Over a third of Nice victims were Muslim

>b-but all Muslims are terrorists
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Fuck, good news finally.

But the truck driver 'wasn't a real muslim'.

Really makes you think.

Why are there so many Muslims in Nice to begin with? France should be for the French.

Have a sage!

Prove it. Also you're right, Muslims never kill other Muslims so he couldn't have been one.

In ooouuuurrrrr countries you idiot

Yeah, like they never have killed their own before.
Go away you fuckin' idiot, and don't ever come back.

Look at how Muslims treat each other. They won't treat us any better. We don't want them in the west. Go back home, cocksucker.

a burka is not the most suited outfit to avoid a truck

So the situation is even worse than I thought. I was expecting 10% muslims, seeing it was a non-violent event.

So.. how many of the muslim victims had an axe or a knife upon them?

I wish all the victims were Muslims.

Convenient that this assertion comes out now that all the victims are dead and can't refute it. Also it is permissible in Islam to kill other Muslims.

>random sample of french people
>two thirds are french

Welcome to 60%, wineniggers

Muslims are always the victims of other Muslims.
That's the whole "they're running from those bad people, that's why they came here!" Argument.

But the thing is that although most Muslim refugees are law abiding, they don't wanna assimilate into European culture because they didn't CHOOSE to go there. They were forced to leave their home country due to danger and they don't identify with European values or ideas.
They want to preserve their own ideology while living among Europeans, which is not possible without conflict.
That's where all those "60% of Muslim refugees living in Canada are in favor of sharia law!" Statistics come from.

Even though the individual terrorists are few and far between, the citizens themselves pose a threat. The ultra-conservative values do NOT mix with the liberal values of most 1st world counties.
It's great that people want to help out but honestly we should all just designate a chunk of land "refugee island" and put them all there with plenty of resources and let them just have their own thing.

>Muslims are the real victims of this attack

When will this meme stop ?

>more than one-third of the people he killed were Muslim, the head of a regional Islamic association said on Tuesday.
>he head of a regional Islamic association said
>Islamic association

>He dosen't know about the rift between the sunni shia muslims and that sunnis are trying to exterminate shias

Turns out he was homosexual

Fuck the inbred MENA troglodytes who are invading Europe. They're stuck in the 7th century. I'll say it again, why do we expect them to treat us any better than they treat their fellow Muslims?


those "Muslims" were Kafir mixing, sex mixing whores and hypocrites. Those Muslims that were in any way pious are now Martyrs for Mohammad.

Islamic logic

fucking lol

they cant even terrorize france anymore now because they already invaded over a third of the country

Smh desu senpai

>Muslims killing muslims
What else is new?

The south of France is North africa now. I'm surprised the while crowd wasn't Muslims.

Of course there were muslim victims within the french caliphate

Nothing. Now, can we get more of it?

if its any consolation, in a generation or two the entirety of french terror victims will be muslim



Sounds pretty Muslim to me. Jihad is how gay Muslims redeem themselves to Allah.

what's with all these gay muslims killing people

itd be a lot nicer if 100% of the victims were muslims


Over a third of French people are Muslim

I've got more on Muslims treating other Muslims like shit.

So? The terrorist didn't had any idea who was what. He just saw a bunch of people and hit the gas.

>france has so many muslims that even if a truck driver hits a crowd he has a 33% chance of killing a muslim

top lel

>Over a third of Nice victims were Muslim
1\3 of France are muslims, confirmed.

Hardly btfo.

I only felt bad for the Texas family in the first place. Everyone else there can die for all I care.

Yes, we know, Muslims are animals.
Any of their laws can be broken as long as they are killing infidels.

Only when they don't have time to chose.


The killers are ruthless . But they have spared * Alexis , a young adult " typed " as a friend described , including the dark skin often pass for a young North African origin . "They aimed then relented says this close friend. They said unto him, you 're one of us , and they shot another boy near him ! . "

Worst playground ever

The media can't keep getting away with this.

How about this playground?

Someone with muslim upbringing turns from the faith, does some gay shit. Goes through some tough times and turns to his faith. Is convinced radicalizing is the only way to earn redemption. Commits act of terror.

That's my theory, at least.

Interesting how they're only really paying attention to the muslim victims.

Really tickles the synapses.

The (((media))) at work



>Over a third of Nice victims were Muslim



RIP 56 victims of Nice terror attack.

Yea, i'm sure some of the victims of the Paris attack were Muslims too, there's a shit ton of refugees in Europe. How the hell is this surprising at all?

Basically this

Kek good one, France is now Francistan

This can't be real...

singing sinking dying diving loving leaving

>Muslims kill eachother in massive numbers
>"See! They're peaceful, you guys!"

>The French are being systematically replaced by a foreign people

Yep, you showed us.

>be French
>get trucked
>become muslim

>Implying nytimes not spreading this false flag after getting paid from Israel.
How dumb is op?
Sorry to doubt you


Muslims are muslims and therefore vermins whether or not they're terrorist.

kek literally this, liberals think if enough sandniggers kill other sandniggers it means that the ones dying are peaceful

Jesus Achmed, could you possibly wait until I'm not 3 inches from the muzzle

>play carmageddon go in france
>try to avoid ragheads cause they don't count for the highscore
>still, they make a third of the casualties

>they're running from those bad people, that's why they came here!
I guess this turns that argument on its head in a away, since they're no safer in France than they were back home. Except they're gonna cause collateral damage to non-Muslims now.

>muslims killing other muslims

it's ok, since it's jihad, all the deaths are now claimed by Allah and they are in heaven now.

which i made that up myself.

ISIS will kill anyone who doesn't practice their precise ideologies. This INCLUDES moderate Muslims. This is one of the reasons "MODERATE" Muslims refuse to come out against it - they could be killed.

>1/3 of the victims were Muslim
So 2/3 weren't Muslim
Also how is that supposed to make it better? These people are such savages they will kill one of their own just to get a few infidels

Most likely is. Wake up

24/7/365 and will be enough material to fill without repeating. Then this "pisslam is peace" shit will be hard to sell.

2/3 were not sandniggers.
Also race of victim doesnt matter.
Race of terrorist is the only thing matter Mr Achmed Merkeler.

martydom erases all sins so they can be utter degenerates as long as they blow themselves up in the end

France is so cucked that even a third of the victims were mudslimes? That means France has a lot of mudslimes living in their borders.

yeah not like Muslims don't kill other Muslims daily.

> Muslims kill each other when there aren't any non-Muslims around

Yes, we already know Islam is shit. Thank you for the confirmation.

20% of the population of France is Muslim, possibly more.

>Sounds about proportional.

France is so gone.
In a group of French people 1/3 are randomly mussies.

>Over a third of Nice victims were Muslim
That's both good and bad. Good because they deserved to die. Bad because is shows how numerous these animals have bcome.

>it's the token beach episide

Nice try, Hassam, but that only makes one see how little islam makes of human life. Even when talking about their own kind.
Also, while not all muslims are terrorist, all terrorists engaged against the west are muslims. Really makes you think, eh?

Why not? The Muzzies have been killing each other for 1400 years because one doesn't like the way the other interprets the religion. They do that to themselves. They'll do it to us.

> This can't be real...

You're right, those guys just volunteered to get shot in the head and dumped in a dirty river for propaganda purposes..

Goes to show how bad Muslims really are that they kill anyone, even their own Muslims. They may as well have been infidels.

The first person he hit was a grandma in hijab. Idk how many of the victims he actually saw but he would have seen her

>The first person he hit was a grandma in hijab.

She was showing her eyes.


What I'm wondering is, why would someone shoot a man before throwing him into a dirty river?

Muslim logic?

Guess he's not a Muslim then! #NotAllMuslims #MuslimsAreNotTerrorists #HalalKitty

>no smoke when firing

Well muslims like little boys so it makes sense.

Yeah, 100% of the victims in the recent Medina, Baghdad, and Dhaka attacks were Muslims too

They think nothing of killing and beheading each other, what do you think they think of killing fat rich white non-Muslim westerners

Didn't know they had Comanches in the Middle East...

It's obviously fake, look closer. There's no wound, nothing exits the other side even after he's shooting them that close, and the camera is conveniently placed so you can't get a good angle. The way he holds the gun after 'shooting' isn't natural at all, looks like there's no recoil and he's just flailing his arm around. Also, shouldn't the water be full of blood considering that they shot like 4 people?

In the eyes of many muslims there are only two kinds of people.
Muslims and kuffar.
If you kill a kafir you please Allah.
If you kill a muslim while killing kuffar both you and him go to paradise, so it's a win/win.
And because 'there is not one islam' you can pretty much define what a muslim is.
So by definition you're doing gods will.

Everybody who says he was not a real muslim can eat a dick, he was not a real muslim according to their definition.

>Muslims killing other Muslims means he wasn't Muslim
Where the fuck have you been for the last 2,000 years?

The only people better at killing Muslims than Americans dropping bombs, is other Muslims.

What the fuck do you think they do in their spare time?

>Doesn't know that we went to smokeless powder over a century ago

I've killed quite a few critters. Sometimes there is a lot of blood, sometimes not.

Fucking this, amerifriend.
What makes Europe the way it is are the people, the european people, living by european law and tradition.
When you go to Chinatown in San Francisco you see a piece of China in american soil. And that's cool, because these people don't try to destroy american culture and end up assimilating, roughly.
In France, and other places in Europe, you will see giant sized "Syriatowns", "Iraqtowns" and etc, festered with people that won't try to assimilate with european costumes and even actively try to destroy it. Needless to say it won't be cool at all

Just proves France is already overrun with enemys.

They don't care... They breed like insects. If 100 Muslims die in order to kill one Christian... They consider it a victory.

All Muslims aren't terrorists, good goy, they're European!!

Oh, you're THAT kind of a moron.

Did you see the bullet passing 1st guy head and splashing into the water?

You're a text book American moron allowing US to train muslims and finance terrorists for the last 50 years

Most niggers kill other niggers. I hate them nonetheless