Why do violent women who get into fights think that they are cool? What causes this degeneracy?

Why do violent women who get into fights think that they are cool? What causes this degeneracy?

>What causes this degeneracy?
The fact that they get attention and praise. It's what drives everything a woman does.

Yeah. Even modern "alpha males" are effeminate little dudebro queers that worship women. They give women everything they want, and that makes women more and more arrogant.

People in western culture seem incapable of criticizing both women and "alpha males", but yeah, all the younger little dudes these days are such fucking fags.

Damn dude did your girl come home with some fruit roll up sticky on her ass or what
Why are you so pissy

>Be woman
>Other woman is bothering me
>Owning a vagina prevents me from rightfully defending myself
This has to be satire, right?
I find it hard to believe that this level of stupidity is natural.


>>Be woman
Tits pls

Looks like a couple of scrawny meth whores fighting it out.


I always type like that. It's just the way it is. Why did you call me "dude", you fag?

>Fook me chev chelios

You always type with your butthole wide open letting out ass pain?


is she going to be okay?

>straight up murdering someone in a fight

Women are savages with no honour.

fuck off

Probably not. Convulsions like that after being hit in the head repeatedly is not a good sign.

>25 to life over shit talking


mfw that webm

No, I always type in a way that allows me to expand on my point as much as possible, while explaining as much as possible in one single post.

You're a faggot. I don't need to expand on that, though.

The Zatoichi movies are confusing as fuck. Half of them are bittersweet examinations of life, and the other half are the most outrageously violent things I've seen outside of Lone Wolf and Cub.

It looks like a scene from Army of Darkness

Actually manslaughter is usually 1-7
Maybe that's just in my shit hole state with fuck you high murder rate