>Polish president Andrzej Duda when asked about the race conflict in the USA commented with "The police doesnt need guns they need forks."
why is he so fuckin based? feels good to live here
Based boland bread
Don't get it
fucking cannibals I swear
I think it might have been a self-deprecating remark about gun control in Europe.
All I can think of is some sort of joke involving Americops eating doughnuts in patrol cars with their fingers.
Polish humour pls explain
Because they (BLM) do not behave like humans but like cattle. There you go.
also it's derogatory in Poland to call someone 'bydło' which means cattle in Polish.
This is what got you the stereotype.
wtf i hate jokes now
Polish hate nigs
it's not about nigs - it's about people that behave like animals. There are many whites that are on ape level and i'm probably offending apes right now.
Bid wo?
Aha! So perhaps better translation is "The police doesnt need guns they need whips."
That would refer to slavery and liberals here would've try to rip him a new one with your version.
Is it because they're fat?
>polish """"""""jokes""""""""
When you get the joke I think it's pretty clever. But it's just 'too' Polish of a joke to ever be funny outside of Poland.
It's like if Rajeet was telling a joke about why Pranav was a simpleton, and the punchline was 'Because he's from the North' etc. Only Southern Indians would find this funny.
yeah, probably. Still I can't imagine any Western politician saying something like this.
>In Poland, condoning cannibalism is more socially acceptable than condoning slavery.
pretty much
seriously, who condone cannibalism in here ?
If you have to explain the joke it's not a funny joke.
Now you know how we feel reading this thread.
Don't lie to yourself, Polish government is a pile of garbage that needs to be burned just like the whole third commonwealth shit.
We literally need a new Poland, this one works on communist rules.
I'm a realist. You can't have what you want, so you are basically forced to accept some of the bullshit. We are in a fucked position when it comes to geopolitical relations so the only thing we can do is to slowly cut off old commie block and be sneaky like Chinese were for the last 50 years.