let him suck me off
How homophobic of them
Apparently this is his other twitter, would be funny if this got suspended too
>we need his guidance and faggottery
Im glad I don't have your life, gay cunt
I think he is a degenerate but that does is not a good reason for Twitter to suspend his account.
what are your principles?
lay them out now and i'll judge 'em and we'll see how degenerate you are
> over non-issues
Your not very smart are you.
>thinks it's just about that movie
>thinks political correctness is a good thing
>uses Tumblr
>is fat and retarded
>can't handle others opinions and runs to safe space
>probably will die off soon hopefully for the sake of the gene pool
Let's crash TWTR stock it's already falling to the ground let's push it into a crater.
Kill yourselves shills
>he took the memes seriously
Violating the policies of Twitter is a good reason though.
So far he's not allowed on there AT ALL.
Not even to make a new account under his likeness. Milo abused his power as a public voice and now he's paying for it.
Standards are debatable, your standards are not the same as my own
this is the violation that got him shoah'd?
Milo is a gay jew. He is not leader of the Alt-Right.
yeah, and just because he said something about it they pinned every troll on him
First of all. He calls himself "faggot" (Classy guy) which validates the "super edgy" "anti PC" crowd into thinking it's okay to use that derogatory term as much as they like.
Competition goes against the purpose most of these degenerates use it for, attention whoring to the broadest possible audience at once
Can't he just make another Twitter with a fake name?
it is okay to use words
stop being a thin skinned little cunt and go get shot by the IDF so they can bulldoze more homes
How am I retarded? Have I said anything false?
The real story here is Twitter worked with the ape to create fraudulent racist tweets:
It is OK to use that derogatory term as much as you like, faggot
Exhibit A.
>Free speech
>On a private platform
You're pretty stupid, huh?
The real problem here is MEDIA OLIGOPOLIES (no you cannot start up a competiing company and succeed because THEY HAVE CONTRACTS WITH ALL THE ADVERTISERS)
And CENSORSHIP on those media oligopoly platforms
Dumbest thing I've ever read on Sup Forums. You should buy a stack of books on corporate law, then jump off of it with a noose around your neck you retarded piece of commie shit.
They're also trying to suppress #FreeMilo from trending. It's flaming like Milo yet it's #6? BS
Pretty sure government is pro-free speech. Terrible strawman you got there, maybe next time use a cartoon a little more reliable.
Free speech goes beyond the constitution and the government's interactions with us. It's an idea that everyone should abide by.
>sucking the jews dick