>Senoir editor at Breitbart starts to film Daily Show interviewing someone at Milo’s ‘Gays for Trump’ Party
>Daily Show crew get upset & fuck off cause they know they can't splice the footage to make the person look dumb with unedited footage
Daily Show BTFO
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10 man film crew chased off by one valiant faggot with a cell phone.
that's the fag who tried shutting down the brietbart reporter
The Daily Show is a farce. No wonder ratings plummeted.
>just constantly says over and over he can't film
>replies that he can
>daily show leave
Absolutely pathetic.
The Right needs to stop trying to virtue signal how honorable they are all the time. Leftists are totalitarian shitheads and they deserve shaming and exposure. This was brilliantly played by the Breitbart fellow and a great example for embarrasing shitlibs
Good job.
How hard can it be to make a conservative gay look retarded? "Please conservatives, take my rights away!".
different angle
>that fedora
Alex Jones thinking Eric Andre is Trevor Noah was funnier than anything The Daily Show has done after Obama's election
How do you think they will spin this? Probably will go from one guy with a cell phone to a pack of KKK neo Nazis wielding AR-15s telling the Daily Show rights are only for the white man
>‘Gays for Trump’
Well done Breitbart
Oh, that's the guy that had his interview interrupted by that shock comedian at the rnc.
>implying it takes any footage splicing to make self-hating faggots look retarded
>hes German
its the same thing, user
It's so embarrassing. Milo is actually turning people gay. I'm so glad his twitter got suspended. He was much more dangerous to the right than he was to the left
Social conservatism needs to fucking die
milo needs to die
It did.
There are just butthurt dinosaurs who don't realize it yet.
your side lost faggot.
get used to it.
now can we start discussing the borders or something that fucking matters?
>substantial sniffer
Because there's always some cabal of jerkoffs that go to church once a year and compensate their guilt by being unbelievable assholes to everyone.
>implying I give a shit who is nutting in whose butt
What is my side? I'm further to the right of you and milo put together. You're basically liberals in my eyes
>what is my side
>Im further to the right
jesus are you really this stupid?
Now come back to center-right.
Oy vey step away
>Milo is actually turning people gay
>Milo is actually turning people gay.
My side is just getting started. You faggots may have taken over Sup Forums, but my side is the natural order of things. Your egalitarian utopia will eventually collapse, and people like me will be the ones to pick up the pieces. You are now marked for execution.
got it.
Read the replies to his tweets. They're sickening.
Anyone remember when they had Peter Schiff come on and they sliced the FUCK out of his interview and then put up a graph with supply as a downward sloping line and demand as an upward sloping line?
Funny as fuck.
Was that 6' 2'' 140 lb faggot suppose to be the muscle for the Daily Show?
>Being socially conservative
Autism. Why not bring back chivalry while you're at it?
>being a liberal
Why not jump off a cliff
>My side is just getting started
No, it's literally dying and your obsession with social conservatism is what has doomed the republican party and is what will put Hillary in the white house.
Kek, I was wondering the same thing. A stiff breeze could've blown him away, so I'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish
Can Milo fuck off?
>"Haha, it's okay to be gathering if you're conservative"
No. No it isn't. The whole idea of him using his homosexuality as a shield from like liberal attacks was funny at first, but young conservatives seem to think homosexuality is okay and Milo is making it worse.
Why do you faggots keep saying social conservatism? That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about a white ethnostate. I could give fuck about what you consider social conservatism.
go die pls
found the shitskin
.05 shekels ha e been deposited into (((((your))))) account
How did you come to that conclusion? I just don't hate or look down on people because of the color of their skin. I am not threatened by people who look differently.
I judge people based on their actions.
You guys are literally the reason we're going to be stuck with Hillary for at least the next 4 years.
Vid related. He should have recorded it.
oh look another clueless libturd
Kek and that alpha cuck who said
>I'm going to stand between you and my crew to protect them
>built camera guy looks at the camera smiles and says hi mom
He was a bro
>staff is almost entirely comprised of fresh-out-of-liberal-arts-school faggots
No. He makes me feel more masculine. He is gay enough for us all.
The nose knows
faggot enablers detected. why is the altright so gay? Even the other altright "hero"; Gavin, turn out to be a faggot as well, no surprise there tbth
You do know there's an actual show with that file name right?
you need to die faggot
Are you somebody's fucking dad that walked past his son's PC and saw this thread open? Nobody actually turns gay for someone you moron, it's called being facetious.
ITT liberals who are too retarded to realize they are liberals defend being faggots
You have too much faith in these people
>"lol jus me being facetious :)"
>"homos are the backbone of traditional western society"
>"homophobia is jewish"
>beta nu-males think they're intimidating
>Host party
>People come to your party
>Start telling you what you can and can't do at your party
And people think conservatives are the socially inept ones.
>huh nothing personal kid but im ultra best conservative
thats fucking disgusting, even joseph the faggot watson invited these degenerates to the alex jones show. he is desperate to probe to the world that alt-rigthers are as liberal as liberals in social issues
This is the best that liberal arts colleges can create. These are the "privilege minded" activists that have been raised on a diet of intellectual horseshit and identity politics.
This is the best they can muster.
Watson is gay?
>liberal as liberals
No value in the term anymore. The "liberals" of today are not liberals, and those who could be rightly called "liberals" can no longer use the term, as it has been hijacked and applied to statist authoritarians.
not sure but he surely acts like one, at least bi. alex does have a homo in the crew tho, thats anthony gucciardi. lee ann is a witch, even goes to a coven.
the actual definition and use of the word does not matter. liberals is a point to identify certain patterns of behavior. when i said socially liberal, i meant doing drugs, promiscuous sex, okeing faggotry or being a faggot and so on. behaviors that are usually considered liberal
>The Right needs to stop trying to virtue signal how honorable they are all the time. Leftists are totalitarian shitheads and they deserve shaming and exposure. This was brilliantly played by the Breitbart fellow and a great example for embarrasing shitlibs
Literally this.
>liberals pissed when police make them stop filming
>turn around and use same tactics
I can't believe i used to believe this shit.
>Milo made me gay!
It wasn't Milo, user.
>'Sponge Brain 4 eyes' getting into the guys face, trying to act tough
>These fucking kikes actually tried to get away with barring someone from filming on a public space
The Daily Show is basically far-left Tele-evangelism.
This is real journalism... catching these big conglomerates in the act and exposing their manipulation to the public.
Agreed, media companies should release the unedited footage of all their segments if they want to have any shred of integrity in the public eye
Any lawyer-fags here? I'm genuinely curious, couldn't taking audio or video of someone and then editing it to "twist" the message that person was trying to convey (like the daily show does)... Couldn't one argue that that constitutes libel or slander?
only if it explicitly makes some claim about him that is untrue, rather than just imply it.
>user is a goat fucker
potentially slander
>user is a goat fucker, or is he?
protected free speach
>let's give pedos the right to date children
>let's legalize all drugs
>let's legalize public masturbation à la omegle
lol, the bitch at the end
>This is so fucking ga-
>This is so fucking lame
I'll be happy when these lib reporters start getting shot during these interviews
>Gay republicans fight for themsepves in court for their right to openly serve in the army
>Meanwhile the majority of republicans did not support gay marraige aka equality
Proof that you can be educated and still be stupid
>Colorado, washington and oregon legalize weed
>Crime goes down and state income goes up drastically, finances are dumped into schools infrastructure and law enforcement, which also has time to pursue worse crimes
Get with it hombre
Weed seems to be more commonplace among American teens than alcohol in Europe; doesn't invalidate my point tho.
Also: daily reminder that Milo himself is against gay marriage.
>alpha cuck
Literally what?
Fucking hang yourself you shitty partisan faggot.
That doesn't sound funny at all.
NPR has actually done the same thing on a few occasions. When the interview backfires, they won't use the recording.
Crime has actually increased in Colorado after decriminalization of weed. The "crime is down in Colorado" meme was a result of faulty (probably intentionally misleading) use of statistics.
Lmao I was just going to post something like this because of how much worse things have gotten in Colorado here ever since we legalized weed. Crime has definitely not gone down and the police publicly acknowledge it has gotten worse.
Leafs are by far without a doubt the worst posters on this site and the result of a liberal run country.
He's a big guy
I even support decriminalization, but only if it is done unilaterally at the federal level because of the pressure this has placed on individual States.
We are getting a massive influx of weed immigrants, and more revenue for the State is hardly a good justification--it will only support social programs to entice even more undesirables to the regions.
>Giving a shit about marriage
This is some next level dystopian food for nightmares
Im speechless
Milo in incredibly dishonest and just says what his fans want to hear. He publicly stated that he only pretended to like Trump to troll early in the primaries but when it seemed like he could win then suddenly Milo was super serious about his support. He's just an opportunist. I doubt Milo actually opposes gay marriage considering his arguments are retarded. He just does it for conservative cred.
There's also a provision in Canadian law which clarifies that just because something is true is no defense for hate speech. You can actually be jailed for stating verifiably true facts if they are offensive enough. I'd check France's laws too. Europe is pretty fucked in the freeze peach department.
It a meme you dip
But seriously fuck fags (not literally)
Your mental resistance only makes my dick harder. Show me your boipussy.
This was pretty based.
>calm collected (gay?) mobile phone recording dude
The "this is my crew!" dude was so pissed. His have a nice night was a thinly veiled "get fucked".
About the dumbest you can do is be interviewed without taking home a hard copy. Even if it's your own personal recording.