What was Sup Forums like on 9/11?
What was Sup Forums like on 9/11?
still a young boy, like that in your picture
9/11 was fucked up. Hardly anyone was redpilled.
Anzu is not a boy!
nothing special just shitposting like usual why do you ask?
Most weren't born.
If you thought 9/11 was bad you should have been here on pearl harbor when the nips attacked us Sup Forums was losing its shit
>Alcohol 120%
I feel old now.
Sounds like something a 15 year old would say.
It was something awful, I tell ya.
there was no Sup Forums in 2001
but if the question is about how the polsters were doing on 9/11, well i was celebrating on the streets and burning murican flags. Though i started to like the USA a bit more after my family moved to Europe
He was young indeed
the fuck hanz
I was not giving a fuck in Iceland
those 9/11 threads were so good
2006-07 were good years...
Dead silent
Nero Burning ROM!
t. Achmed Al-Shabaz Obamasalam
Now that was a fucking happening.
Most of the couch goyim didn't even know what islam or a muslim was until afterwards and almost nobody had a camera on them at the time.
You should have seen Sup Forums when Hitler was still alive now that was something
Civil war Sup Forums was worst, all that Yankee shitposting and "tfw no legs" threads
Back then Sup Forums was called thehampsterdance, and shit was fuckin cray.
I was nine years old and I was mad because they replaced my cartoons with their stupid news about some building collapsing somewhere in the world.
t. Ruhollah Khomeini
I didn't know what was going on but I remember my WW2 veteran grandpa just emotionally stared at the tv
>moot hating best girl
this should have been a sign
More like pic related...
So glad I don't know wtf that is
learning how to write "w"s and drinking juice
Wow eggman transitioned nicely.
I'd still fugg him either way familia
Sup Forums didn't exist
>there are people posting on Sup Forums right now who were born after 9/11
that's the weakest chin ever.
I couldn't possibly haven given any less of a shit than I did that day.
Not saying that to be mean or offensive or edgy. I literally just didn't care. My family was here, safe, and alive, and that's all that mattered. For me to care about some random people I don't know is like hating my own brother or sister.
People did the same in here, they even stopped teaching in my school that day and for the next two days everyone was glued to the tv with horror in their faces.
The only other time I saw people like that was while Beslan was happening.
most of the faggots here were 3 years old
Whelp I was having my braces fitted against my will while watching the towers fall live. I grew up in news though so I wasn't all that surprised.
I do remember constantly rewatchibg starship troopers after it though. It seemed to calm me down while firing me up.
Can't ever unsee
>mfw twin towers
lulz were had that day
Dont lie m8 you rewatched starship troopers because you wanted to fap during the shower scene
>yfw the MAJORITY of posters on this site were born after 9/11
I was in Year 10.
It basically confirmed my dislike of middle-easterners/Muslim's. Never liked them to begin with, it only solidified it.
Also, I remember several Turks and other assorted Arabs at my High-school (there wasn't many, but they stood out, because they were trouble makers) and they were super happy about it and not hiding it at all.
Oh lawdy dat too! Jesus that shower scene must've been rewatched so much that the dvd warped. ;)
IRC DCC downloads
that's sad:( I guess I'm in the minority
I was only 3. Didn't even know what 9/11 was till I was like 9 when my mum told me she watched it all happen on TV.
You have to be 18 to post here.
He is.
They spent most of their time on /R9K. 911 was a wake up call and soon /MLP was created.
I am 18 you fuckwit. Education system fail you that bad?
Sup Forums was not around on 9/11.
Have you really been holding on to that screenshot for 13 years user?
>Can't do arithmetic
It was merely an electron dream in the ballsack of our Father Moot
I just realized I replied to myself.
I'll see myself out lmfao.
I was ironing my shirt when my Mom called me into the main room of our house where the television was. I remember have a strange, disconnected feeling because what I was watching was so unbelievable. Then again, I'm not sure why I felt that way, we had seen just as bad at Oklahoma.
i'm 28 senpai. i became a Sup Forumstard in 2006.
feels old man.
Wow I feel old. I was 19. A sophomore in college. I remember my parents calling me at my apartment waking me up really early on a day when I normally could have slept-in, and telling me to turn on the news.
you mean 7/11?
>Wow i feel old.
Nigga you ARE old. 34 is way past youth
at first i tought it was a movie trailer
I know how you feel user. I remember getting a phone call from my sister saying "turn on the news, we're under attack."
fuck aye yeah you're pretty old mte
What do you think?
My id
I don't know man, I don't know what to think
>ywn live in a pre-911 world again.
>that thinning hair
You gay or jealous female
Woke up, could hear the television in the next room, and thought after a few minutes "shit, this sounds cool!" and I raced out to see what was going on. Parents were sitting on the couch and staring at the television with their jaws hanging, looked up at me, and then back to the television. Really ruined the good mood I was in from finally see Under Siege 2 all the way through before I went to bed.
I want to go back...
Everything was normal until the evening news.
I don't think pol was even a board
Those were the days
It didn't exist you newfaggot
No, I just like my women with hair on top.
Cunt is bulimic too so she'll probably stinks out of her mouth and is going to lose her teeth soon
came in really handy when downloading porn pics from directories
I was in I think 6th grade and we heard about it.
I actually wasnt that bothered. I went on with my day fine. I dont recall feeling 'shocked' or 'sick' or even sad like so many others say. Actually I still dont care that much.
Its gotta be degrees of separation or something. I didnt lose family in it. The fact a plane hijacking worked is testament to how weak we have become...or were not being told something. I personally dont see a government conspiracy as unreasonable. They dont value our lives, so why not off a few thousand? Theyve done it in plain sight plenty of times in smaller numbers.
I think it also has to do with a lack of national identity for me. I dont subscribe to the notion of 'us'. I am me. I actually detest most of that side of the country because frankly they just desire a far different way of life than I do. This whole 'democratic' notion that it is somehow preferably for us to tie ourselves to each other and constantly struggle to achieve 51% of us having domination over the other 49% is absurd.
So whatever. Ill be at work again on 9/11 this year, forced to attend a memorial for people idgaf about, faking the pledge of allegiance and pretending to be moved so people dont think Im some kind of monster or weirdo.
there was TONS of CP all over the Internet in 2001
9/11? didn't even notice
That's the picture I used for a fake kikebook account to shitpost during the Zim Zam trial.
I image searched "scene guy".
You have to go back.
jealous female no doubt
I was pissed. They interrupted my afternoon cartoon show with an emergency news broadcast to report the happening. I didn't get it. All I knew was my show had been interrupted for some burning skyscraper in the US. My parents were just quiet, listening, I think they told me to shut up and that a huge tragedy had happened.
I was maybe 12-13 when I first watched Zeitgeist and I was like "oh yeah, 9/11 was a thing, I should probably learn more", so I watched documentaries and listened to 911. Cried my eyes out, the calls really got me.
What was Sup Forums like during the Vietnam War?
It was insane. The baneposting was out of control.
I was in 10th grade. Some class was getting over and nearly out the door when some kid was like "there's some crazy shit happening in New York" so a large group of us went to the cafeteria that had 2 TVs on opposite sides. I cannot be certain if I saw the second tower get hit live, but classes were pretty much cancelled for the rest of the day.
My mother worked in a credit card processing place and was fearful of getting anthrax through the mail. For about a week after 9/11, she handled all our mail with gloves, kek.
faggots kept spamming desu and the gaia forums raided Sup Forums. moot ate soup