Guys, what if there was a vaccine for autism?
Guys, what if there was a vaccine for autism?
not politics
it would cause gluten intolerance
Sup Forums would lose 90% of its users
How can you prevent autism with something designed to give you autism?
You'll never take my memeitus.
Ah, but there is a cure! So many flavors and quite cheap!
The tools required for proper administration is expensive, however.
>>vaccine for autism
Literally would increase the autism level and make people go non-verbal.
Relative to normal American healthcare expenses, the tools and consumables needed are dirt fucking cheap.
We're talking about a country that you can easily rack up $200,000 in medical costs for something simple.
>Gets vaccine for autism
>Vaccine for autism gives you autism
Sounds like a foolproof plan to me!
Be patient with him. He has autism.
>front toward enemy
>no side labeled as front
Great help there, US army.
>get vaccinated for autism
>the shot makes you autistic
>not having insurance
>even after Obama forced your arm with his shitty coverage
wew fag. Get a fucking job.
What if there was a cancer that killed cancer?
What if they stopped diagnosing social awkwardness as autism?
That is the front, fucking Poland.
Sup Forums would be cured
Then soccer moms couldn't quote MMR/Polio vaccines as causing autism, because the autism statistics would decline, while the vaccine stats remain the same.
Over diagnosis of autism is the reason for this bullshit vaccine = autism debacle in case anyone wanted to be redpilled and took this thread unironically.
how do you know?
The curve of the mine is where the ball bearings wrap around the explosive filler, so when the mine detonates they spread in that curvature -> ) ) )
front = the front
toward enemy = the instructions
What if there was a vaccine cure for homosexuality?
The fact is, you may as well be asking for brain transplants.
Makes people easier to be controlled.
There will never be a cure for stupid.
Although if people have strong enough will and drive, autism will make them a force to be reckoned with.
/vg/ wouldnt exist