Let's get an Eternal Anglo war crime and atrocity thread
Eternal Anglo
Abos were pretty much exterminated 99%, even 100 years ago they killed them by masses. They left behind some fat witches and mixed ones, who got their human race status 40 years ago.
Apologize, Anglo scum.
Anglo war CRIME
fuck off germany
The Eternal Aryan must learn his place.
Pay reparations NOW
They caused the Kashmir problem
Anglo atrocities
They caused all problems
They are savages
kek thanks for cleaning it up
death to anglos
lol that fucking pic
fucking turkroach cunt.
pic related is the average 'ayran'
shit I mean't to select this pic
Poor achmed, role playing as an aryan.
Can't even pick a good race
>aryan master race
Kraut is just upset that the greatest sons of germania left their shit hole continent for better lands and left them to rot in their own mediocrity.
So how did this happen? I mean people on north are genetically more brighter and since UK doesn't has much rain, how come their average guy is with black eyes and hair? I am pretty sure Viking were there too, so British should be extra blue eyed, but i don't see any of them. Only time i see blond/blue eyes Anglos is when looking at statistics.
To be fair, they probably thought they discovered a new species of primate.
UK isn't Anglo, only east England and I think South Scotland.
It wasn't until 1967 that they became human and not illegal pest animals.
Their worst sin is Burma.
t. saw a doc about it yesterday
holy kek
So? I don't think they should have ever been considered human.
Maybe on paper, but given their propensity for illegality I'm not sure that's the case.
What about this? Is it human?
>it was not until 1967 that Australian Aborigines were recognised as citizens of their own country.
I don't know. His skin kind of looks a bit brown and his facial features imply that he may have had a monkey for a grandmother.
>all those aryans being subjugated by superior anglos
>anglo idiot trying this hard to denounce us, but he accidentally posts the aryan picture, instead of the anglo one.
But gorillas don't live in Australia, no monkeys, so what classification were Abos under.
>Before that they were classified as native wildlife, along with kangaroos and koalas.
So Arabs are gorillas and Abos are unwanted koalas.
Reminder that this is a divide and conquer attempt by the same smelly turkroach hiding behind a German flag who always posts in these threads.
Don't give him the replies and divisiveness he's looking for. Sage and hide. Anglo-Aryan unity
Was the fug are you even talking about m8?
I apologise for nothing.
We need something like the (((Jewish))) parenthesis to help detect anglos.
Anyone got any suggestion?
I was joking about their constant run- ins with the law you silly billy.
Evolutionary speaking there are no monkeys in Australia, so Abos can't be monkeys. You know Africa has monkeys, Asia has monkeys, but not Australia.
Abos are our monkeys
Where did they came from?
"The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put that rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now, they are going to reap the whirlwind."
South India via Indonesia, apparently
We is bangin subjects, we dindu naffin m8
Germany didn't enter the war m8. It was brought to them. The only ones that intend to base their whole war operation on bombing civilian targets were the English.
Pay reparations now!!!