How do we reverse the declining birth rates of whites?

How do we reverse the declining birth rates of whites?

Show a happy white family on tv or film for once. Literally all it takes to change milennials opinions'.

By having sex with white women.

White as in what? Irish? Poles? Aussies? Swedes?

Race is ambiguous at best and a social construct at worst.

Get married and have sex.

You like sex, don't yah OP?

>ban anime (and mango)
>parents lessons in school
>encourage women to be good mothers instead of being a career slut
>tell men the manliest thing is to be a father and have a family

Lower the age of consent

Destroy feminsm


lower tax burdens on lower income couples. Reduce spending on social programs and limit child benefits to 2 children only. Spend money saved on benefits into building more houses.

>lower taxes mean more money to spend on children
>Lower benefits lock out retarded third worlders from

>White as in what?
as in pink nipples and light eyes