hahahah of course the Post finds the worst possible picture of Milo and the best one they could find of her
Look at the pics they chose for milo and the ghostbusters lady
>best picture
>still looks like a feral ape who stuck it's finger in a light socket
Did milo even make a single racist tweet
im so fucking sick about these accusations holy shit
His worst photo is still leagues better than her best.
Pick one. This faggot queer cuck boi loves sucking big black cocks
Fucking beautiful. The only way that headline could be better would be if they'd called him "Gamergate leader"
I know she said he looked like a gay uncle tom. I didn't see Milo say anything though? I did come to the party late.
Can someone please dig up what the fuck Milo actually said, because I can't find shit. Just garbage about how he said 'something' and now he's banned.
This black fuckstick tweets racist shit every other tweet.
You can fuck outside of your face and still be racist. Works for American white women who are racist.
>Did milo even make a single racist tweet
he said she was barely literate. read between the lines, you racist bigot.
I wonder how painful it is for SJWs to actually oppose a gay person? I guess being conservative trumps being gay. She, of course had a handful of cards: black, fat, female, not too bright. so she won.
Play SJW games , get SJW prizes.
If his twitter account was so special he should have saw this coming a mile away as an conservative gay agitator
But you cant suck dick and still be straight. Checkmate atheist
He quoted her though. She is barely literate. This was a convenient excuse to silence him though.
she is a low IQ subhuman with the wit of a turnip and the mental faculty of a bucket of jenkim. We can detroy the sow's nigger movie and boycot her skanky ass forever.
We need pics of her doing anal if anybody is good at photoshop.
Praise be to Nero.
That nigger mammy still looks like an ape. You can't polish a turd.
I checked her twitter and she's claiming she never made these statements. Either someone clued her in on damage control or she got hacked, either way, the drama is delicious.
>Never reveal your powerlevel
>all these /fa/bulous pictures of milo available on the internet
>you choose that
You had one job NYP
you're talking about (((Milo))), right?
No these tweets are authentic twitter.com
why does he look like a middle aged businessman from the 90s int hat pic
Bullshit. That can not be what he got banned for. I fucking refuse to believe that he got banned for calling her illiterate. I can think of 100's of other things I'd call her before illiterate, and all of them are a lot worse.
she's just the most recent jew pet they roll out before us. plenty more where she came from. She should be picking cotton.
He still looks like a man (albeit a fairy man)
She still looks like an ape
Jack Dorsey is a SJW buttfucker who is starting to get involved in the movements happening on Twitter, whereas previously he was just some guy who developed a web platform
He, like Zuckerjew, have legitimate political power now because they wrote some shitty web scripts
Um yeah you can, it's called being a retard.
Then that brings up my other point, someone with enough savvy coached her on pretending she was hacked.
He got banned for calling her a 'black dude'
>A gay retard
Just like Milo
What did Milo even twit to her that was racist? Wasnt she the one saying anti queer shit?
On her twitter "I'm a stand up comedian" what kind of fucking comedian cries over social media what a fucking nigger
>MFW Milo becomes even more empowered by this shit.
>MFW even CNN has a prominent front page article that is not only somewhat neutral.... but leans slightly towards Milo's side.
>MFW the tide is turning.
They got him on Transphobia, eh?
Tame as fuck. Disgrasfru tweet to be banned for. He should have gone all out.
I find it funny that even in the worst picture they could find of him, he still looks fabulous
no homo
>I fucking refuse to believe that he got banned for calling her illiterate
You're probably correct, but when an intelligent white person calls a semi-bright black person "barely literate" that will be seen by SJWs as pure racist bigotry of the worst sort.
i'm reminded of the congressman who asked the navy admiral if Guam might tip over if we station too many troops there. the navy guy deserved a bonus and a promotion for answering with a straight face.
the idiocy starts at about 1:10; watch the navy guy start rubbing his eye while he replies.
He looks more feminine than the sheboon next to him.
Daily reminder that overt racism is okay if you're a fucking ape:
link to the cnn article pls?
Lel, Twitter has already lost 500 million in a year and this is going to make things worse.
>wit of. turnip and the mental faculty of a bucket of jenkim.
This is all black comedians. Their comedy is based on simple minded knee jerk social masturbation and stereotypical apespeak. Then they have the nerve to cry foul when anyone says something racist about blacks while basing every comedy routine on hate on whitey. Its some infuriatingly hypocritical shit. Whatever happened to Richard Pryor and Sinbad? They were pretty much the only decent black comedians to make to it big on wit and intelligent humor. All the rest are race baiting slaves for jewgold.
>getting milo banned
Does she realize this made the whole situation so much worse?
No she doesn't. She's dumb as shit.
No the dumbass faggots @ him whenever they reply to her. They all got purged.
>Lel, Twitter has already lost 500 million in a year and this is going to make things worse.
Pfft whatever. The bigwigs at twitter will still be set for life even if the whole company crashed because of this.
Am I the only to see that they're trying to move attention away from the movie's failure to RACISM?
You guys got baited and you bit hard. Don't do that.
Now, instead of talking about the movie's grand failure and all, we're gonna hear about MUH RACISM.
Stop it. Focus back on the film.
Why dont you new fags archive these tweets instead of screenshots...
thanks familia
They seem to have migrated the article to another section for some reason.... I wonder why....
But here it is:
I'm a lib and even I think this was fucking stupid. It was a funny joke get over it. I can't stand what the world is becoming.
This. I'm willing to bet this is a play out of the Hollywood Jewenstein book of scoring shekels through social manipulation. Just like how they created the black culture and pesonalities of the black masses rough rap music and black celebrity worship. They made people hate them on purpose so they could cry racism later and exploit their victimized social status to get people to cough up their shekels in support of their manufactured culture of violence and social inferiority.
Ok which one of you sent her a cum tribute?
To use one of Sup Forums's favorite buzzwords, nothing screams "cuck" more than obsessing over a literal buttfucking faggot.
Didn't Eddie Murphy used to be good? I watched raw and delirious back in the day. I liked it then, but I was just a kid.
Pretty much this. BLM can call for dead cops and celebrate the killings without a word from the left. ISIS even have accounts for fuck sake. The level of hypocrisy liberals have to put up with on a daily basis is unbelievable. Death threats and abuse are perfectly fine with them. As long as it's directed at someone they don't like.
Hahahahahaha oh dear sweet Jesus you guys are out of fucking control.
Is having a manga / plastic shit shelf one of the faggiest things you can possibly do?
I couldn't help myself.
Christ, that's enough to trigger her? A picture with some cum on it? Seriously, how is that even offensive? maybe I'm tainted by lifelong internet use, but if someone wants to put their bodily fluids on a picture of you, it's going to happen.
When they do it personally, that's when you have a right to complain. But really, failing to realize this hard that people are trying to get a rise out of you, that's just pathetic.
And those kinds of "tribute" pics are everywhere on ImageFap, to my dismay.
Its actually funny that picture they used of him, how cherrypicked it was.
I bet hes actually really angry about that, being a faggot and all.
Milo is not as buff as he thinks he is.
When he gets a bit older, he'll really run to seed.
Holy fuck the sheboon is a literal nigger
What's wrong with the pictures of Milo?
New York Post = News Corp = Fox
Fox Hates Breitbart
Is this guy for real? Is it even possible to fit that much cringe in one photo? This has to be shopped.
>dat portrait
>dat hair
>dat shit stain chin
>wii collection
>ghostwritten mein kampf on top display
It's about as low as it gets on the social ladder without being committable or criminal
AFAIK she was only denying a single photoshopped tweet
She can't act, she just plays "Imma sassy-ass black woman!" in every SNL sketch, commercial, or movie she's in. She perpetually seems like she's on the verge of spouting "Oh lawdy!", but usually what comes out is "Awww Helllll Naw!"
Anybody who thinks race relations haven't gone downhill since Obama took office, look at this untalented woman whose entire screen persona is "black people stereotypes" and consider the following:
If this bitch busted on the scene 10 years ago, people across the board would have been quick to point out how racist and regressive her "shtick" really is.
But it's 2016, the age of tolerance. And we must tolerate and accept a talentless unfunny black woman who actively sets black people back 100 years every time she opens her ugly mouth.
Didn't Milo just write a review about how much he hated Ghostbusters? Then she was the one that goes all ape shit that brought the trolls out of the woodwork. This will only make things even worse for magilla gorilla
Next move: switching from sexism to racism.
They had literally NOTHING to suggest sexism was why the movie bombed, yet they rode that trope for months; NOW, now that you idiots gave them actual attacks with an obviously racist character, they will make so much of it.
Nobody will believe that you were just trolling, they'll take it wholesale because they don't know that trolling is a art, and it fits their narrative perfectly.
Sup Forums, you done goofed this time and you have just wasted the greatest opportunity to ensure that we wouldn't see a "feminist" film for the next 20 years.
If I got all of that hate mail I'd use it as a platform to use witty comebacks and show I'm the bigger man.
Instead she gets victim points.
Fuck this society
>Ok which one of you sent her a cum tribute?
Obviously the cultural marxist elements of Sup Forums.
>black actress receives sexual threats, racist attacks
Great way to avoid talking about how shit the movie is. Typical SJW tactics and you played right into it. Bravo.
I can barely read her tweets.
how is this not racist?
Even Ben, Milo's favorite bully victim, already misses him
How the fuck can she be a star when nobody watched the movie
If people want twitter to change, they need to do a boycott. There's no way in hell their business wouldn't take a dip if people did. And I bet that it would force them to change. There's no way they could last only on SJWs.
>Twitter - We decide what you think
Was going to post the ape edit of the gb3 trailer, but now i can't find it...
charlie murphy is funnier.
black people can't be racist
Stockholm syndrome
Jesus christ why is this piece of information absent from the thread???
Are those real?
If so, man, fuck her!
Those are real. The fake ones had something about gassing the kikes and fags.
>the American media unironically reports on people getting banned from websites
I wish this shit was made up :(
fuck off
retarded pol niggers liking a literal faggot because he is """""repilled
fucking retartded
yopure all cancer and should die fucking niger loving faggot loving faggots
fucking tarded nigers
I saw Delirious again last weekend. Telling those jokes now would get you annihilated today. He starts the show by telling gay guys to stop staring at his ass, because he's afraid they might want to rape him ffs.
Btw someone should make a mash-up of the Ghostbusters theme song and the Lanky Kong rap. They fit together.
Back then you had to have a modicum of talent or you know, actually be funny, like Eddie Murphy or Richard Pryor
Can we change the name of the "Tolerant Left" to the "Totalitarian Left"?
Black people can't be racist. You racist, white, motherfucker!
>In 2014, Johnson was named the 18th most effective Democrat in the 112th Congress [out of 204 Democratic members] according to a new study by Vanderbilt University and the University of Virginia (UVA).[21] He was also ranked higher than any of his Republican colleagues from Georgia. The study judged effectiveness by looking at a lawmaker’s “proven ability to advance a member’s agenda items through the legislative process and into law.” The scorecard looked at the number of bills a member introduced or sponsored; the significance of the bills; and how far each made it in the legislative process
That man is in the 90th percentile as far as effectively getting laws passed in Congress. And he's still in office.
I don't care. They both are literally cancer
because ben is actually smart (jew smart) and he knows that shit he doesn't like to hear is still shit that should be allowed to be said
Yeah, no. Even actual retards will see how retarded that would be.
AVGN and all the other geeks barely mentioned the sheboon in their rants pre-release, if at all. You can't accuse them of infecting millions and millions of theater-going normies with 'waycism'. If that was ever a factor, they had it in them all along.
Unless they can literally bend time and space to make this timeline stick, they're fucked.