
Thinking about join the military. Let's talk about them.

Also if anyone could give me some tips or advice that would be awesome. Might join up with the Navy.

Goy must get fit or Goy will not survive bootcamp
Also Goy is advised to learn how to shoot a gun before hand
Also if anyone asks Goy if he plans on being a SC- Goy should say yes even if it isn't true.

Nah I'm good.

I wonder how much the jews will pay me.

By the way this thread is for all topics military related.

Wait. Why?

Not enough to justify the boredom

Yeah go navy.

I don't know what's the American equivalent to "Squad commander "

"is there any man here or any woman, let me say is there any child here, who does not know that the seed of war in the modern world is industrial and commercial rivalry?"

Woodrow Wilson

As much as one would like to think they're fighting for their country, that simply isn't the case in this day and age.

The US military has been hijacked for a long time now, fighting wars on be half of very powerful globalist families who could care less about the soverignty of this nation.

My advice to you fight the enemy within first, before you begin to fight abroad.

Join us

They don't allow anime. That's why I couldn't join

I want to fuck that squid

I was planning on enlisting in the Air Force later this year but I got a promotion at work, and I want to pay off my car and a few other things before joining. It's my end goal short term for now, and it would be nice to get an education.

Military. It's essentially a declaration that you've lost the game.

Think about it. The power of free will and you *still* settle for slavery. Wonderful, no?

From an early age, you're influenced by your environment. Your parents (or lack of), teachers (in some manner, shape or form) and other mentors can help steer your life in a direction, whichever direction that may actually be.

However, during all of this, if you're still alive and have most of your bodily functions, there are a whole world of opportunities available to you. Especially in this day and age of technological marvels and the wonders of the Internet to provide information (and, of course, misinformation.)

The military should not even be an option, at this point, because not only is there enough information to suggest that joining it is only for those who've allowed themselves to be brainwashed by a military-industrial complex keen on retaining what power they have left ... but there is also enough information available for people to make their own decisions on what they'd like to do, instead.

Still, people join. They wish to be broken down and remolded in somebody else's image.

This is a sign of weakness. Of allowing one's self to be influenced and corrupted by those with power and ambition. Essentially, those who join the military are no-better than mindless sheep.

>tl;dr: Join the military? You're a faeces-flinging, irradiated, nuclear-powered rhesus monkey who enjoys others making decisions for you.

NCO or Officer?

>Leader of a Squad is usually a Staff Sergeant or 2nd/1st LT

I was considering it, but the airforce might send you off to the desert. Not to mention like 80% of the airforce soldiers I've met in person were fucking weirdos. Especially the recruiters.

Only if you post more of those squids.

Don't do it. They'll get involved in another war anytime and people like you will pay the highest price

That's all of the military mate.

I'm just trying to make some money dude. Unless you have a solid reason... Take your weird nu male liberal bullshit somewhere else.

Join with a BA or higher so you could at least turn your experience into a career as an officer

Anyone who doesn't do this only joins because they have nowhere else to go and are useless to society, don't join as a disposabe grunt

Nah, at least with the Navy I'd be at sea. Or at least that is what I'm going to heavily tell them I want to do.


Branch with the most degenerate fucks


You're gonna get cultified, you're gonna learn the suck and you will like it


Hurry up and wait.


Treated like an actual fucking person. A lot of paperwork however.

>Coast Guard

More often than not you will actually do your job but still have bullshit to deal with

>my advice

Join reserves or national guard to avoid as much retardation as possible.


Can you elaborate?

Gotta kill time at sea... Not much to do so they do "degenerate" shit

The type of shit that will haunt you 8 years later while your trying to sleep at night

I was thinking about becoming a local cop.

Is a criminal justice degree required?

There's a slightly less intensive bootcamp/training than the military correct?

That actually sounds pretty fun

becoming a cop varies by state but at least all require some college even community college education

You're a fucking idiot who deserves to die for fiat paper. Dumb fucking idiot.

I envy US and UK Anons, the age limit in Spain to join the Air Force and become a pilot is 21. Whereas in your country, ranges from 26 to 30.

Fugg this gay life.

But does the college focus have to be in criminal justice or do they just want you to have been to college? Im currently getting an associate's in >liberal arts
Then I'm getting a bachelor's in >communication

>I'm going to tell them what I want
Lol lemme know how that goes, faggot.

Go talk with a student guidance counselor and ask what it takes to be a cop in your state... or you can use a search engine and figure that out information yourself

>Implying you will survive to receive payment

Fair enough

You got 4 branches(technically 5 but fuck the puddle pirate Coast Guard)

ARMY: Filled with dumbasses but has many types of job opportunities you can take and they go into combat.

MARINES: Kill is the job you do. You're a marine first, everything else later.

NAVY: Kind of like the army except you actually got to be kind of smart to get in. Has a lot of job opportunities like the Army but you don't get into combat(Unless you're special forces, seabee or Green side corpsman)

AIRFORCE: Everyone calls them the chairforce for a reason.

Here's a quick tip:

If you go Navy, it is mandatory that you go the officer route. The Navy is the worst when it comes to how it treats it's enlisted soldiers. You literally will get zero respect from your seniors unless you make the rank of E-7 (close to 15 years in).

Don't go Marines unless you like doing more work for less pay.

Air force seems laid back and the most normal.

Army has a lot of retardation but will more than likely leave you well rounded.

If I could do it all over again, I'd probably go Coast Guard.
>Actually get to do your job
>Can actually believe what you're doing is protecting the country
>Can actually stay countryside
>Hang out on a boat, not a gay ship having anal with your bunkmate.

Source: 7 years Army

The military is full of emotionally stunted man children with entitlement issues. Since you're a Sup Forums user you'll probably fit right in.

"Look how enlightened I am!!"

>student loan debt
>live at parents
>doesn't do own laundry
>freelance writer

yeah man fight the power

Join the coast guard, if you live in USA its the only arm of the military that actually defends the country.

wew lad

Yeah this guy is a neet faggot. Join the military, get in, get out, get your education paid for, become a good tax paying member of society. Easy. Don't join army or Marines.

>joining the military
Terrible idea in every way.