PokemonGo is spy software

I don't fucking get it, why is noone creating threads about this shit?
Is the media too busy covering the actual dangers of PokemonGo with the danger of people, who won't look to the left and to the right when crossing streets?
Ever wondered why Google, the most influencial and privacy-hating company in the world, has even brought a pokemon game out?
>muh google earth is free
Google Earth is just a government tool released to the public for this next step of their plan.
You guys are aware that the captchas you are constantly solving are in favor of Google's security contracts with the government and therfore generate more even more profit, than with advertisement alone.
But why the fuck does noone seem to realize that PokemonGo is recording everything you fucking hold your camera at, when playing the game?
There is a temporary fucking storage that saves what you've recorded in the first place, and Google is uploading that to their databse.

>inb4 you're just saying that because PokemonGo hasn't been released in your country
fuck off Google shill

If you actually thought that this is not another way of Google trying to invade your privacy, then you're fucking retarded.

>not playing pokemon goy
oy vey

Jewgle already knows where you are at all times, this isn't new goyim.

You can actually play the game with a sticker over your camera and it works just fine

This isn't about knowing where you are, it's about your phone scanning your environment, your faces, the houses you live in.
Just fuck off kike.

you can turn the camera function off, and if they still record from that direction, they are more than welcome to do so if someone at google wants hours worth of footage of my crotch in boxers

>gf plays pokemon go away
>talks me into trying it
>aparently i live right next to a bermuda triangle of pokestops
>decide to go there to find out what they even do
>people are literally sitting there, in camping chairs with umbrellas in the rain spamming lures to catch em all
>catch a venomat, kek at tryhards and go home

7/10 pretty good game

>implying I'll ever download this piece of shit "game"

there's always gotta be something bad at this level about something new

Oh the humanity, google has hours of dark footage of my phone in my pocket.
What a scandal

At last, I truly knew that I was PokéMon Goy.

>Options VR off
>so even if they use my camera pictures they just gettin my feet

>open snapchat location tracked

>google maps location tracked

>Triangulation location tracked

Consequences: don't use a mobile phone

>using snapchat
normie scum

I'm pretty sure Google could spy on you whenever they want (under the premise of "security" or some shit), they don't need an app to do so.

More shills.
Putting a sticker on the fucking camera? Turning the camera off?
Do you retards really think that even a fraction of the tens of millions of people will do just that? If the shitskin's kid you are neighbouring is using the app without doing any of that, then it already serves the purpose.
Yeah, just like when everyone accused that the Turkish coup wasn't a false flag on the day of happening, because not everything can be a false flag, right? Despite being the most viable method of gaining claims for war and power..
and when it was over the evidence of a false flag slowly revealed itself.
More mindless drones, not everyone is doing that shit, you're the minority, the 1%.
Google doesn't care about you, Google cares about the 99% who actually record stuff that interests them.

Damn you . mister Matzah.

>MFW crips and bloos start invading gated communities to get dat legendary pokeman

What you have to keep in mind is that any AI at its inception will have access only to the data in the world wide web; if I had to venture a guess what they're doing is creating a database so that the virtual world that the AI/s inhabit is up to date and near identical to the material world that we inhabit.

This is probably stage one in creating a virtually identical copy of the material world for the AI for whatever reason. /endhypothesis

they got that shit a long time ago bud

>tinfoil level increased to 6 gorillion

>provides actual arguments
>b-but you're wearing le tinfoil!

Don't you have a government's boot to lick you socialist nigger?

Because nobody cares you giant faggot.
The nsa especially doesnt care about your anime and trap porn on your phone.

Your not a special snowflake. There are millions of players. Its no different fromy any other app that accesses your info. Ie. jewbook

This is a cashgrab nothing more. Stop with the
>muh nsa
>goberments after me
>dey gun burn my house down


You realize that they could literally do that without needing to produce an expensive product, right? They could literally remotely activate your camera without you ever knowing. It's not like there would be any risk, we all know uproars over shit that's actually important only lasts a week tops.

*tips ratata*

Owning and using a "smartphone" in the first place.

Wew... talk about desperate.

>having a problem with PG
>not having a problem with google

Just remove your tin foil hat for a sec and playthe game. You're always tracked anyway, what's the point?

i wouldnt call any of that actual arguments

>they are literally spying on you!!!!!!

good for them, let them have a picture of my wall, i dont see what they can use that information to unless they plan on repainting it

I was once told by an insider that every middle-class intelligence agency could access your phone getting all your data, access your microphone and camera even if your phone is turned off...
So basicly we are fucked no matter what we do we are getting owned over and over again...
The only way to escape this shit would be to turn your back to our modern society.

>bootlicker logic all over my goybook

They're playing 2d tic-tac-toe

If you own a smartphone, it doesn't matter. They're already spying anyway. I hope Google loves looking at pidgeys perching on my penis.

I think it has more to do with getting targeted warrantless surveillance by placing rare mons in key locations

You don't have to use your camera to play the game. Most players turn off that feature since it's a huge drain on your phone's battery life.

If you think that Google or the NSA can't already turn on your phone's camera and mic remotely you're naive.

Pokemon Go is a harmless bit of fun. Nothing more.

Is that Kek behind her in the top right?

Most peole don't even use the camera while playing the game because they want to save battery. Now go find your tinfoil hat Hans.

I did a little research and the company that developed Pokemon go fuck yourself was niantic inc. Niantic inc has a CEO that worked for the government and previously owned a company that was bought by Google. The previous company specialized in geolocation. So basically Pokemon GO is just a deceptive way to thermal map the world and then be given to the US government. People are so willing to give up their privacy just to indulge in debauchery.

With the amount of data I used in one day and the places I've been, google just got a whole lot of low resolution photos of grass and sidewalks
they'll come for us with their great knowledge of what local grasses look like, game over maaaaaan

>Muh spy data being sent to Google

You realize that to send video data of that capacity the network would take a HUGE hit. The TeleCos aren't owned by Google, so to get them in on that level of scheming (sending tons of data around for no cost to the phone user) would be fucking impossible to hide from the public.

Also even if it were true who gives a shit about some low-quality, barely lit video of me filming my fucking toilet, or pictures of where I go to catch fucking virtual animals.

Why does the government care where I walk my dog and catch pokemons?

Or not use smartphones at all? Sounds like a much better alternative to me than turning my back to modern society.
Yes, very good goyim, let the NSA invade your privacy, you surely won't mind the lack of freedom in your country.
Now it's legal, by using the app PokemonGo you gave Google total access to that all of that and sell the information to the government.
>i wouldnt call any of that actual arguments
continue shilling, this will be my last reply since for you, you won't even read my posts before replying.
refer to

Thermal map the planet for further power gain

>Before PoGo
>8 hours shitposting on Sup Forums
>Up to one hour on the outside

>After PoGo
>10 hours a day on the outside
>15 minutes shitposting
I love this game. I'm a 22 Valor

Uh oh. So when I caught a bulbasaur in my sack of weed the gubment knows?


Care elaborate?

Valor master race reporting in


>muh google

you are slow and naive senpai

google already has access to shit.

Pokemon go promotes people aiming cameras at shit on people on the street creating a better surveillance net in previous areas.

Pokemon go is a way to bypass laws set in place to protect citizens from government surveillance.Creating a generation that has willfully agreed to give data for my pokemon!

the government has plausible deniability since is a corporation,and not them.They are simply a guest allowed to view such feeds

>Instead of countering the argument he has made, I will just endorse the game for what it did for my life!

Most obvious shill of them all.

>you won't even read my posts before replying.
sure i will, but i dont speak retard and you fail to provide any actual proof other than a hunch and general paranoia, NSA and shit are able to spy on you regardless as pointed out

Watch that shit with snowden if you are worried about being spied on. i promise you that your shit is fucked unless you literally live under a rock or wear a bucket on your head 24 hours a day

There is noone in my life that plays pokemon GO. I know it's a spying tool.

What do you want me to do OP? Spam Sup Forums? We have other battles to fight

The ATF knows all the dog walking routes. Soon they'll go on a massive pupper genocide, and with man's best friend extinct, nobody will want to do anything other than work mindlessly. Hold on, I gotta adjust my foil.

>Google cares about the 99% who actually record stuff that interests them

Do tell what exactly that would be.

>inb4 shill

Interesting theory Ted, do you have a news letter or manifesto I can read?

It's probably about collecting GPS data.

I'm not saying that pokemon go IS some jewish conspiracy, but it MIGHT be.

>have browsing preferences etc for millions of people
>get GPS data for those people
>optimize advertisements in cities

Possibilities are endless. There are reasons why facebook and google are worth so much even though they're free to use.

What if my dog is all white tho? Will they let him go?

Shouldnt you be worried about your rapefugees than pokemon?

So then what if I don't use my camera like 80% of the players playing? If you try to tell me they still use my camera, then whats stopping them from doing it 100% of the time anyways.
Checkmate nazis

The ceo of Niantec has CIA links and creates the software used for our US GEOINT programs. PokeGO is creating new data for WorldView-4

>The only way to escape this shit would be to turn your back to our modern society.
magnificent idea

>But why the fuck does noone seem to realize that PokemonGo is recording everything you fucking hold your camera at, when playing the game?

I turn the AR camera off, pal.

No, because he's a bigoted WHITE MALE rayCISt dog.

not so fast
Using the PokemonGo app has given Google full rights to spy on your video feed, now it's legal to do so, while it wasn't without the game.

This. Fucking this. They've stepped up their game, literally in this regard. The alphabet agencies once said that they spent millions on wiretapping, only to find with social media that people were willing to give up their information for free. Now, they have taken that ball and ran with it. Now, they have "agents" that don't get paid like an agent, that are willing to do recon for them, all under the pretense of the game.

If it's not part of the Jew World Order

It's dead or enslaved

its funny how the pokemon players are all walking around head bent forward, staring obliviously at their smartphone, as if submissively waiting for an islamic executioner to chop off their heads

You cheeky bastard

>download pokemon go
>see you have to sign in with google
>instantly delete app

I'm sure they are collecting GPS data, but what harm could they possibly do with it? Optimizing advertising to users is nothing new.

>Nintendo/NSA/Aliens now know people WALK AROUND in a CITY

96% of all internet statistics are made up.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious that the game is being used to compile population data about how far people are willing to travel for goods and games while accessing user data like age, gender, and general stuff. It's really fun though, can't lie. They finally created a spy software that people can knowingly enter into because it's on a popular brand. Turn on that GPS and leave your house, they need dat data.

>tfw we're back to the 90's with their "pokemon was created by the devil" nonsense

how nostalgic

dude if this shit is spyin on it me its the most fun ive ever had being spied on i dont give a fuck

As you said it's not about the 1%, sadly.

>just take my personal info family, you probably won't be able to do anything with it


I don't get how every fucking media is hyping over it and even FUCKING church is advocating it at least here. Shit's whacked.

Fucking tinfoil hats ITT.

They are not uploading any video. In America we have shit data caps on mobile plans, most people have at most 2GB. If Pokemon Go were constantly uploading video clips, people would notice. And people would bitch, because their data would run out in a day.

You're a fucking moron Hans.

Honestly man, who the fuck cares? The game is simple fun and most people aren't doing anything criminal so they have nothing to worry about. Plus, it would take a lot of people to go through all of that information and most people leave their homes to play the game and go out into the world and do shit. You bitch and whine when life isn't exactly as you think it should be. If you want to see change in the world, get out in go make it happen. Get into politics, go into government, protest, etc. If you want this to stop so bad, maybe you should get off your lazy ass and stop the world and your country from becoming shit.

Now kindly fuck off tinfoil hat man

>while it wasnt outside the game

Fucking kek. Ok keep thinking that Mohamed

I don't give a shit that Google knows where I caught Pokemans.

Wrong, it would've made google vulnerable back then. Now they are even secure from the government.

>who cares if a faceless corporate entity datamines and sells my info to the highest bidder, i can catch fake virtual monsters!

I have news for you and everybody else.

Actually you could make yourself guilty of trespassing.


Unless you don't use any Google products which I sincerely doubt you have already (willingly) given them access to your personal information. Pokemon Go is nothing new.

Test this. Run a proxy server and do a packet capture and measure the size of your upload. Find and print photos of interesting things like guns and modern products and nude people. Shut everything else off.

Use Pokemon Go, timestamp begin time. keep the augmented reality off for an hour. Stop. Timestamp.

Turn Augmented reality on then point the camera at objects of interest like photos of guns or cars or nude photos. Place the photos in different parts of the house to really trick it so you need to walk around some. Use it for one hour. Stop. Timestamp.

Compare packet size and total data transfered between those two sessions.

Be sure to walk to the same points and use the game just as much and do as similar of actions as possible in both conditions.

Master mode: Packet capture for longer periods of time over 24 hours to see if it saves it for one big file transfer.

If they are spying there will be a significant data usage increase during the augmented reality condition.

I think this is why some carriers made data free for pokemon go. But this is all speculation until you prove it.

Spying is covert by definition. It's not spying if they literally tell you what information they can access and you voluntarily agree to it.

Fucking retard backpfeifengesicht.
None of this is new or shocking.

Oh no, you mean google might have access to my bookmarks and web history?????


What level are you guys

I'm level 6 but I'm not going to the gym yet

I'm going to keep farming until I get to like level 15

>using phones with Android operating system
>being oncerned that a mobile game is spying on them


Name one google product you can't live without. I don't even use social media garbage. You are a fucking cuck.

It's just a fucking game


google chome bookmark sync for my porno
gmail for mailing porno to myself
gmail for storing porn videos
chromecast for watching internet porn on tv

google is great

starting the kvetching at pokemon go is false, only people who are already getting mined the fuck out use it anyway

second best pun I've heard about CIA's Pokemon Global Offensive.

If you care so much, go out and do something about it. That's what I hate about people, all talk and no action.

im level 12. i was level 6 yesterday but evolving pidgeys once give you a fuck ton of xp, especially i you use double xp egg and aparently i live in a pidgey factory

So you're a degenerate. No loss when you're gone.

Level 8. Best Pokemon is a Pidgeot with 500 something CP.

And what OS should we be using, poo plunger?

Everything that uses my camera is spy software!!!
I'm not paranoid or anything I swear!