Why do italians look like syrian refugees?

why do italians look like syrian refugees?

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girl is only half italian btw

why is belgium still acountry?

the blanket term is wog

Step back cuckiestan.

You mean why does that guy in your picture look like another guy you saw in a different picture?

Leave that poor Italian alone he didn't do anything to you, let him fuk his qt in peace.

no beef with you gerrtistan

bldium is not a legitimate country and should be erased.

It was a legitimate question though. Why is Belgium still a country?

looks borderline Italian even for our wide standards

>it should be a panasonic TV by now

Rich, coming from the country that gets raped, while wearing 'anti-rape bracelets'

because they're darker whites, really doesn't matter as long as they're actually European

Those aren't Italians, they are Syrian, but not refugees.

molenbeek cuck

not swedens airport that got bombed.

tell your terrorist friends to attck the EU next time.

just a thought, not a suggestion, don't wanna be illigal here. It is just a joke EU spies

don't worry about it cùck

they're cousins

he was born in italy, so were his parents and grandparents

stop ruining europe please

Have you ever been to greece? its even worse

>molenbeek cuck
At least we arrest the shitters, not pamper them like they do in your country

Meanwhile Sweden gets flooded by 'Bearded children'


And another ''''''minor'''''' raping a 10 year old, nothing to see here folks, it is just their culture!


But hey, stick to your non-country memes Sven :^)

Italy got like 50000 Africans per day the other day. He might have been born in Italy because Berlusconi doesn't kills them off. Those Italian Christian whores should be taught better than to make Italians extinct.

you obviously didn't, you got blown the fuck up

belgium has nothing to do with the eu you brain dead moron, the eu just chose to put all its eu buildings in brussels, belgians didn't create the eu, belgians don't rule the eu you goddamn cùck

>you got blown the fuck up



>mom is italian and dad is german
>ended up with brown hair, brown eyes, and olive skin


you house them there, do something about it you fat cunt

You might be German, but not Germanic.

You're not an italian-american but a terrone-american keep it in mind. Also some of your ancestors were probably in the mafia and I'm not even kidding

i don't think you understand ivan, his family has been living in italy for generations, he's not a refugee...

a-are you me?

w-want to get coffee or s-something?

Maybe because we are from the sud europe, and we still have less nigger than belgium

he's probably from Southern Italy

I have a permanently itchy spot on my crotch. What do?

Guidos aren't Italian, they more like cosmetic gypsies.

>Also some of your ancestors were probably in the mafia

My mom's father died in prison for being in some New York crime mob, so probably

Stop fucking Chad in the ass.

What's your mom surname?

are you dumb? you live in the schengen area you stupid cùck, why don't you come and do something about it?


I haven't

are you talking about poorball? where do you think you are fàm?


don't feel like being bombed

I don't get it

It's very typically Neapolitan.

>It was a legitimate question though. Why is Belgium still a country?


do mine do mine
> LaRocca

Is that good or bad?

shit happens

He looks Lebanese or Syrian

well Neapolitans don't exactly have the best reputation
pic related, it's probably from Sicily/south
the concentration in the north around big cities seems like southern diaspora

Cuz Italians are half-arabs/blacks, just like spain and greece.
EU need wall.

looks like she's half italian, half sunglasses

why are swedes syrian refugees?

This woman is a French reality TV bimbo.

Anyone care to guess her ethnicity without looking it up?
>Hint: She's not French.

Don't worry about it, Muslims don't bomb their own harems.

Foreign atoms indeed, an parasitic organism that doesn't cares about Syria and will ruin Italy.

>be half italian

>People haved asked me if im half syrian

> Sicilian
feelsbad(in a good way)man

that's what i'm saying, no way romans looked like that, what's weird is that i think he's from northern italy or at least north of bologna, i thought people there were fairly white

Italy is diverse as fuck, the most diverse Euro country by a good margin. Not just on a north-south gradient but also at a local level.
There's no such thing as "Romans", the patricians were most likely a mix between Etruscans and Latins, the latter being just one of the many Italic tribes already inhabiting the peninsula from north to south.

she's got blue eyes if that's what you want to know, italian mom belgian dad

Thumbnail looked like he had a thick globule of splooge running from his mouth.


My last name is Calabrese and when I get a few days' worth of facial hair I can pass for Turkish easily


Best pizza and coffee though

there were no true romans but that doesn't mean they looked like syrians or turks