How do we reverse the declining birth rates of whites?
How do we reverse the declining birth rates of whites?
Show a happy white family on tv or film for once. Literally all it takes to change milennials opinions'.
By having sex with white women.
White as in what? Irish? Poles? Aussies? Swedes?
Race is ambiguous at best and a social construct at worst.
Get married and have sex.
You like sex, don't yah OP?
>ban anime (and mango)
>parents lessons in school
>encourage women to be good mothers instead of being a career slut
>tell men the manliest thing is to be a father and have a family
Lower the age of consent
Destroy feminsm
lower tax burdens on lower income couples. Reduce spending on social programs and limit child benefits to 2 children only. Spend money saved on benefits into building more houses.
>lower taxes mean more money to spend on children
>Lower benefits lock out retarded third worlders from
>White as in what?
as in pink nipples and light eyes
fuck appchan.
>...from living off the government
>building houses will lower to costs of buying one making it easier to set up a home to have children in.
Ban abortions, anime and video games unless you have at least one child.
Extrauterine foetal incubation and baby factories.
I honestly don't see a baby boom in the future for western whites.
>Implying the weeb fanbase is significant
Other than that though, some good points. Masculinity needs to be considered to be a positive thing (as does femininity), Tumblr-feminism needs to end. IF women want to be fat with blue hair then that is A-ok. They should not, however, demand that people find them attractive. This brings me to my next point: health should be considered a positive thing and an admirable trait. 'Healthy at any size' is blatantly untrue. Simply put, if a person is healthy then they will not be morbidly obese. Finally, marriage needs to become an institution worthy of respect again. For that to happen, there needs to be some value in it for men. As it is now, marriage is a horrible trap for men and a convenient tool for women. This extends broadly to any kind of commitment to women including children (something that women have used as a weapon for years).
>happy white family
lol that's a myth. white women have wanted out for the longest. that's why they're throwing you all under the bus
Ban Chinese cartoons
Breed with Asians.
Currently, society makes it acceptable to be a slut or a deadbeat dad. All this sjw and feminism shits has taken away from what is most important to any individual (or at least should be) is family. Period.
Luckily, my wife puts our kids and I before anything else, including her job. she has actually been late because our youngest (2yo) was upset that she had to work.
I love that about her. She always makes sure house is clean, HEALTHY food is available, and that everyone is happy and has what they need before she even thinks about what she wants/needs.
She swears that our daughter will NOT grow up to be a fucking teenage slut or date a nigger. Our sons (11 and 12) help me with yard work/construction on our new house. They know how important it is to find a white woman with morals and standards.
Some may think we are wrong teaching our kids this, but at least I'll be one of the lucky few with pure white grandchildren.
>make anime real
>create artificial wombs
>gas 99% of biocunts
whites doesn't make children anymore because they know peace and prosperity won't last a generation or 2 with all these shitskins flowing every corner of the earth.
so the solution is, as always, to build walls.
>Build sex dolls with low cost materials
>Sell them masively in pooloo, spic, chink and nigger markets using meme warfare
>With profits, lobby for conservative parties in white countries to forbid their use
>Get comfy as shitskin birthrates get down
Sure, a world full of Elliot Rodgers is what we need the most
How does that solve anything?
FUCK! works for me
no anal no condom vaginal creampie all the way
>t shlomo
Simple. Restrict birth control to married couples. Ban abortion. If necessary, make birth control available but prohibitively expensive for non-married couples, and use the tax revenue to support natalist policies for married couples (never single mothers).
When sex has consequences, more girls will start choosing partners who will be good fathers rather than partners who will just be good for some fun.
Its not the declining birth rate of whites that bothers me, its all the third world shitskins having more children because modern medicine and farming has increased the life expectancy of these waste of space brown shits.
Yeah, having half asian femine sons with baby dicks is what the world needs more of.
remove feminism
I never got this "baby dick" thing. Are people who say this also jealous over black guys "monster cocks"? I honestly don't get it. Is it a way of rationalizing white superiority despite being outperformed by asians in everything but penis size and height? If so, it's pathetic. It's literally nigger think.
I'm not white. Physically, asians are an inferior race. Theyre short, have small hands and feet, and small dicks. For a man to willingly reproduce with an asian woman is to have no regard for his future offspring. Asians do put education above personal self-fulfillment so they are educated, but that doesn't mean their IQ is any higher than an educated person from any other race, except blacks since unversities have lower standards for them.
Ask Monsanto to make women with tits and body shape like the cartton in yout pic, OP.
I would motorboat myself to sleep everything with those.
>ban abortion
I just can't follow your train of thought. They're not smarter they just study harder? Are all other races simply lazy then?
Doesn't Brazil have tons of woman like that already?
Brazil is a country is wonderful butts, but big, juicy, natural tits are as rare as finding MewTwo.
The fact that Im a tit man instead of a butt warrior dont help me either :(
Kill all whites. this way you won't have to worry about it anymore.
Make people feel like they can foster a child in a healthy and safe society, instead of a one that is going down the shitter economically and environmentally.
Too late senpai the damage is done. Reform akin to China's Cultural Revolution is the kind of reconditioning needed and that's not happening anytime soon.
based erodoll
Remove the feminists nutjobs in power, make women accountable for their actions again, make it social acceptable to slut shame again. Make marriage not be a massive fucking trap for men.
I have met a few woman from Brazil that were both to titty and ass monsters. Both were olive skinned and sharp features, straight hair. Oh god they were hot. But of course, they went after bigger dick so I was outa luck.
Few girls too. So I figured a lot of woman down there are chesty as well.
Kill the jews.
Take away women's rights and make having a family possible without ruining the mans life.
Kill all whites actually, the best way to reverse birth rates is to have high death rates.
African paradox, their death rates are the highest in the world but the higher they climb the greater the birth rate becomes which is always why Africa has the fastest growing population.
Abortion is the only thing saving america from being Africa. We need people who will work not more niggers.
a lot of black girls will stop screwing around when sex has consequences again and when they won't get any cash handouts for children unless they're married
I have no problem with black children raised by married black parents. stats show such children are much better adjusted, are productive members of their communities and are less likely to be involved in crimes and less likely to have illegitimate offspring themselves
Actually might work
stop posting anime
>a lot of black girls will stop screwing around when sex has consequences again
>married black parents
right = kinda weird looking
left = kek
mid = likes it in the ass
Well just look at what you need to start one.
>Go outside
>Find a white woman who hasn't been corrupted
>Have a means of feeding a family
>Have a place for the family to live. Not just a house but a neighborhood and a school that isn't shit
>Have the woman focus on the kids instead of on a career so if she hasn't been corrupted by feminism by now by god hope it stays that way (many housewives in the 70s became super feminist later in life)
>And then you got to make sure the kids keep the cycle going
And you have to do this at a rate comparable to the blacks and Hispanics who just rush in at 15.
Dont you guys have commercials for butter where the family is all white and happy?
Declining birthrates of whites is just a meme
By removing pensions. If you don't want to die at starving when you get old you have to make children that would took care of you,
mass exodus of women out of the workforce and universities. Female economic emancipation makes them expend their childbearing years, it's basically a birth control policy. Also restrict contraceptives, the pill is literally water pollution.
Declining birth rates is a crock of bullshit, OP.
The media has been pushing those fucking lies so countries would be willing to take refugees.
convince men to stop jerking off and get out to bars and hit on women. It's amazing out there. LIterally everytime i go out there are groups of women surrounded by men too scared to go up and talk to them. They're just sitting there waiting for a guy to hit on them.
Men today need bigger balls
wrong-o. obviously whitey is having less than juanita jamal pablo and lorita
To be fair, hapas have an entire "race" located on the western boarders of china, khazakastan and other countries where slavs, sythans and other whites lived with mongols and turks (asian turks, not the roaches claiming to be turks).
Any hapa would fit in in those regions.