Can we meme star trek beyond as a box office failure?
Can we meme star trek beyond as a box office failure?
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What if Takei was still playing Sulu?
It is already a failure
Sulu would ironically still be a straight man.
> change is always a good thing
this cannot possibly be real
what the fuck
*conjuring meme spell*
*meme spell complete*
Take this OP you're going to need a lot more meme magic but I'm just one man...
go over to /1701/ and read about us bitching about this piece of shit for the past year.
It's going to be a good Star Trek movie. Somewhere around Undiscovered Country.
Still, Quinto is just as gay as Takei, and Takei said there was no point in making Sulu gay.
It's real. George Takei is a regular on the Howard Stern Show and they have him do a lot of gay stuff on the show. He's surprisingly a really good sport about it:
I really wish Simon Pegg would fucking kill himself
>hurr Geek culture is a capatalist conspiracy!!!!!!
>*goes on to contribute more to "geek culture" more than the vast majority of people
Does Simon Pegg even run his own twitter account, or is it just a committee run Paramount account?
Isn't Takei pretty displeased that they made Sulu gay and didn't just introduce a new character to be gay?
I mean yeah the picture's correct but the underlying assumption that change is always good and tradition is always bad not so much. What if we get to the point where what's currently progressive becomes tradition? Will the descendants of the current progressives be arguing that it's then bad because it's the established norm?
You can't just keep changing for the sake of change.
meme magic inc
Yeah. Takei was basically the last to know they were making Sulu gay, and he said "you could make literally any of these characters gay or bi or whatever and it would be the same thing, and Sulu is the only one with a canon wife and child".
>not wanting to be jerked off by George Takei
Most 'geek culture' is just mindless consumption. Pegg was arguing that fiction can tell valuable stories rather than just generate images to sell people.
I don't know if they promised him he'd get a script if he did nu-Trek and Into Darkness, but I hope he felt like a massive hypocrite after Cumberpatch gave his stupid little speech about nothing.
Most star trek movies are shit. This one will be modern Hollywood shit.
Yeah, he thought it was unnecessary of them to alter the established characteristics of the characters Roddenberry came up with just to be more "inclusive". He said he'd rather they had written a new character that was gay if they wanted to go down that route, and that he would be supportive of that.
Basically the same thing we keep saying every time they recast a white comic book character as black for the movies just to be more "diverse".
Nah Sup Forums will shit on gays regardless
I'm going to give this one a chance unlike the last two. No returning villain, no origin story, the Enterprise gets wrecked early on, and the script sounds like it's about Starfleet as a concept.
Also look at these fucking uniforms.
Someone should make a comparison meme to Mao's Four Olds
...or is that too high concept for Twitter libshits?
One specific aspect of communist china isn't high concept, it's just obscure.
>Try to go to White Castle
>End up gay on a space ship
>Change is always good
Just gonna leave this here
tradition is the enemy of commerical culture and of the world where money decides everything
goddamn commies
Apparently it's really good but way different from the rest. The gay sulu thing really didn't matter. It was more or less showing the diversity of these explorers and how they were all united by the the spirit of exploration.
I've seen the clip... It's borderline national socialist stuff lol
Roddenberry toed the line between socialism and full NatSoc pretty regularly. Dude was on the San Francisco SWAT team.
Shit, Star Trek is the reason I joined the Marines, because I was an impressionable idiot. Picard's duty speeches were effective as fuck.
After ITD and TFA, only normies will see it, and fans who have caught on to the propoganda.
>This is real