>Poles: do not notice, assimilate like a charm
>Turks: do not assimilate, clump together in ghettos
I wish we had even more Poles coming here tbqh.
>Germans are the Poles of central Europe
They really are like two distant brothers
>Sweden: Finland.
>Not Senegal or Syria.
I find it hard to believe tbqh
While Bestonians are poor, I still love them. Better them than the Swedes.
Brostonian immigrants are legit the kind of migrants that come here to work as doctors and shit.
UK should be polish. There are fucking 700 000 natives of the territory that in the past used to be called Poland
We already had this yesterday. Post one for another continent.
Did they conveniently mistake all Austrian citizens for German citizens as a result of the Anschluss or something?
It could be worse, I mean Hindu>Muslim.
>700.000 poles
>against 67.000.000 indians that live right now in The British Caliphate
Delete this
No its true. Just go into a city and listen to all the Piefke doing Piefketalk
hell, every time the ORF has a clip/Interview about some Tumblr-tier Leftie action, the guy/gal doing it is some Germcuck named Kevin-Günther
probably because Sweden gets all kinds of browns from every corner of the world not just from one country.
Pakis and Indians are smaller minorities than Poles
>bosnia gets bigger
>serbia is gone
I live in Vienna and don't see that many Piefkes usually just t*rkroaches.
>the balkan
thats not how it works
thats not how any of it works
That's it
I'm moving to Slovakia
the slovenian one is wrong, there are far more croats and serbs than there are bosnians here.
someone fucked up.
we like you, too
Jesus, like it wasn't hard to pronounce it anyway, you guys just made it even worse
Somebody really needs to do something about this roach infestation.
Maybe its just around here, but When I go to Graz theres so many Germans working Supermarket counters and similar stuff.
Hell, same thing in the small carinthian City i live in.
So yeah, even if they may not actually be the biggest group of Migrants, theres still a ton.
I blame free University
Poles overtook the Indians.
Well, maybe stop sending Buses full of Antifags to us to go REEEEE every time we elect a rightwing politican somewhere/ The right wing makes gains.
Yes, i am aware you personall aint doing shit and cant change shit, but it still doesnt make me like Germany more. Merkel aint helping, and the fact that she will probably win the next election again even less so.
Luxembourg and Portugal seem like an odd match to me, anyone have any Idea how that comes about?
did any turk do any terrorist attacks in your country? compared to arabs turks integrate quite well
Maybe those buses should have some "accidents" on those mountain roads you have.
Its your own damn fault for not removing kebab filthy southern Serb. Now they are literarly running it gov with ur corrupt retard of a pm.
Your folk integrate horrible. Much rather have slavs
Sure. And compared to a steaming pile of shit right in the middle, farting in a crowded elevator ain't all that bad.
>Turks integrate well
Well most do
Some of them just can't stop chimping out about anti erdogan statements
Why don't Polandfags stay in their own country?
send help
Build a wall around Bosnia and I'll pay for it.
germans>burgenland austrians
Hell, I live next to your border and I hate burgenland peasants so much it's like a daily dose of cringe. I can't even understand them, one of the most disgusting german dialects.
Bonus cringe that they wear sandals with socks.
No i don't think it's Algeria.
More probably italy or spain
Finnish population in Sweden is decreasing while middle easterners are increasing in population. It's not long before there are more Iraqis than Finns. The Iraqis and Syrians combined pretty clearly outnumber the Finns.
I know and there are rumors of them making albanian a 2nd mandatory language.I refuse to speak that pig tongue
To be honest, most Turks I know are ok because they aren't Muslims and aren't stupid. But I live on the land and the Turks here don't have other Turks that drag them down and their parents are smarter as well, otherwise they wouldn't have made it out of the city. In the cities however most Turks are subhumans. No terrorist attacks though.
This map is useless
It doesn't even mention ethnicity or cultural background
at least admit your best football players are turks
All I know about Burgenland is that they build like all of their houses connected to each other, love Windmills, and that the Novarock is there. Thats fun though
I'm pretty sure there are more Muslims in India than there are in Pakistan.
t. Pawel
Why do we find 50% of our stolen cars in Poland? The rest go to Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and Morocco.
Bo kurwa nie
>Import 2 million arabs.
>Arabs kill people left and right.
>Arabs rape everything on two and four legs.
>Arabs are known for huge criminal clans/families
I don't know what my grandpa did to his grandma, but germans are pretty mad at turks.
One of "our" best football players is a Turk. What you said is not correct.
Because the country is too underdeveloped to absorb all the people. This territory had 2 baby booms between 1945-1989 and because of different reasons, part of those people had to leave
do the ok turks look more european than shit ones, in general
I would be fine with that if it meant ethnic Romanians and not gypsies.
Lol poles about to own Europe
I shall go to Denmark soon, cute boys :3
Burgenlanders aren't even considered to be human by most Austrians.
Also, that sandals with socks stereotype is dominated by German tourists I think.
pff Livonians were our buddies anyway
No. Pic related is the most based Turk in Germany and one of the biggest anti-migration personalities in the country, he almost looks like an Indian.
But on the whole, India=>Hindu, Pakistan=>Muslim. Also, checked.
I think they're mad we're dicking their women and they can't do anything but take it fellow roachbro
Its gonna happen sooner or later and you are better of cucking urself and learning it so you dont get beat every day on the bus. Its over makeonce I curse the pilot that obeyed the command not to shoot the convoy of Albanians. He alone could have prevented this. I would go to hell any day that destroying my home alas it is too late now.
Pretty sure Burgenländer are considered more human than those germanic barbarians in Vorarlberg.
Czech Republic was probably too much gender specific.
And fuck Ukrainians they are on par with gypsies
The turks I see are against race mixing and specifically search for other turks
Hindu and Sikh Indians are bretty chill,
Muzzies from India or Pakistan don't seem to integrate very well, possibly because they don't join-in in our drinking culture
yeah just like one of your footballplayers is german.
because poverty
It's current year. PC maps only.
Good thing you fruity white sissy boys can't get pregnant
Not only German leftist visit you.
You wanted to be free country Atanase, you wanted to be sperate state. ENJOY
In 2011 there were 210 000 Brits living in Southern Ireland.
In the same period 880 000 traitorous Irish Loyalists declared themselves "British"
That makes at least 1 million British parasites upon this Isle.
Get them out.
pick one
all I've seen in spain were some junkyard level garbage cars, rusting away from salt water and sun, dents from reckless parking on every single one, only italians park worse
>This is the person calling you a sissy and saying Islam will conquer the world
Please, Vorarlberg isnt even real.
>rule britannia master of hard cocks
It's just as real as Südtirol being held hostage by Italy.
hue hue hue
>implying you bastards gonna even bother to look for it.
Bet you miss us now, huh faggot ?
No one misses gypsies.
Although we have Angola, most of the contributors for these statistics are the white retornados that were kicked out of the country for one reason or another and are mostly white.
>United Kingdom
All I know is that if it weren't for my granny's dumb idea of returning to Portugal I would've been a Luxembourg resident right now.
I'm willing to bet this qt gypsy is whiter then you, Mehmet.
m-as da jos de pe ea doar sa beau apa
bine sultane tot asa
>Great Hindustan
>Sweden = Finnish colony
>Niggerlands = Drugs and Islam
>French caliphate
>Spanish = Moroccan colony
>Italy and Hungary = Gipsyland
>Croatia and Serbia = Muslim colonies
>Baltics + Ukraine and Belarus = Russian colonies
The cuck levels are strong with these ones
The reason behind Hungary is that we have a large minority of hungarians in Romania and we gave them dual citizenship. That's why we are labeled with Romania.
Thankfully I haven't seen any romanian-romanians living in my country. We just hate eachother too much.
Luxembourg is ours!
wtf Luxembourg isn't land lock?
That dual citizenship thing is great.
So many gypsies suddenly declared they like goulash and left.
feels good desu bozgor
>all those gypsies in italy
fucking romani-a
Good analysis, 5/5.
Luxembourg is the greatest nation in the world
Greater Luxembourg Empire > Ancient Finngolian Empire
That's the russians
desu every1 would choose gipsies over jews,niggers and muslims