>pol wants to ban pic related.
Explain yourselves
Pol wants to ban pic related
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I only hate muslim men
the women are perfectly ok
A potentially cute girl is not worth the legions of hairy, savages that will subvert and destroy our country.
It's hard for them to give blowjobs when they have this fucking thing in front of their mouth
Why is she dressed like a ninja? If I see her dressed like a normal person while waving the american flag and eating a pulled pork sandwich I'll let her in, but not until then.
Why would I want to ban Gypsys?
Women shouldnt wear that outfit
I bet it was a tiresome task.
>everyone in the classroom looks 13
>she looks suspiciously 25
no shit it should be banned shes about to fucking blow this building up
>thinking with your dick
not really
Some Muslims have blue eyes and lighter skin because of the millions of white Christians shipped to the Arab world as sex sleves
muh dick
pisslam propaganda photo from "beautyofhijabs"
What's your point? To allow millions of savage rapists in Europe because 1 insignificant photo?
Explain yourself Polack. Are you in Scumaudi Arabia embassy?
Why would we want to ban a fucking pic instead of the mudshit that is in it, you miserable little shit?
They are going to west so w/e it't not our problem, we can enslave some cuties during race war
I don't think with my dick.
You fucking rebbit, twatter, fagbook assholes get little dumber every day.
How do you retards even remember to breath without someone telling you?
some one telling you to
So she's a violent extremist who wants to behead those who don't agree with her world views and act like she is peaceful and dindu nuffin?
Then yes...
not an argument
We don't want to ban her, we want to ban her father brothers uncles and cousins
Have fun with your hairy kids chanting ackbar in your home
fucking disgusting, gas em all
>implying I wouldnt raise them as orthodox
I was engaged to this Pakistani chick once. She said she was of some royal decent or some bullshit.
It didn't work out because she wanted to bang more than I could accommodate. I ended up getting fired from my work-from-home gig because we fucked too much and I wasn't working enough.
She didn't care though, she was getting dicked for hours every day for months straight.
that's why you kick the mutt kids back to durkaland/niggerland and repeat the process until africa and the middle east is white
>implying they would even know what islam is
She might have nigger sausage lips, or a mustache
Well you think with your bull's dick :/
i thought poland was the last uncucked country in europe. i guess we're all fucked.
I'd rather have kids with white skin and without the facial features of a rapist, thanks.
yeah, stay delusional
they'd be still half-sandnigger
their mother would still enforce her religion on them.
He doesn't let me desu.
>Terrorist breeding actory
>Explain yourself
why is she covering her face?
did the acid burn her lower face