

I hope this attention seeking degenerate gets thrown off a rooftop by the Muslims in Sweden.

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I fucking hate him.

This. I hope this ban is for real this time, I'm beyond ready for his 15th minute.

His event here was cancelled, or so I heard

I wonder what kind of achievment he unlocked the character on the right is still black


That gay pride march?

Butthurt sjw detected

He is a faggot, and therefore an enemy of our movement.


Total faggot. Was mildly amusing for about 10 seconds a while ago, but is really just an attention whore sucking American cocks.

You been bombed yet lad?

and a nigger lover don't forget

What's he going to do for attention now that his twitter is gone?

I'd rather fuck niggers than be Irish.


And back into irrelevancy you go

>only relevant because of twitter

This/his subversion needs to be halted as soon as possible. Keep that filth at bay.

> rather fuck niggers than be Irish
> goes outside and gets raped by muslims

fucking coal burner and a faggot

Stormcucks. Irrelevant since 1996

Sup Forums prefers niggins to Milo now?
selectively shutting down Twitter accounts is fine now?
times change

What was the specific tweet that got him banned?

but Scotland is 96% white.

Here in the outer hebrides I haven't seen a non-white in 3 months.

(((Senior))) reportedly said of the Great Irish Famine of 1845

"would not kill more than one million people, and that would scarcely be enough to do any good"

> implying the Jews are ever wrong

The sheboon blocked him and he tweeted ''rejected by another black man"

>nigger loving, kike cock sucking alt right cùcks

get out mah Sup Forums

That's a shame, I was hoping it would lead to another happening

>he was relevant at all

Republicans love to support something completely contrary to their beliefs as long as it's spewing their own brand of bullshit about everything else.

Let's face it, Milo is your bog standard flamer. Flamers are desperate for attention. So what better way to get lots of attention than to be a faggot AND pretend to be Republican. That way he can REALLY play the victim card.

Oh look at that. A bunch of Irish faggots.
You're not white and you need to fuck off of our board. Your shilling is obvious.
Quit fooling newfags.

"“If at first you don’t succeed (because your work is terrible), play the victim,” he tweeted. “EVERYONE GETS HATE MAIL FFS"

Fuck off Achmed.
We know there aren't any whites left in Belgium.

Why is he being blamed for starting the shitstorm? Hadn't this situation been going on for a bit before he even involved himself in it? If he didn't start it, who did?

stop projecting tyrone, if you're with the kikes, niggers or muzzies you're against the white race

>t 50% white

Stay blacked.

>Sup Forums will support a coal-burning faggot just because he's """""""alt-right"""""""
kek stay cucked forever, Sup Forums

Threats to Milo.

>I'd rather fuck niggers than be Irish.

You're women are putting that though into practice, it seems Nigel.

He can get people to vote for trump though, which right now matters more than anything else I would say

Hes an ally. You guys only hate him because he's gay. Its not like he's forcing you to have sex with him or anything.

How the fuck do you get people to vote for trump posting pics of you being a faggot jew?

the ignorant muds are literally illiterate.

you convince liberals to recognize hillary for what she is. Convert bern fags, whatever. Any news is good news for trump in this case, which is why I don't understand hate. No one is going to leave trumps side because of milo. Milo only brings more people to trumps side

The right should be cheering that he got banned. He's obviously a provocateur.

#FreeMilo and fuck you, OP.

Sure thing, keep telling me about what's good for the white race brown man.
As a Belgian, you have lost any right to tell me shit. You let your country get totally overrun.
You are a disgrace to the white race.
>capitol is owned by Islamists
Stay cucked.

>implying your country isn't overrun by niggers and spics

When will you motherfuckers realize that gay and former-liberal allies are how we gain wider support against Islam? Being concerned with ideological purity is a left wing thing

>Implying Irish aren't niggers

>If we make sodomy, AIDS, cottaging and sounding a-ok, we can totally help revert the moral decline of the West.


Fags are their own self-contained group. They don't kill straights. The biggest threat they pose is forcing Christians to bake a cake for them, which is something gays like Milo are against. They don't pose anywhere near the threat that Islam and PC academic culture do.

We still have large white regions.
You have one clusterfuck of Islam.
Your continent is too small for you to understand that concept.

They aren't self contained. They threw tantrums and threats because they wanted "to be left alone" to bugger each other in private, and the exact moment society caved in, they immediately said "we want marriage, we want our thodomy promoted to your kidth in all schoolth, bigotth, it'th the current year". And we're already sliding far down that slippery slope that's "jutht a right-wing bigoted lie" with transgederism being forced down the West's throat, and sodomites have been at the forefront spearheading that.

Like Gavin McInnes said, that's a small contingent of bitchy gays. And even if it was genuinely the case that gay people liked forcing these so-called socially progressive ideas down our throats, at the very least the ones that support Trump actively oppose that sort of attitude. Milo is both against gay marriage and transgenderism, and so are other similarly conservative gays.

we're whiter than you my brown friend, stop projecting

>The guy who shoves things up his ass on his livestream should be believed when he says only a small minority of gays are like that.
Yeah sure, and I suppose the leftist uni student saying very few Muslims are or even support terrorism are also right. And an evolutionary defect is not meant to be acceptable.

>Milo's against it.
That doesn't make the fact that he sleeps around like a whore with a Tumblr account any less morally bankrupt. But he's perfectly fine with himself and others buggering little boys youtu.be/oJhHwspZGcg

Milo is a Christian conservative who supports Trump, derides Islam, opposes gay marriage, and is one of the most popular voices fighting the academic culture that breeds this sort of stuff, but you're going to hate him because he's as promiscuous as the average woman is?

Gavin McInnes is the same. A faggot

>Sure he's a sodomite and flaunts being Jewish, but it's okay cuz he said he's a Catholic.
Doing X does not make Y any less worse, he's apart of the culture killing the West by default.

Also, the same branch of Christendom that was infiltrated by sodomites who've done more damage to it that anyone else in its thousands of years of existance (using it for financial gain, raping alter boys, electing Bergoglio).

Second. Fuck Milo.

That's an extremist view. You can't possibly expect progress to be made if that's your standard

There was plenty of progress in Western society in the hundreds of years prior, where homosexuality was treated even worse, yet now where we've "progressed" we've had nothing but degredation.

You can not be this retarded. Probably a moron troll.
