>Be American
>Lose in Iraq and Afghanistan
>Muslim population is growing rapidly
>Cuck soldiers kill themselves everyday
>Iraqi and Afghan birthrates are still sky high and the replacement rate is hire than any casualty rate afflicted
Be American
Other urls found in this thread:
Life is a simulation, stop giving so much of a shit
Bring on the Islamophage
>be Iraqi
>be nuked by Iran next year
>Be Iraqi
>Have drunk sex with goat
>Wake up from drunken stupure
>Daughter is pregnant
I'm glad our government decided to not fight on any cuck wars, we got dragged in by the US. Our soldiers died for nothing, Afghanistan is a bigger shithole then ever before. Also any soldier with a wife is an idiot asking to get cheated on.
> be Iraqi civilian shitposting
> get drone striked
> be afghani civilian shitposting
> get drone striked
>be Iraq
> get glassed by Iran
wew lad you done?
A dead guy? Just fine for the kids! Sex? OMG censor that shit!
>I fought to make the richest more rich. Wats wrong with that?
>Be a sandnigger
>Drone kills your family
>Terrorists behead your friends
>Terrorist take over your town and force you to pray having to smell Mehmet's unwashed asshole 5x a day
>Get drone bombed again, doesn't kill you, just lost your limbs
>Can't masturbate, but ISIS still forces you to try and pray
Such is life
I here by declare Canada is the shit posting capital of the world..
Woah France. Wtf. We were cool in 1776. But anyways... Fuck off! Jefferson totally finessed Napoleon on the Louisiana purchase. You guys could've had more oil than Saudi Arabia. Oh well
Are you Islamic State?
>pic of a soldier in training
> Suicide or Homelessness
Whyhas America forsaken their heroes?
Keep on kiking you fucking kike...
That pic is bullshit
The girl is Amber Blank and all the videos of her fucking niggers are recorded by her husband.
Hard to give money to them when they're giving money to you so that you can have 10 kids then live off welfare.
Mow my lawn pls thx.
>Oui monsieur, I fought till ze white flag come out, no? Wats ez wrong with this?
>Vietnam veterans
They were all baby killers participating in an illegal war
T. Cuck porn connoisseur
Nice try, dune coon.
>Be French
>Rape little white girls in the park
You mean something like this?
like all US wars
this asian knows what's up
Afghans have to breed fast. After all, they only like fucking little boys, and each one of those only lasts for, what, 12/13 years?