Islam is shit

My friend is in university campus and in his class there shall be a theme that "Islam is religion of peace" and he needs to prove that it is not.
He needs a real arguments why islam is not religion of peace.
>Why mohammed was not peaceful prophet?
>Why islam is most violent religion?
>Why islam is shit?
>Why christianity is better?
>all the rest
Please Sup Forums he needs this shit to tomorrow.
Maybe he can redpill someone.
In class there are 3 feminists and 2 muslims he has 5 supporters in class.

Other urls found in this thread:'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Female_Genital_Mutilation'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Slavery

Show them this picture.

seems kinda racist

Islam uses terrorism to conquer

Paedophilia in islam (very strong)

Chapter in quran that proves moohamed was a liar (1 of 4)

7 reasons islam is false

note these are all from an ARAB """"""muslim""""""
he knows perfect arabic and he can guide you perfectly

Islam is the biggest slaver in history
More than 15 milliion slaves were shipped by arabs to th east (arabia and india) and then castrated

That is more than all slaves brought to the Americas put together

Saudi Arabia didn't officially abolish slavery until the 1970's. Unofficially it still exists there.

Really sweed ?


This website is just perfect, you don't need anything else to prove your point.

Does this look like peaceful expansion to you

I've seen this image posted here before. I fixed it months ago. also Filename.

Seriously, look at the prophet Muhammad's conquests, and all the violence and what he said. Pitch Islam as the alpha male religion, no shame, westerners have been voicing a derogatory view of Islam for generations.

People who didn't realize by themselves that islam isn't peace should die trough a muslim

Know Your Enemy.

Bill Warner
Stephen Coughlin

Consider, that bad things on Islam are:
- violence
- selfishness, ruthless to women and environment and infidels
- supremacism

We need to fight these ERRORS.

To fight these errors, you yourself must be above them, you cannot erradicate violence be being violent, you cannot erradicate supremacism by saying that not him but you are more valued, you cannot erradicate ruthless behaviour by being ruthless.

First you must be honest, straight and strong, and then require them being honest and straight.

Ban any violence and preaching violence. But also need to ban violence against innocent of them.

Ban ruthlessness to women, protect some of their rights. Force taking care of environment (where muslim walked, only dirt and garbage remained)

And most of all - supremacism is overcomed by equality or individuality, by adopting fair gauges (for ex. inteligence), but ultimatelly banning race or religion based collective supremacism or inferiority.

Which other error specific to Islam did I forget? (surely some)
How to fairly erradicate it ?

(I've been interrupted in another thread, so continuing here... Pic related - green horse mentioned in Rev 6:8 incorrectly translated as "a pale horse", actually there is "a green horse" - just KJV translators did not understand, how a horse can be green...)


Sure you can ..but you have to have the balls to go in 100%

>"Islam is religion of peace" and he needs to prove that it is not.

What kind of retarded university is that? A religion cannot be peaceful nor violent because it's literally just a piece of text, fucking literature.
How the followers are acting is how a religion is going to be perceived. And muslims do blow up things, murder innocent people driven by the islamic ideology is quite frequently:

The thing is since they started their project on the west loads of money have been invested in security. Billions and billions of taxpayer money to increase security at events like the eurocup and shit like that. Each and every time there's some big event coming the governments prepare just in case there's an islamic terrorist attack. If islam was peaceful this wouldn't be the case and we wouldn't have to spend trillions to prevent them.

A religion can not be is written by a mass murderer and glorifies murder in the name of allah.
If that isn't a violent religion then what is it then ?
it is the prime example of how a violent text makes people violent

I would usually think these comments are sarcasm but your flag makes me think you're serious

Nah the religious doctrine explicitly endorses violence to spread itself.

Came here to post this, it would be a good resource for what you're asking.

Women's rights are the easiest target:

"Muhammad himself declared "A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife."[3] and according to Aisha, "I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!""'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Female_Genital_Mutilation
If you really want to trigger liberals, agree with them while showing the truth. Like: islam ensures everybody has a full family by prohibiting women from going outside without a family male (father, brother, husband).

Second easy target is slavery, which is an integral part of Islam:'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Slavery

Note to you: many non-Muslims seem to think that only Quran is 'real' Islam and the hadiths are somehow less important. Explain that is not so and the basic ones (Kutub al-Sittah) form the basis for Sunni Islam as much as Quran. You can compare the structural meaning of Quran to the four gospels and the hadiths to the Acts of the Apostles - they both are integral parts of New Testament.

>What kind of retarded university is that? A religion cannot be peaceful nor violent because it's literally just a piece of text, fucking literature.

Stop being this autistic.

Funny, although strictly unrelated to peace, thing that people WILL remember: Muhammad recommends drinking camel urine!

all you need to know about Islam is that their prophet Muhammad was in his 50's when he married little Aisha who was 6 (SIX) then he had sex with her when she was 9 (NINE)

Let me simplify it for you. The quran is a made up book, just like literally every other religious books out there. Anyone can do that. You can go and write your own bible and claim god has spoken to you and the book you wrote is the word of god and claim that it is a religion now.
Doesnt matter if you write shit like "kill your dog to praise kek" and "kill the heretics who dont follow kek". It will just remain a piece of text until some people pick it up and start to actually believe it and do these things. And it's not gonna be the book, and the religion killing people its people killing people because they were retarded enough to believe all that crap. Saying a religion is violent is like saying a knife is a violent item. It's not. You can use it to butter your bread and you can use it to kill someone. It's the people that are fucked

Don't use right wing websites to prove your point, the faggots will just say it's not true, just go to a Quran website.

>pisslam stated to attack everyone in sight since mohamhead invented it
>by 1400, they surrounded Constantinopole and cut all the trade between Europe and Far East
>Europeans (Portuguese and Spaniards) try to circumvent that by circling Africa and go West, accidentally discovering America
>Americas colonization follows

Blow their minds at the end by stating that pisslam was directly responsible for Amerindian suffering

just have a 10 Minuit slideshow of terrorist attacks

play it in silence, say nothing

In a nutshell, the Islam uses violence to spread it's word by threatening and killing non-believers, and they use their own holy book for scientific researches and stablishment of laws, making their lifestyle ancient and mostly inhumane.

If you read the Quaran as it, you can see why there are so many death-cult offshoots of Islam.

Everything that is deemed unnaceptable in the Quaran is described so in a way which can only be described as hateful. Not only that, but considering how easy it is to become a Muslim and how easy it is to be banished, along with the fear of god it is the perfect religion for breeding extremism.

Just listen to so-called moderate Muslims, they duck a debate on homosex by saying 'its god's job to judge them'.