Help Sup Forums I need your advice

Help Sup Forums I need your advice

>Wife's daughter wants to take twerking dance class
>Wife says it's healthy and good exercise
>think it's degenerate and disagree
>Wife signs her up anyway
>mfw I have to go to a dance recital and watch my daughter provocatively shake her ass in front of hundreds of people
>mfw I regret marrying my wife because of this teenage girl

Am I a cuck? Should I kill myself?

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your wife is signing your daughter into a twerking class and you just let it happen? haha cuck

give her the D

Having a biological daugther is cuck thing anyways. Now, if you fuck your wife's daughter

Pics or GTFO

It's time for you to extend your father's role.

Film it so we can assess our position on the matress

>twerking dance class

>Wife's daughter

>Wife's daughter
>Am I a cuck.

I don't think you need anyone to answer this for you.

>I have to go to a dance recital and watch my daughter provocatively shake her ass in front of hundreds of people

Did this already happen?

If not, when you are there, you can stand up, autist style, and red pill the entire crowd. Have your talking points memorized ahead of time.

Then Rage Quit the performance.

Your wife and daughter and community will be furious, because you have publicly judged them.

Too bad.

Control your wife better next time.

And explain to your daughter what her sexual market value is - and that if she acts like a slut, no decent man will ever be interested in her for anything other than nailing her and leaving.

She will probably die alone, or alone with out-of-wedlock children. And make it clear that you will not support her when this happens.

Your wife's daughter is gonna end up a single mother of a nigglet.

Let her be a slut? Go cuck your wife, make a son and try again

It's a shit test. Ban it. if you fail to assert authority you get the + points for trying.

You're teenage daughter will love you for trying to stop her from embarrassing yourself.

Oh, and take a video cam.

so you can show it to her when she's older.

My wife was telling me that the dance recital is discreet and that filming is prohibited because of the girls ages it could "do then harm"

Seriously what the fuck. I've looked up vids online of what to expect and I'm not looking forward to it. I raised this girl since she was 6 now she's 16.

She has to learn how to twerk? They have to go to class for this?

How precisely are they graded? If you have a fat ass and the giggle is more pronounced, are you considered a "natural"?

Marrying a single mother was the original sin in the first place.
Do you have a child with her? Yours, that is.

how old are we talking here?

you should sit down and enjoy the show you massive faggot

She will eventually marry a BBC

Should have compromised and signed her up for a less degenerate form of dance. They're all pretty bad though, desu. Dancers are just scum.

You're an idiot.

Have you ever been over to Sup Forums? No? Well I suggest you saunter on over and see what is done to public-facing webcams. You know that they have their $49.95 webcam set up so they can review all dance performances.

All you fucking need is an IP.

You better start learning some very basic security, Dad. Your precious little girl already probably has creepshots of her all over already.

But this is b8 isn't it? Shit.....

8/10 for getting me to post

Sorry, out of practice with the bullshit filter.

You didn't raise her, the state and the media did.

I'm not a father so I can't judge, but find your voice and shame her the fuck out of that thing.

Molest your daughters friends

your genetic line is fucked anyway, bask in the degeneracy


>wife's daughter

If you have to ask....

>Mfw this is probably bait anyway

>Pics or GTFO

twerking really needs a video for us to see what OP is upset about.

first of all : off by one
second : Another daily thread that strengthen my will to not have a gf/wife. Always ending up a fucking disgrace and disappointment

wise words
OP should have a son or an abortion

>Wife's daughter
>marrying my wife
hmmm, i can see 2 problems there
also, what did you expect?
you have to marry a man if you want a partner with some standard

i second this.

the only way to to shake everyone out of the dickness they've accepted as reality is to crash the plane with no survivors.

bonus points for turning to the stage and telling everyones daughters that they're lives and self respect are worth more than what their shitty parents have led them to believe.

film it if you do this because i need my faith in humanity restored

Not sure you could get a wife/gf Frenchi. They'd probably get stabbed or hit by a truck before you could sputter out the words to ask her out.

>Wife's daughter
>Am I a cuck?


Yeah I'm sorry how is this even a real thing? I don't think it takes very long to learn how to twerk and it's obviously not real dancing. Have to call bullshit

Your wife's daughter has a talent :^)

>should I kill myself


twerker girls are degenerate whores

tell her to learn martial arts and self defense if she wants to get in shape

kek, wtf?

My wife's daughter. AHAHAHAH

>Am I a cuck? Should I kill myself?

Redeem yourself by cucking your wife and fucking her daughter.


Being able to attract men by shaking ass is raising value of a woman. They are well aware of it. It's only natural your daughter would want to how do amerifats say it, make her shares go up? it's like boys gong to the gym to grow muscles to attract females. Now it's understandable you're not happy with it, but you can't change their nature.

holy shit, OP should become Christopher Foster

>CP is illegal
Unless you watch it live.

Op here
It's not this but it's simular