>But muh Jewish economists
M8 fuck your economy, family and community is what matters
When did you realize libertarianism was childish nonsense?
Libertarianism is a tool for a political and societal reset. The current climate is becoming increasingly oppressive and the powers that be are using the mob to enforce and divert, divide and conquer, control and subvert.
Libertarianism is the perfect means of cleaning all that shit out and starting over with a clean slate.
>When did you realize libertarianism was childish nonsense?
When I found out about human biological diversity.
>politicians are a bunch of inept, corrupt wankers who no longer represent the people
>bankers destroy national economies for their own profit
>politicians import shitskins by the million to pad their own voter base before the pendulum swings to the right again
>speaking the truth is being made criminal
>self defence is not a right
I can't say I fully agree with libertarianism, but bigger government is by far not better.
When I read The Social Contract and my economics professor introduced me to Keynes.
>He's not a Hoppeian libertarian
"There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They – the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism – will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order"
>means of cleaning all that shit out and starting over with a clean slate.
>clean state
made me kek
This is so fucking German, I can't even
If you think libertarianism is only about economics, you are a fucking idiot. This is stormfag propaganda to justify their statism and authoritarianism.
When I was 18 and realized that DUDE WEED LMAO was actually a pretty small part of the picture and that I could enjoy it whether it's legal or not.
How does he intend to return society to that level of culture?
>fuck your economy, family and community is what matters
Around 2009, it is a blue pilled philosophy that assumes everyone is equal, in an all european society sure maybe it could theoretically work but that is not the case. If libertarians are not careful the false equality is a stepping stone into leftism and cryptomarxism. Why else do you think leftists support Libertarians other than to attack from a position of weakness.
>The US constitution is blue pilled
At this point I'm willing to settle for most any system that would weed out the leeches with no ambition or value to society. If it's libertarianism so be it. If it's incentive-based eugenics, that's fine too.
It's the same as that communism you retards jerk off to but without the state needing to kill everyone
When I was 18/19 and actually went out in the world. I still think a libertarian system of government is ideal, but completely impractical.
The founding fathers never assumed anyone other than whites inhabiting America.
I didn't say that, the constitution as it was first written was good, but those same rights were extended to those who were unworthy. Now look where we are. I don't think the constitution was libertarian, it was closer to the proper state of ethnic nationalism which is the natural order.
Authoritarianism is a childish fantasy
A libertarian society wouldn't last.
Other societies would move over and start taking over.
Unorganized resistance won't be able to push them back and good luck aligning everyone to fight the invaders.
I used to be a libertarian too, until I realized that it was similar to communism in the sense that you need everyone to be for the cause 100% or it will crumble.
Authoritarianism isn't bad, or even freedom killing, if you have the right laws.
You're just used to the concept of shitty laws.
The Constitution was written with the end of slavery in mind.They knew their niggers were people and knew that slavery would die out as an economic force. In fact that's specifically why we are alllowed to amend it in the first place.
That may be the case, but looking at cause and effect, I think they made a mistake. Case and point, will the Constitution still be upheld when Non Europeans are say 60% or higher are the major force in dictating national policy and laws? I think not, once their power grows strong enough, there will be a massive problem on this nations hands.
You're an idiot if you think family and community can be somehow 'separate' from the economy. This sort of 'fallacy' is something fake libertarians commit often, and I would love nothing more than to purge your kind permanently.
Guess what, pal? Nothing lasts forever. Dictatorships fall, kings crumble, even in Japan which has had a hereditary monarchy for thousands of years, the Emperor's power has waxed and waned. Even Hitler's dream magic land of German supremacy was only projected to last about a thousand years. Saying libertarianism isn't worthwhile because "it wouldn't last" is the most infantile statement you can possibly make.
That's fine, except libertarianism is a guarantee of failure.
Some places still have their cultures intact.
That won't happen under libertarian government.
The people across the non existent border will will come over, implement their law(with actual strength to back it), and take over.
Libertarians are as stupid as anarchists.
Grow the fuck up.
Why even bother with it if it won't even last your lifetime?
Are you really willing to fight for nothing like an animal?
>Objectivism is the same as Libertarianism
>not legislating morality and allowing people to re-organize themselves without being fucked with by a hard right/hard left society is the same as objectivism
>Austrian economics are the same as Ayn "Fuck That Guy" Rand's tard (((philosophy)))
Are you prepared to bring something that's an argument to the table?
Well, true *too*.
are you implying that a libertarian society has no national defense because it believes in non-intervention? a libertarian society would have arguably some of the best national defense because none of the resources or logistics are extended to foreign interests.
How do you expect to rally enough people to fight?
Not everyone is a libertarian and without enforcing borders you're just inviting people in who probably have plans to take over in whatever way they can.
You see the subversion of government today and you really think a libertarian government could prevent it?
There would be no stops in place to prevent it, and if you started making laws for it, you get closer to losing what you started out with.
Humans will always try to make order from disorder.
>you need everyone to be for the cause 100% or it will crumble
There is no "cause", literally do whatever the fuck you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, also guns.
Maintaining that environment is a cause.
If I were to do whatever I wanted, I might want to organize a group to ensure my freedom, which may or may not step on your rights.
The thing is, what the fuck are you gonna do about it if we are organized with weapons, ammo lines, and outside support?