Your favorite country

What's your favorite country Sup Forums?

Also state the reasons.

>beautiful land
>awesome people
>fighting against gays and general degeneracy
>a long tradition of German-Russian relationship with wins for both sides

Even though I dislike their sharia law regions, the rising nationalists at least fight and chase muslims in none muslim regions.

We don't have sharia law though.

>funny bants
>kangaroos n shit

some parts (women forced to be veiled, polygamy, marriage already at 14) of it apply in muslim regions like chechnya

your shitty long tradition cost us a shit tons of people.
I rather side with dirty Pole.

>no wars since ever
>stayed outside EU
>direct democracy
>wide civil liberties and culture that preserves them
>bank secrecy, including for foreigners
>rich, prosperous and stable

>Warm Weather
>Everyone swims
>Making progress with stopping the boat people
>Speak English
>Intresting biodiversity
>Had our back since WW1

Because I was born here

>I rather side with dirty Pole.
Delet this

Very beautiful indeed

my favourite country has to be independent republic of sochia !
>has whole krasnodar and north western caucasus
>good people
>only 25% rus
>loves georgia


>Grossdeutsches Reich

>contained the future of the White race

no other reasons necessary

>incredibly intelligent
>very good looking people
>migrants behave in Germany
>tons of awesome pro wrestlers
>beautiful architecture
>great and important in video games
>traditional and conservative
>Axis bros

What's "long tradition"?

long tradition covers your wars with ruskies since teutons and livonia

*Tips Fedora*
/r9k/ is down the hall and to the left

>roman history
>great food
>strong culture
>warm weather
>historical architecture

Inb4 ">Italy >white" meme

>implying /r9k/ doesn't share half of the userbase with Sup Forums

Ah ok.

My homeland.

I really like Russia too. I'll likely visit for the world cup.

Sierra Leone
>Lowest life expectancy at birth.

>very good looking people

Oh boy. Get your yellow fever treated, m8.

>Inb4 those cherrypicked pictures, that get posted in every thread where people say something against glorious nippon

Germany, because it almost done it.

>What's your favorite country Sup Forums?

Iceland, Switzerland, Ireland, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Holland, Russia, France, Denmark...

>Oh boy. Get your yellow fever treated, m8.
The best looking Asians as least. There are ugly women in every country.
Done what, exterminate your people?


And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon Englands mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On Englands pleasant pastures seen.

well without trolling my favourite country is germany

>only country that helped us and didn't backstab us
>denies our entry into eu for our sake lmao
>tried to fuck russia several times
>creepy ppl but ok
>dennis siver and his lols

Fuck off Kraut. We(Russia) hate you.

You destroyed our country!


It's kinda like the land of leaf but instead the center of the universe

why the name of that picture is *german children murdered* tho ?

>My country
>My people
>My culture

What else does one need

"Most powerfull race on the world" busted big time!

>le hitler wanted to exterminate everybody meme
it stopped being funny long time ago

From google.

yes you have no friends...

>better to get raped by Afghans and mussies

*german child raped by soviets* ? wow makes me think of it ruskies were ww2 syrian refugees


because they fuck with shitty overly aggressive subhuman russians all the time, and those cunts deserve to suffer

>still mad

My own obviously, but the USA is a very close second. Guns, free speech, total global domination - it's wonderful.

Hitler wanted to annex parts of the Soviet Union and exterminate the people living there.

Are you implying that the SS and the wehrmacht were holier than thou angels who dindu nuffin wrong?

- Fights terrorism
- Only democracy in the Middle East
- Only country ISIS is scared of
- Fought off all Arab countries in six days

i had my relatives killed in that conflict you dumbfuck it was personal to me.

dude you are saying *raped russian children* and name of the pics are *raped german children* at least change name of the pics. can't speak for ss but wehrmacht was better

>Implying democracy is a good thing


Being ruled by foreign puppets installed though a coup has its downsides, as you have discovered, and as Ukraine is currently still discovering.

Do you think you Russian bros will annihilate Muslims any time soon? Because I like Putin's strong stance on the issue.

Portugal, no bullshit.

>good history
>nice people
>great food
>god-tier weather
>98% same culture
>nobody has enough patience to deal with bullshit, so if you go all precious snowflake people just tell you to fuck off
>nobody is full SJW or full Nazi and just treat you based on how obnoxious/tiresome your attitude is
>niggers segregated in and within the capital
>only 300 muslim refugees that were put next to pic related and have fucked off for feeling unwelcome
>everyone thinks it's a shit-hole because of memes so they don't bother coming over

NZ seems pretty shill too.

Fuck you Georgian scumbag.

Your retarded kinsman ruined my country together with the Germans.

Most of my relatives were killed during the revolution and our wealth taken away from us.

This is why I hate Germans because they took everything important from us.

WW2 was just payback.

The rapes were justified.

Are you still here? I need rusian to help me out.
Answer me please.

and how the hell does it calm me down from getting my relatives killed even if whatever you wrote is correct ?

Yes, I am still here.

Italy, Spain - comfy culture, catholic, family in the center

Switzerland - civil liberties, economic solidarity and order

I have never seen a calm Georgian in my life, so I think it's a moot point.

>wicked sense of humor

>georgians in malaysia
>the farthest invasion of georgian forces were in west anatolia and at the outskirts of teheran
>during bolshevik revolution my ancestors lost all their *richness*
>rapes are never justified

Putin's party has officially nothing against muslims. Even on TV they say that "real Islam" has nothing to do with terrorism. This is also a reason why nationalism is on the rise.

stalin ? he was chilled af but i shouldn't tell you about him hehe you made him national hero

Im Russian you fucking idiot.

I was talking about the revolution days and purges.


>best culture
>best history
>best people


>Russians shitting on Georgia

Shouldn't you be more upset with the puppetmasters?

Thanks for replying. I have some question for you but it is off topic so can you vome to /randam/ where I had a thread there already please.

come to*

1. Italy

2. France

3. Russia


Honorable mention: Vatican


okay, idi naxui than.
and take your raping horde with you whose rapes were justified and get some muslim friends easier to gangrape.

Is Sharia Law being implemented in Germany because of the mass immigration?

I guess for best country my homeland because I can only speak English and I fit in due to growing up here.

No. We are only about 6% or so. In Russia there are Sharia regions, but Russia sadly has 10+% Islam.

It will still take a few decades or so.

Why did our Tsar even bother with your shitty country?

We should have given you to the Ottomans.

That way that retard(Stalin) didn't come to my country and fuck it up.

We would still be Orthodox Empire!

Ottoman deserves Stalin.

Doesn't Sharia law threaten your way of life and freedom of speech?

oh really ? orthodox empire ?
didn't you guys ally fag with iranians ?
didn't you guys ally fag with various north caucasian muslims and also abkhazian turks to beat us which took you 2 years ? aren't you only orthodox country attacking other orthodox countries ? so much for an orthodox empire

Our mudslimes are tamed.

They drink and eat pork.

They barely go to mosques and don't demand shariah zones unlike in your pathetic country.

Enjoy your Syrian and Turkish rape gangs.

You deserve it you disgusting squarehead.

>Freedom of Speech

top kek.

Freedom of speech only when your views align with the official narrative hahaha.

bye twat gonna rape my russian gf which will be *justified by historical cause* as you already stated.

Well, to be more precisely only the family law parts of Sharia law apply in Russia. Like marrying very young girls and some women rights issues like the being forced to be veiled and so.

Back to actual issues

Says the nation who breeds destroyers.

Fuck off.

I'm convinced that your shitty country is satans country because you are capable of bringing monogloids like Stalin to existence.

>implying Russian women would touch filthy Georgian subhumans

top kek.

Next thing you will tell me is you're fucking the royal family.

Doesn't that happen in Germany though?

I thought it was the norm there when your pet refugees arrived in droves :^).

>Doesn't that happen in Germany though?

Why are you even on the Philippines if you love Russia so much?

>I am pizdah blah blah

Mad that Russian women prefer BGC (big Georgian cock)? Sorry Ivan every Natalya wants a Georgi :^)

Are you really Russian?

Is no one gonna say Islam is fascist ideology where if your views don't align with Islam, you are punished. And as seen in Saudi Arabia executed for being gay, girls not wearing a veil, drinking wine, having pork, etc.

But I guess some countries have it under control

There are no beheading or such stuff. Just legalized child marriage, polygamie and women being treated like cattle.

Because there's good money to be made here compared in Russia.

If this was the 90s maybe I would have stayed
in Russia.

Probably would have been an oligarch.

>Diaspora fags

Literally the worst.

Born, bred, and raised.

Our muslims have been part of our nation for a very long time.

German's import theirs and treat them like pets.

We don't . We treat them like actual human beings. We don't give them gibsmedats unlike the filthy cuckold Germans.

Stop being such a fucking cuck, Germany. Just because one country superficially appears to support one view, doesn't mean they're good people or potential allies. You have to look at the underlying reasons, and when you look at Russia, you'll notice they're not exactly a well-function society. They're degenerates, but in different areas. Countries that have been through hard times or that are generally just shit, tend to be racist/homophobic because they lack altruism, which isn't a good thing. If you think they would treat you well if they somehow came to rule over you, you are sorely mistaken.

Meanwhile, the reason the west has become degenerate, is because of its astonishing success. People have lost touch with reality, as there are no real challenges facing us, and our overwhelming wealth and power compel us to help all the shitskins and degenerates of the world. Unfortunately, this misguided altruism is based on the false concept of equality.

In other words, Russia is right for the wrong reasons, while the west is wrong for right reasons. Our salvation can only come from within, not from belligerent outside forces whose views superficially align with ours.

Yeah but if you let the Muslims breed at the rate of like 3.8 per woman, your gonna see a very different Germany in 50 years

Maybe in their shitholes but they don't demand it in the entire country unlike your pet Turks and Syrians.

Maybe you will have refugee chancellor soon. HAHAHA.

Islamic Deutschland wann?

>Because there's good money to be made here compared in Russia.

>I love Russia
>I am Russian
>get good education in Russia
>leave as fast as possible
>in result harmed Russia

Not russia.

My most beloved country is eu.
Because we are all brüder here.

What do you here?

>Great history
>Beautiful women
>Music is great especially tango
>Speak spanish or english
>Great football players
>Pope francis
>Fantastic sights
>Friendly people
>Cheap alcohol
>white heritage
What more can you ask for?

More like 10 years.

Hell it's happening already.

The Germans are treated like dhimmis while the Muslims get treated like nobility.

Given money, housing, food, clothing, everything given on a golden plate while the German works hard to feed their new pets.

If we put it in nature terms the Muslims are like the cuckoo bird while the German the one feeding the bird.

Did I deny this? This also happens in Russia. The patriarch feared that due to the muslim birth rates and white assholes leaving the country like him that Russia will be 50% at the end of the century.

I pay my taxes and help my fellow Russians.

What do you do aside from prepping the Muslim bulls?

Furniture, Metalworking, mostly production.

If you post anything other than your country, then you should just as well kill yourself.

I{m currently visiting my family in Argentina and the economy here is terrible. Prices are very high, as well as crime rate and the new goverment isn´t doing too good either (I´m from spain BTW)

Agreed. Japan a close second though, I wish Britain was more like them, putting our island nation to shame

>I pay my taxes and help my fellow Russians.
You aren't paying Russia the taxes. And how do you help them from there? Only over internet advice?