Germans, please tell me who is the woman in the pic, what did she do in her life, and why did you elect her

Germans, please tell me who is the woman in the pic, what did she do in her life, and why did you elect her.

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I'll still vote for her, because she's better than literally every other option.
Merkel is eternal.


why not elect the afd?

The Bundeskanzlerin gets elected by the Bundestag and not by the public.

What about her background?
She's a career politician that is selling your country for Saudi money. She never did anything for the German people.
Doesn't it bother you?

she is one of you, m8.

a Polish Ashkenazim

is she a socialist? i thought the germans were very conservative

>she's better than literally every other option
What exactly are the other options government plan? Burning Germany to the ground?

>voting for traitor that loves africans more than germans
>not voting afd

This is why you are done. You people just go with it, hand in hand with the sjw's. The vote is worth the same

This is, sadly, very true. She created this clusterfuck and she is the only one that can 'solve' it. This is our most conservative option. It is bad but it can get way way way worse.

Shes a women so everything is possible. I think 10 or 15 years ago the CDU (her party) slogan was 'Kinder statt Inder' which means 'Kids instead of Indians'.

Thats not true. You can live a better life in germany than almost anywhere else. Just think about how awful the muslims in france and the UK are and compare them to ours (not the refugees). Look at the recent 'do you support ISIS' study.

This is why term limits exist

>Germans, please tell me who is the woman in the pic
Crypto Jew woman who wants to genocide Germans

>what did she do in her life
Destroying Germany

>and why did you elect her.
Deception by Jewish mass media and self-hate

thread theme

Yes cuckfritz, you're muslims are so nice. You are not cucked at all. I'm a Merkelrider now

>Falling for muslim diversion bullshit
If you goyim had any critical thinking capability, it doesn't take much to see that the only group that benefits from these policies are muslims with their Jihad.
Muslims are the ones which get into your country.
Muslims are the ones that rape your economy with your welfare.
Muslims are the ones that will become the majority in few decades.
Muslims want jews dead more than the nazis did.
You guys are fucking retards for getting duped by some Mustafa shill being a proxy.

Based opinion
How is it to be so unoriginal?

>You can live a better life in germany than almost anywhere else
That's despite of, not thanks to her.
lrn2 think.

This. Merkel is love. Merkel is life.

Anyone can decide to stop the reckless immigration, she's not special. The fact she let that happen in the first place shows she's the most unqualified person, and most untrustworthy to fix it.

>Based opinion
These are facts.

>How is it to be so unoriginal?
It is just common knowledge and experience for thousands of years gathered by having to do with your kind. So still the same "unorignal" truth.

No wonder, she is one of you.

See: Explain to me how jews will benefit from muslims taking over germany?
Let's see you perform some mental gymnastics.

Thats where you are wrong. As i said, we have almost 50% of people voting for Marxists (Linke), Green (Die Grünen) & Socialists (SPD). Our people have been literally brainwashed for 70 years. They hate themselves.

You're making fun of how cucked we are while you are ruled by a nog, letting in millions of mexicans every year and indoctrinating your youth with marxist unscientific bs at the '''universities'''. Where does all the femenist, BLM shit come from?

(oy vey i thought youre american)

Merkel is part of the jewish cabal, that decided to destroy white Europe. Polish jewess nee Kazner or Kazmierczak "spoil-the-peace", one of "Israel-first" types (or at least this it seemed from her speach in Knesset in her "mother tongue" - in hebrew...).

Is a puppet of Soros and other american banksters.

Was a stasi informer, secret police agent, worked hard for communistic establishment and had privileges for that.

Placing her to the leadership of christian CDU party is nasty disguise and takeover of seemingly christian party by communist bolshevik stasi agents, just to steal the christian vote to the party by-name...

The later will germans wake and see, who is leading them to an abattoir, the worse for them.

Alot of Germanposters have said before that the other candidates are even worse than Merkel.
Could someone tell me what other candidates you have and why they're even worse than a woman destrying the EU with her politics while living in her Ivory Tower?

I do agree that the US is down the shithole.

Israel is also became under serious marxist assault in the recent years, and I'm very worried because they're taking over schools, youth movement, and even parts of the army.

> Explain to me how jews will benefit from muslims taking over germany?

A revenge for all those expulsions, that the Europeans always and constantly been doing through all medieval ages in self-defense against jews ?!

incompetent idiots, party died with Lucke leaving.

SPD is lobby controlled leftists, they once stood for worker's rights, but they abolished most of them over the last 20 years, creating completely new levels of poverty.

LINKE is socialists, many GDR "politicians" inbound but the party is estranged about their very basic agenda.

B90/Grüne has no other agenda points but >muh minorities since Merkel took away their only big selling point: Nuclear power is bad. Rest of their Agenda is literally "plastic bottles/bags destroy our environment!!!!"

CDU is Merkels "conservative" shitfest, lobby controlled aswell, but they're slowly waking up like half of them openly protest many of Merkels politics

FDP is our liberal party, but completely irrelevant.

AfD was once some neoliberal edgelord party, but got taken over by incompetent borderline autists. In theory they're somewhat neoliberal-alt right, but mainly they want to be "the opposite of Merkel"-party. In practice, they're a bunch of incompetent idiots and borderline autists that couldnt even win a game of Civilization4. They're literally too occupied with keeping their "politicians" from saying either dumb or blatantly racist/anti semitic shit, and not the politically incorrect shit, but some Alex Jones-Tier conspiracy shit. They'll still make it to the parliament and it'll be funny as fuck, I expect huge butthurt on all sides.

NPD is literally the stormfag party

I'll admit it's funny that Germans are committing self genocide, it's almost like they can't for for one century without trying to genocide some people, even if it means themselves.

But when the muslims become a majority and take over, they'll also take over your army and weapons. That's very bad news for Israel.

>they're a bunch of incompetent idiots and borderline autists that couldnt even win a game of Civilization4

Yeah that happens when the established parties & their media label everything as NAZI that is not them. Everything but ta few brave idiots are too scared to challenge them. Everything according to plan.

Well why no one pick up the gauntlet and start a sane party? Like, before the beheading starts.

what is expected of the October re-vote in Austria?


i'm a polish Ashkenazim as well ,m8.

Explain this:


"Special thanks to JLGB, who helped get the website off the ground and to the Jewish Social Action Forum, where the idea for such a website first arose.

It is supported across the community, including the following organisations:

Board of Deputies
Liberal Judaism
Masorti Judaism
Movement for Reform Judaism
Office of the Chief Rabbi
United Synagogue"

That's not how German politics works.
German politics is about loyal voters.
And you can't contest Merkels party, even with sane, rational arguments. People literally inherit their voting behaviour to their children here and most never change it. You'd have to join Merkel's party if you wanted to change something, but unless you have the contacts and are well known you wont make it far.

VdB wins again, this time with ~60%, Volkszorn is over.

jesus christ
so much false information

Fellow germans, what website do you fags use for informations?

I found Tichy's Eiblick the other day, rather nice commentary to various topics.

someone already tried it with the germans
it did not end well

>Jews hate Merkel

Nigger please, you're the ones who put her in power.

bento of course

what's the problem?
germany is the most powerful country in europe
lately become geopolitical player
have influence on an entire continent
have working relationships with russia, middle east, china

>Muslim Majority

Merkel will be hanged before that can happen, we'll kill 'em all.

Isn't Russia the most powerful?
I mean, i know it spreads to two continents (Europe and Asia) but still, isn't Russia more powerful?


And it's you again.

Fucking weaboo cucks.

>Liberal Judaism
>Movement for Reform Judaism

Never heard about those organizations, but it sounds like leftist scum. They're usually anti-israel too.
The problem is them being leftist, not them being (fake) jews.
Pic related.
Pic related.

>VdB wins again, this time with ~60%, Volkszorn is over.

Who is that possible?

I mean they won the lecctions due fraud, isn't that supposed to decrease their supporters?

> Explain to me how jews will benefit from muslims taking over germany?

By making europeans fight and defeat muslims...

And by disgusting europeans and preventing adopting sharia, which could ban USURY.

Protip: Don't bother with tinfoil hat reptilian space lizard jew overlords retards. They're actually retarded.

Tin foil hats are bullshit, but so are you.

She is Germany's chancellor impersonator.
She sold out the german people for 30 silver shekels.
I didn't elect her.

German are too pussies, they too afraid to even speak up (and probably get arrested) while muslims do whatever they want

It's less Jews that benefit and more the pseudo-socialist banking cartels, many of whom are heavily dominated by Jews (or rather, the people that faked Judaism and raped all the Ashkenazi white when dodging that certain medieval usury law). The idea is to get us bred out in our own countries because our birthrates are too low to maintain the "welfare state" system which sizeable proportions of influential Western Jews ultimately derive their income from through banking. Note how these are the same people who back Israel, without actually moving to Israel unless when found out, while flooding your schools the same as ours. Make no mistake: By boosting your Muslim enemies, these people get to live lives of luxury, with no concern to what will come of it and every security that capitalist sentiment will do their work for them. They are traitors to your people as much as your people have fairly consistently been to their home nations, and I am not just saying this because I'm German.

Any zionist alive today will have to face the conundrum of needing to "gas the kikes", as it were, for his nation's weal. And once they do, we might be able to expose the various deceptions that these people bribed and lied and murdered their long way into their meme financial power.

I could fill a whole different image board with all this, but I hope this one post got my point across a bit.

There's being leftist and then there is radical ideology. Such ideology is pursuing national genocide. Either your leftist groups were infiltrated and this an attempted repeat of the Bolsheviks. I agree though the West being taken by either the Middle-East and/or China invading due to weakness would be bad for Jews. Any case, history taught us that the last revolution led by a majority sect of Jews led to 20,000,000 deaths. Clearly there are anti-national conspiracy groups within the Jewish community.

If those banks are heavily dominated by while males, does it means all white males are behind it too?

She got choosen by the greatest german living since bismark.

After the betreyal of schröder selling erope to russia and gaz prom he escaped to his high payed job as gaz prom maneger.

The Herr Dr. Alt Kanzler Kohl gave Germany once again hope.

She is his hertage. Manifestation of his will.

Heil dir Deutschland im Siegerkranz.
Heil dir Europa.

germans are the worst """people""" in yupoor

CDU is at top of EU parliament and Germany for 50 years now, since Berlin wall fell.

> so much false information

What is false?

Stasi agent?

Sorry, but it is in slovak language. Plenty of images, possibly use google translate?

That she speaked in Knesset, starting: "Thank you, that I may speak here in my mother tongue" and continuing in hebrew ?
There is a video of that...

Another frame from that video, Merkel taking B'nai B'rith prize, that is endowed only to jewish people...

That she was endowed Koudenhove-Calergi prize? That Calergi, who's openly-stated plan on extermination of Europeans and replacement by afro-asiatic brown sub-humans easily governed by jews is currently being implemented?

Really, wake, germans and europeans, and see !

She's their fascist leader. Germans always need a supreme leader they can follow to the letter. The reason they haven't revolted against her is because they're too subservient to their supreme leader. They elected her and her party will keep being elected because the german people have been, and will always be a cucked nation.

had the same stupid smile for 50 years


Nice try. 50 rubbel are on your paypal acc.

Ok retard, since when do Christians not push interracial marriages? Christians don't know the definition of races or cultures, it's all Christianity for them, they unite all people under religion to control masses. Everybody was working for Communistic party during DDR, since it was the only political party. Learn some basics retard.

kinda hot though

And every one was member of the party.
Every one was a spy.

Saying that merkel was a stasi spy is like saying wather is wett.

Every one can be accused of that.

No, the same way that not all Jews are behind it. What you have to realise is that these people are not Jews any more than you are a Sentinel Islander; what they are is people with millennia of experience -pretending- to be Jews so that you soak the fallout whenever their schemes fall apart. We now all have countries, so we now also all have our own elites working against us.

You think they expermented on each other.

Whats up with these fucking Jews everywhere

Hope? That fat retard threw Eastern Prussia to the wolves when we could have received it back for free. She is his legacy all right, but it's one of treason and failure only kept in power by the US Army standing on our land. The bitch has to die, not get praised.

Every politician during Socialism is a member of Communistic party, since you work for country based on instructions of Communistic party. Now during Democracy homeless people join 2 political parties to eat at 2 political conventions at once when they hand out food. It was Christian Socialists that broken up Communistic party, then they became CDU aka Christian Democrats. Merkel was part of establishment for tear down Berlin wall, she gained popularity then. Why do you think Socialism had wall? Because they wanted to join with everybody? Think again.

Merkel is a cunt.

In the DDR she met Putin and became his top agent/infiltrator
who is now ruling europe and crashing it with no survivors

>incompetent idiots, party died with Lucke leaving.
watching too much msm, am i right?

Merkel giving Russia sanctions and tearing down Berlin wall seem to you pro-Russia?

In my opinion it's more likely that Merkel is a Manjurian candidate; programmed in "socialism" and playing the part to its bloody end. Meanwhile Putin seems to be playing off of that to keep her aimed away from Russia, but it's not successful because she has all those non-deprogrammed infiltrators in the West backing her up. As for Putin himself, he seems to have slipped the conditioning at some point but still seems to be tied into the same game due to there not being options to do otherwise when trying to avoid another European war.

Isn't Putin westernizing Russia? AFAIK Russia has more american policies than the US

Go away

Westernisation has been happening for some time over there. It's just associated with Putin because he seems to actually have some measure of control over the process (and has been in office for so long while it kept happening); at least according to what few Russians I have talked about it with in Germany.

>... Everybody was working for Communistic party during DDR, since it was the only political party.

Sorry, but not everybody was a high-rank Stazi (secret police) agent and accuser !

You as slovenian could probably understand that Slovak article about Merkel past??

> T.vodkanigger
> Nice try. 50 rubbel are on your paypal acc.
Are you stupid or agent?
No, I'm doing this for free and I'm a christian white abstinent. No vodka, no nigger, no rubbels, and no paypal... (I earn enough by work...)

Truth hurts sometimes !
But attacking ad-hominem is groundless.

About Kalergi plan - and about Merkel and van Rompuy receiveing Pan-Europa prize, the prize of Kalergi for implementing his plans, see attached info-graphic mix...

>this is germany's best option

>Best option
>Mfw i hear that

Seriously, a fucking Islamized country is better then the Far-Right party which wants to shoot immigrants?


brandt already threw east prussia under the bus.
adenauer and schmidt are the only reasonable and good kanzlers the brd ever had.

You incite hatred against muslims and we will aid you in WW3 against the muslims in the near easy, helping you to create a greater israel.

Mark my words, greater israel is near and we will see it in our lifetime, probably in the next 20 years even.

This "immigration crisis" could have been prevented easily, nobody is this dumb. But the people in power did it on purpose and for that reason.

Bonus: You will destroy another white country a little bit more, since white people are the only ones who can best you.

>the old left VS right jews lie

What a farce. You are only on the side of your clan, Jew.

Ofcorse its the juden as expected by czech nazi.

Trying so hard to discredit merkel inventing all the things. Sorros here illuminate there.

Is eu so bad for you? Is rubel so much better?

Its a well known fact that russia is finacing nazis in eu to destroy it.

Here have some more rubbel.
The hurting throuth you dont want to accept is merkel and eu will stay.

Sure thing Jebus. They tear down Berlin wall and destroyed Communistic parties because according to you we are now Socialism. You don't create opposite of Socialism and blame Socialism. You don't allow Christian parties that were banned under Socialism to now blame Socialism. You don't create international banks that were banned under Socialism to blame Socialism. Take your pills retard.

I don't know about Schmidt and am not sure on Adenauer. But at least they sure weren't Merkel.

>russia is financing nazis in eu to destroy it
Source please

What are you trying to say Serbia

That he's upset about somebody actually thinking Islamisation is preferable to border control. I can share the sentiment and regret only that I was too young to fight for Serbia back when NATO bombed them because of such.

It's fucking insane over here. It's like people are taught that the profit of international banks is the only measure by which to judge the efficiency of elected officials.