Holy fucking shit

Holy fucking shit....
The ""insider"" Fuat_avni just admitted he's Gulenist.

Basically all the bullshit he wrote about Erdogan's corruption/cancer/crying in his office was made up to divide the nation.

This shit seriously reeks of US the more I think about it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop trying to fool these gullible foreigners.

Gülen is scum, and he used to be allied to AKP. Erdoğan wanted more power, however, so he disposed of Gülenists.

Just because Gülenists accuse Erdoğan of corruption doesn't mean that he isn't corrupt.

I know he's corrupt. But the 25 Aralik shit was probably made up

Our news says that Erdogan goes full dictator mode. Is this true?

Doubtless some was made up. But I really don't think Gülenists wouldn't be able to dig up some genuine stuff.

>Is this true?

It's not true. He's basically allied with Kemalists to remove this cancer in the government. They literally became generals by knowing exam answers since 1980s.

All the judges/teachers that are being disposed off were known Gulen supporters, but didn't do anything criminal so couldn't put them to prison. Now he's rounding them up.

A lot of my friends who hated Erdogan are behind him 100% on this.

This is getting interesting

It's literally a 24 episode. And Gulen is literally like a fucking sith lord.

The Officer who started talking said that they work in pairs with "abi" who guides and "the doer" like siths. This is completely beyoned fucked up.

Also the Gulenists were apperently in power since the 1980s due to stealing officer exam questions and giving them to their "children"

So you were saying Kenan Evren was Gülenist n shieeet?

I have never seen a whole thread a cockroaches talking back and forth before... wow!

Who is this Gulen anyway? That name suddenly appeared everywhere.

Read this. The officcer who betrayed based Akar was admitted to officer school after getting answer for the exam from his "abi" in __1989__

let me repeat that. 1989 (Ninety eighty nine)

This fucking gulen shit is much older than we thought.


> suddenly


Roaches everywhere.

>T*rkroaches are happy they kept a man whose daughter treats wounded ISIS fighters in power

Never change, roaches. Never change.

kill yourself and your entire family

>Erdogan riding his bike
>Shoves stick into front spokes
>Crashes his country
>The US did this

Awesome dude. Turkey strong.

No sorrow for the West.

you aint fooling anyone here

He just twitted 'did you catch me again?' something like that. Roaches gonna roach

This shit is confusing. All I want to know is:
>Which one likes Assad better?
>Which one would stop bombing the glorious PKK

Why can't Opus Dei or SSPX or some other crazy hardcore rightwing Catholic group do this for 30+ years and launch an army coup and take over in the West?

He also said 8 people have access to the account.
So he probably really got caught, bu the other 7 are posting, because his "abi" is whining about freeing fuat.

>Kardeşimin can güvenliğini sağlayın, Fuat Avni ve arkasındaki ekibi hakkında her şeyi anlatayım.



I don't think the US would of let him fly away, they wouldn't of fucked him. They would of killed him. Unless you mean the CIA advised him on how to stage his own coup?

This "antiturk" is literally going together with kemalists and saving turkey right as we speak.

>12th of May

Sup Forums is not capable of understanding anything other than black and white.

Erdogan is muslim, Turkey is a muslim shithole (yet the entire military is secular based ataturk christians), and gülen isnt important breh, he doesnt exist.

man Erdo does any shit he likes to anyone who oppose him you guys should be glad you are not able to watch Turkish TV.

So Turks, are you guys Caliphate now?

not yet but soon probably :(

>ataturk christians

Lel, not really. Hulusi Akar literally did namaz when he got taken hostage because he thought he was going to be killed.

Read page 6/7

>Hulusi Akar
not surprising since he was assigned by Erdo he must love sucking Erdo's cock.

Well, he defended this nation and has more balls than your whole cingene family.

so you are telling me Military stopped the coup not roaches on the street?

roaches in the street demoralized the coupists. that's what the coupists said - they saw this shit on tv and basically said this shit is not working.

the actual heroes are 1st army general dundar who called Erdogan and warned him of the attack, and the commando guy who kiled the geneneral.

Like I never seen a show trial before?

He been a turkish boogyman for 20 years now

yeah it was all planed by US right? to control our lovely country and strong economy right?

no it was all a tiyatro of course :DD


>mfw islamists try to tell me Turkey is a working democracy

>mfw when someone tells me there are ANY working democracies in the world

That is frighteningly correct to how it should have gone down.

The scale of this catastrophic fuck up is even bigger than I imagined.

Non-Muslims don't understand that Muslims have these crazy weird esoteric Muslimn cults lead by charismatic Imams commanding absolute loyalty of mass sections of the population. Total alien to our way of life m8.

There has never been a Safavid, Hashashin, Nizari, Alevi etc. sect phenomenon in the West. We don't do secret cults. When we have religious uprisings/movements they are in the open (Cathersm Protestants, Jansenists, Opus Dei, SSPX etc.).

>saving turkey
Enjoy your caliphate.

he literally talks about US invovlement too.

Erdo and Turkey basically said a big fuck you to the US.

what would happen if i report to the turk embassy that Sup Forums/pol is a gulenist hive?

would they block Sup Forums and track your ips?

would you be branded as traitors?

Let's find out.

Praise Gulen!

also, this guy is literally begging on twitter to save his informant :^)

Am I famous now?

So if you are OP, please tell us what will happen next with Turkey.

Notice how he writes like fuat too. Like lots of short sentences and commas.

Based erdo together with army saved Turkey. It's unbelievable.

These Gulen dogs thought there would be no fighting. And now fuat is crying on twitter like a little bitch


Somebody ran the plates on the tanks and APCs deployed on the streets and found they were NATO Rapid Response Division.
All the air support came from Incirlik.
All the commanders involved have ties to NATO and the US where they were trained.
Gulen has close ties to Clintons and the CIA.
There are big, smudgy American fingerprints everywhere. The rabid denial is disgusting.

My money is on the betrayal of their coup coming from the MIT, and I will keep on repeating this in every damn thread I come across.
The MIT is supposed to be loyal to their drug baron masters in the US and UK. It just stabbed them in the dick and betrayed everyone.
The fallout from that will be the real fun that none of us will ever get to publically see.

Plottwist - It was all planed by the greatest of the great. Best Korea will triumph in the end

Why the fuck are there so many erdoshit loving roaches suddenly? Its as if they've come out of the woodwork this past week

Enjoy the purges dipshit

>My money is on the betrayal of their coup coming from the MIT

The key thing actually, and it's really fascinating, is that the main general, Hulusi Akar, didn't sign the order that basically would force all lower generals to proceed with the coup. They tortured him but he refused.

There was also one commando whose name should be put in gold letters OMER HALISDEMIR who killed one of the coupists generals. The coupist general said "We're taking over" and the commando didn't even thing for a second and shot the man with his pistol in the forehead. He was literally beat to death by generals' protection, not even shot apperently.

And finally, MIT saw that there was activity on Incirlik, so they had to start coup early. Hence the slppiness and inability to take over all chanels. Erdogan calling CNNTurk was the icing on the cake, and when the coupists saw the protesters they realised it's over.

So they bombed the Parliament. It was desperation.

How can you save a country by crashing it into the ground?

Would Erdogan be like Donald Trump for americans?

>roach politics
No one cares who will run the Islamic Republic of Turkey. You're all disappointments to Attaturk.

t. diaspora

he's our trump. he literally can't be stumped

No, not even close

Originally I was upset that the coup wasn't successful, but the more information I get out of it, the more it looks like it was meant to be another CIA takeover of an otherwise sovereign nation.

This is probably one of the single biggest fuckups in the history of the CIA, period.

That's nice, I wish we had such a leader.
Will he reinstate the Caliphate? That would be nice since 90% of you guys are muslims and should not really care about secularist bullshit.

>saving turkey right as we speak.
Either brainwashed roach or yihadist

>Will he reinstate the Caliphate?

Not after he was saved by conservative+kemalist elements in the army.

Dundar, general of the second army, literally called Erdon that there was a coup and that he will protect Erdo with his life in Istanbul. This dundar guy is hardcore Kemalist, hates leftists/rightists, but he knew that whoever was taking over was much much worse.

Bet I'm more anglo-celtic than you are, petrol sniffer.
I've just been paying attention.

So basically if the coup had succeeded Turkey would have become somewhat like Saudi Arabia?

Erdogan is islamist-realist, a social conservative, but he never banned alcohol because he knows there's loads of money in the business. Gulen on the other hand is basically Ayatollah puppet of USA.

They were literally going to fly him over and declare a sunni state when the coup suceeded. That was CIA's plan when they founded the Gulen movement - it was founded after Iran's revolution to have a powerful sunni state against a powerful shia state ater the failure of Saddam to take over Iran.

The media disinformation is horrible. But know that if the Western media is so pissed about the failure of the coup, they're probably really butthurt about what happened.

It clearly wasn't a part of their plan.

Why the hell does the US wanted Turkey to become a Sunni state? Are Sunni states easier to puppet?

>bet im whiter than u bruv
classic turk argument

This is what i noticed. 'Suddenly' they care about the 'situation in turkey' and Erdogan sacking loads of people etc. But Erdogan already did this when he came to power and has been doing it ever since but at a slower pace.

He fucking cucked the west with his immigrant deal.
Voices are rising in the Eu that he is dictator and shit but everyone is carefull they dont want to upset king roach hahahaha.

Anyway the way i see it and read up from you turkbro is ;

Gulen = Hitler
Erdogan = Mussolini

Also could you turkbro give me any english sources that erdogan works together with kemalist? Media is portraying as if he is purging everyone. Even saying Kemalist institutions in turkey are beeing dismantled.

>mussolini beeing the lesser of 2 evils.

Honestly I'm starting to think the US backed the coup just because they were pissed that Erdogan offered one of our military bases to Russia.

>Why the hell does the US wanted Turkey to become a Sunni state?

Because they are trying to have sunni Turkey, the only capable state in the region, fight shia Iraq. But despite being 90% sunni, we don't have sunnism as official ideology.

If Gulen came and started ruling, he'd declare sharia sunni law. That would piss of Iran, because we have shia minority. And then a war would start.

TL;DR Amerifats want to take out Iran, but they can't fight themselves. So they want Turkey to fight Iran.


Nice info

So it means that if we destroy America the middle east will know peace?

>Also could you turkbro give me any english sources that erdogan works together with kemalist?

There are no english sources. Only turkish.

But look up General Dundar. General Hulusi Akar. Look up the parliament's 4 party decision backing Erdogan (among the parties one is secular kemalist)

I don't know about peace, but it woulndn't be as bad as it is now.

>G-g-gülen is behind this
>W-we are not fucked

kek roaches

They are not Erdogan supporters. They are amusing by the failure of CIA and USA supported moderate Islamic group.

But Turkish sources arent that reliable since erdogan took them all over. Dont know what to trusT.

Be careful. Amerifats don't like losing.

Everyone is syaing erdogan will be assasinated or some other senior politician

Turkroaches really think it was Gulen guy lol

provide your proofs

We have Scientology, but they took over Hollywood, not the military.

English sources are CIA mouthpieces. There isn't a single western source praising the Turkish people for resisting the coup.

Sorry guys, but can some roach explain to me why Gulen is so bad? Moderate imam chased out of Turkey by big bad corrupt government is all google is telling me, but who trusts google

There are a few brazilian media vehicles that are praising the Turkish people but they're very communist, which probably means that you're going against US interests and they see that as good no matter how people do it.

>why Gulen is so bad?


Amerifats just ended their quarantine of Iran to counterbalance the Saudis.

US got royally fucked. What they planned here got fucked by the wlll of the ordinary turkish folk and the turkish military and police.

Now they will try assasinations, more terror, and so on.

Yes. If Brazil and Turkey join together to destroy America, the world will know peace.

Make sure you get it on Youtube.


US wants Turkey to be stable right now at all costs because of our nuclear missiles and deterrents

Many of us, and most of Sup Forums, I reckon, think that we should care less about pinning down Russia and focusing more on exterminating Islam, however

The US government is still run by a lot of old hard line Jews, Henry Kissinger worshippers and such

real takiyya cult leader who's leading a secret organization with nice "moderate" front that infiltrates state apparatus (by cheating official examination system and taking over HR and personel departments) for the last 30 years to take over turkey.

oh ok, I guess hilter didn't start WW2, it was a lie too, AM I RIGHT GOYS?

>implying Erdogan isn't a major cocksucking faggot that needs to be converted to pink mist by a 'murican drone