What did the Jews do?

Redpill me on the juice, Sup Forums. I already understand that they were responsible for the October revolution in Russia.
What else did they do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Promote social degeneracy in the media.
Exploit people through ursury.
Create socialism.
Leech of other nations culture, and proclaim it as theirs as well.
They are much more likely to be immoral and greedy, and wont work for the sake of the community.
Dodging the draftin both world wars.

Right, i forgot another thing.
Promote marxism which teaches people that everyone is equall.
When that is very clearly, not the case.

1918-19 revolution in germany

Juice is liquid made by squeezing fruits (or sometimes vegetables).
It is considered an important part of a balanced breakfast

>Promote social degeneracy in the media.

They only do what women want.

>Promote marxism

You mean like in China?

I am lurking in here for probably half a year. I've never seen hard evidence for their existing a secret jewish organization working in the shadows, controlling world events.
When people believe in something, they search for evidence to support their belief. So don't trust things in here without source. I am not interested in the Jews, because there are none in Bulgaria, but all I've seen is a post about Jews being chased away from EU countries in the past, because people don't like them and the occasional degeneracy in media where the last name of the guy in charge ends in Stein, Berg or Mann.

thx mr. skeltal

>I am lurking in here for probably half a year. I've never seen hard evidence for their existing a secret jewish organization working in the shadows, controlling world events.

I've been lurking here for many years. Not once has a negative Jewish influence been proven. It's all based on fallacious macros and invented quotes. There is no proof for example that Jews overwhelmingly control the media. There is not a proof that Jews are responsible for the migrant crises.

We already had several threads regarding this question, e.g.
To this date not one proof has been delivered that it's the Jews, while on the other hand there is countless proof that it's the women.

>the last name of the guy in charge ends in Stein, Berg or Mann.

And even then it doesn't prove it's a Jew.

Look for example at this current thread:
If his name would have ended in "berg" stormfags would make dozens of posts "Sup Forums is always right". But they simply ignore all the times when the name does not end in berg.

we became the master race and goys got jealous
>christians & muslims restrict jews from most jobs for centuries
>jews get cornered in usury
>become successful
>iq rises with time
>goys get jealous
no one likes a sore loser, fagelas

Fuck off Israel.

>for there existing*

haha. Women in Bulgaria aren't yet feminists, although probably most of them would vote the way you showed in your pic related. I would think that Russian women are also based.

Yeah I don't know how it came to this. I've studied German and these are all German words. The first time I saw a (((Berg))) post, I was thinking he must be from Germany

>haha. Women in Bulgaria aren't yet feminists

You don't have to be a raging feminist to push feminism. Most of Austria's women probably also don't qualify to be called feminists.


I mean like Karl Marx.

>This pic
Holy shit is this real? Can't austrian males even control their women anymore?
Here in Poland this gap exists as well but it's like 3-4%, not fucking 20%.

Yeah but taking away their right to vote is harder than never giving it to them in the first place. Literally impossible. In order to remedy the situation their way of thinking must be fixed.

the german revolution

>Here in Poland

Polish women are probably the most conservative voters in Europe, probably world wide. You're the absolute exception. Enjoy it while it lasts (approx. 5 more years).

Yes it's real, it also exists in America too, you expect Beaners and Chimps not to vote conservative as "muh racism" jew media blinds their 85 IQ, but white women also vote liberal

we're always on top. always winning. even when we're losing.


i prefer this quote

Hi nation wrecker.

hello untermensch, bow to your masters

Why would I bow to people who cant keep from being kicked out of every country they've ever lived in?