Girlfriend talking to me why I don't like illegal immigrants

A small chubby Hispanic man walked in a couple minutes ago. His hands were dirty with white stuff and he was wearing a neon shirt that implied he worked for a roof replacement company. He literally couldn't speak any English to me and just spoke in Spanish but he had a really happy and funny attitude. There were little kids that were leaving and said "thank you!!" (Super cute) and he laughed and said "bye bye!" And didn't know how to ask for donuts so he just pointed. He kept saying something that I didn't understand but just pointed at the three Gatorades he purchased so I added two and two together and handed him a plastic bag and he thanked me and I said your welcome in Spanish which is the only thing I know and he laughed and asked me if I spoke Spanish in Spanish which I understand to because who doesn't and laughed and said no and he gave me a tip of $5
I'm pretty sure he's an illegal immigrant if he can't speak any English or understand it and works for a blue collared Job but he seemed like a really nice and hard working guy. I don't understand why People like you are ever worried about people like them taking away jobs. They live here working extremely hard compared to people like you who just sit in cubicles and reset passwords and every now and then clean closets and probably get paid double or triple more and have benefits and rights.
I can try to understand the way you think but it literally makes me want to vomit.
People like you who are loyal to a man like trump and everything he stands for makes me hate humanity and the world I live in

What do I say Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

"I think we should start seeing other people"


You're a good person
You don't belong here
This board is full of poorly adjusted losers who blame entire groups of people because they're mad at the circumstances of their own lives

>doesn't speak English
>therefore illegal

You been to any "coffee house" lately ? or read *any* reply on a website originating from F*book ?

Most of the USA-born population 35 and under can't speak English.

>inb4 English is progressive

>illegal immigrant

Why is this retarded bitch even trying to start an argument with you? They're breaking the law. Get them the fuck out.

Some, I assume, are good people.

Wow touching story :^)

Why don't you wrap your mouth around the barrel of a gun and squeeze the trigger you tremendous faggot?


agreed 100%, however if you do ever go to any country after work, learn the fucking language first, you don't have to be linguistic expert but come on man, even basics will get you more opportunity on the job market.

>I don't understand


He's not supposed to be here and his anchor babies are a slap in the face to everyone who immigrated legally.

>People like you who are loyal to a man like trump

Trump has nothing to do with the current immigration laws that aren't being enforced.


I never understood why Americans are against Mexicans. Unlike niggers, they have jobs and are eager to work. If you legalized their right to work they would pay taxes as well so you would have to pay less yourselves for supporting niggers.

"Well if he's a hard working man I'm sure he can travel back here after Trump kicks his illegal ass out"

You're the only one who has mentioned Mexicans.

You may no believe this but there is a system set up for people who want to become American citizens.


When the argument is whether these people are a net positive or negative, or whether they are good people or bad people, you've already conceded the point that their immigration status doesn't matter.. Illegal means they get kicked out.

Laws have to be enforced fairly, otherwise you make suckers out of people who follow them. When you have a widespread notion that cheaters are getting away with cheating, that encourages even more people to cheat. Eventually this will lead to a collapse of rule of law and a breakdown of society.

OP has god tier critical thinking skills.

I say if your job gets taken by an illiterate illegal immigrant you're a fucking worthless piece of shit and should kill yourself anyway

OP Sup Forums is a meme. Those that actually believe all the shit on here are clearly maladjusted individuals. It's normal to judge races and make stereotypes but to apply them to every single person regardless is kind of stupid.

But then again I would say this cos I'm a 'shitskin' (Arab/Italian), hahaha. Anyway irl I've never come across people with the same views as Sup Forums.
I actually met a Sup Forumsack on here a few years back he spouted the same views, but we still became friends and met up irl. I just think he was using this place to vent about his depressing life.

He smiles while his cousin steals your lawnmower, cucking your kids out of easy summer work.

>shilling this hard
I bet you're a socialist even though you support globalism and the importation of cheap labor

Not a socialist. I'm a realist.

Why should I care about anybody whose skill set is so basic that somebody who can't even read is a more valuable employee?

Trailer park Americans are just as dumb as any other low class scum

Here's what I usually say in this situation. They couldn't make ends meet in their own country, so they committed a crime to support themselves by illegally entering a sovereign nation. Now I wonder what these crime-prone people would do if the times got rough here. Pro-tip: they'd commit a crime


It's not about how valuable an employee they are, it's that people from third-world shitholes work for less money. There's no skill involved when picking tomatoes

If I'm running a business I'm going to hire the best workers. No reason for me to employ lazy uneducated white trash collecting government benefits when I can hire hardworking and honorable beans who will give it there all because they have no other choice


Sounds like you're a bit of a dickhead mate

If the man is working and paying for things then he's doing everything right, pull your head out of your ass compadre

>literally committed a crime to get here
Pick one. You're betraying your country by hiring an illegal. You're just as bad as tax evaders and welfare con artists

They just want to eat though.

The alternative is paying for blue collar scum to waste their money on NASCAR tickets, meth, and Natty Light

ok, they broke the law, they live and work in the US without permission. They do so because of the passivity of your authorities, that don't bother to guard the borders properly. So how can expelling them far from their home and job by the same state that didn't prevent them to get a house and a job on it's territory in the first place be morally justified. Both the illegals and the authorities shat on the immigration laws, but only the illegals have to pay for it. From my perspective, given the circumstances, it would be in your best interests to promote a law that gives the illegals a reasonable deadline to meet up all the requirements for becoming citizens before expelling them.

So you don't belive in borders? Anyone who's hungry can come live in the US. Enjoy waves of niggers and arabs coming to profit off of the system your ancestors built and replace your culture. I hope this happens to whatever country you're from

It doesn't bother me. I have a college degree and so does everybody else in my family. We can only get richer on cheap labor.

>What Counts as Hiring an Illegal Immigrant?

>Under federal law, it is illegal for any employer to engage with illegal immigrants in the following manner:

> • Hiring illegal immigrants
> • Recruiting illegal immigrants
> • Referring illegal immigrants for work and receiving a fee

>This also includes hiring contractors who use illegal immigrants. There are criminal and civil penalties associated with this conduct.

>It is also illegal for employers to not verify work authorization. Three days after an employee is hired, employers should correctly complete an I-9. Failing to do so will subject employers to criminal and civil punishment.

that's literally the point

the current system is broken and fucks over the American blue collar. it's GREAT for corporations that get to pay illegal immigrants astronomically tiny wages, much much smarter than any civilized person would accept

If you don't give a shit about economic hegemony in the states and the elimination of upwards mobility, then fine. if you make more than 100k a year or something it probably doesn't affect you. feel free to fuck over the American middle class. but don't make this stupid "lol you can't compete with Mexicans lolol ur poor" routine just because you don't understand the way supply and demand affects wages

It will bother you when they put a communist in power or stage a coup and take your traitorous business away. Maybe put you in a mass grave while they're at it

>thinking his opinion matters

>College degree
>guarantee of employment

No income tax being paid, not signed up for the draft, and him being nice is an isolated case. There are a lot of criminals over illegally.

There is no shortage of openings for Data Scientists

I genuinely wonder how so many Mexican people can be hard workers with strong morales (so the narrative says) yet their entire country is a drug smuggling corrupt shit holy

Really makes you th.... oh wait no it doesn't, these people need to go back and right this fucking minute. I don't care what Jewish media says otherwise

i'm sure islamist terrorists/mexican gangbangers/ dindu robber-murderers will spare you if you tell them about your degree

>much smarter
should have read much smaller

Women don't respond to facts or statistics

they respond to emotional appeals or appeals to authority, or a whole bunch of similar logical fallacies

Don't bother arguing with them. you tell them what the facts are, you show them some kind of emotionally appealing video or argument, and you leave it at that. It's the only thing they're capable of understanding.

A country is supposed to be a nation, a people, how else can you have democracy?
These illegals are 80% living on welfare, huge amounts of them were criminals even before they became illegals...
Why should we forfeit our country?

spics are pretty much just as bad as niggers