Everyone in the galaxy has a cool "space name"

>everyone in the galaxy has a cool "space name"
>your name is Luke

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Skywalker is an awesome surname. You can overdo it if you have a super cool first and last name, it flows better with one normal name.

But how and why did Padmé even come up with "Luke", a name from Biblical origin? Did she mean something by this?

It's short for "Lukensmotter"

not wrong




Is Negan a Star Wars name? He was going to be called Nagus but Star Trek alread took that.


Its Obi-wan and Kenobi you troglodyte

>your name could have been starkiller
>its skywalker
Luke can't win

It sounds stupidly edgy. Walker is cool. It sounds heroic and adeventurous.

>Darkjaw Badslice
What kind of name is that?


The guy underestimates the power of autism.

It's a short for Luuke



You could've been named Scumbaggano

>Wanna buy some Tasty Wheat?

specifically here:

Which is of course short for Luuuke.

why would you post this

is this the fabled Bigger Luke??

>mom dies in childbirth
>guy wants to protect you and your sister from your dad, decides to split you up
>She gets adopted by a wealthy aristrocrat, recieves the title princess, and is raised on a luscious green paradise planet with every luxury and opportunity imaginable
>You get sent to live as an impovrished peasant on the most arid hellhole imaginable, where every day is a struggle to survive
>Fucker doesn't even bother to change your last name, and leaves you among relatives your father knows so you're easily found

Fuck that book so hard.

Still better than Dick Skywalker

I hate you people for referencing that story

Safety is more important than luxury. And he was never found. The roeason why luke's aunt and uncle were killed was because of the droids and not because of him

Yeah but Vader never looked for them either. If he had the number one place to look would be at Owens and Berus.

you dont know that


I suppose he didn't even know his child/children was/were alive to begin with.

I'm now realizing how fucking weird a name Obi-Wan is

like if star wars never happened and you heard this name, you'd think it was some dr seuss character

>Not referencing him trying to pimp out the red dress girl.

Maybe Luke is considered a cool space name in his galaxy.


No, that's Luuuuke

>my name's Luke
>*teleports behind you*

I really wish you would stop posting

I enjoyed his post tbqh

Well I didn't and we both know that my opinions are better than yours.

I disagree.

>can use your jedi senses to aim better and use two guns at the same time
>use a glowing stick instead

really takes me back

Better Luke than Luuke,Luuuuke,Luuuuuuuuuke.

In a setting with interstellar travel, star themed names probably aren't uncommon.


>None of them use a blaster pistol with a lightsaber bayonet.

I just want ONE Jedi who uses the force to make trick-shots with a blaster.

Think Dune, Luke needed to suffer to become better.

The best star wars name by far is Dash Rendar

Wilhulff Tarkin is pretty based too

Sheev Palpatine

>hating sand is part of your DNA
>old guy leaves you to grow up in a fucking desert because he hates your dad

Ezra Bridger uses a light saber that has a built in stun blaster. Can't use them both at the same time though

>Your mother looks at you and lost the way to live

I kekd more than I should


It's Sleazbaggano actually

But don't you see the genius of this plan? he hid him in a sand planet because he knew Anakin wouldn't want to go there!

It would be like a buddhist monk running around with an m60


It's because he's the one we're supposed to relate to. Same reason lord of the rings has a character named Sam.

How old are you

My star wars name would be Blomee Tunite.


>Biggs Darklighter

Is that like a lighter, only dark? Or it does the opposite of the lighter?


It's like that little doodad Dumbledore has.

Skywalker is way cooler than "starkiller"


>everyone in the galaxy has a cool "space name"
>your name is Sheev

> Being called Starkiller in a movie Star Wars, in which the heroes have to destroy a Death STAR.

Pottery, right? It's just so fucking retarded. I don't understand why people keep pushing that shitty name.

>Kylo Ren
>Poe Dameron
This name will never sound good



Why? EU fans usually talk about how amazing it is, and how the trilogy is easily one of the best pieces of Star Wars media ever created. Do you just expect people to ignore stupid shit Timothy Zahn basing a major part of the plot around evil clones with ridiculous double-voweled names?

>Created by a man named Lucas
>His name is literally Luke S.

I really wonder if George consciously did that.

Isn't Lucas the spic version of Luke?

>become the senate
>have a surgical reconstruction center named after yourself

Wait, one of his 1st orders as emperor is to rename a surgical center after himself?

It was order 6

Not even a good centre

>He doesn't know about EmPal SuRecon

Anakin Skywalker is also an outlandish name that still works. In fact, why are the people of Tatooine the only normally named people?
>Owen, Cliegg and Beru Lars
>and Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi



Oh boy wank an oldboy

Corellian, and Han is a common Chinese name.

That's what I meant, ordinary

hand solo

expert in Mass debates

Both Luke and Leia are from the Bible you heathen scum.

hey kiddo that works for him ok he likes to fly....solo he doesnt need a hand. but luke might

and i will strike down upon thee with great force lightening and force pushes.

everything in starwars is pretty much sexualized undertones. the whole deathstar and luke being the only sperm to make it before the deathstar splits apart.

the whole finding your sisters fuckable

hand solo. like to fly alone with his hairy beast

Princess leia the sex slave

>You can overdo it if you have a super cool first and last name,
That is nonsense. Here is a list of awesome first names with badass last names:

Slab Bulkhead
Bridge Largemeat
Punt Speedchunk
Butch Deadlift
Hold Bigflank
Splint Chesthair
Flint Ironstag
Bolt Vanderhuge
Thick McRunfast
Blast Hardcheese
Buff Drinklots
Crunch Slamchest
Fist Rockbone
Stump Beefknob
Smash Lampjaw
Punch Rockgroin
Buck Plankchest
Stump Junkman
Dirk Hardpec
Rip Steakface
Slate Slabrock
Crud Bonemeal
Brick Hardmeat
Rip Slagcheek
Punch Sideiron
Gristle McThornbody
Slate Fistcrunch
Buff Hardback
Bob Johnson
Blast Thickneck
Crunch Buttsteak
Slab Squatthrust
Lump Beefbroth
Touch Rustrod
Beef Blastbody
Big McLargehuge
Smoke Manmuscle
Beat Punchmeat
Hack Blowfist
Roll Fizzlebeef

>all overdone

>Here is a list of awesome first names with badass last names:
Where did you get this from?



Luke is Lucas' mary sue self insert.
>dude rei is mary sue not lu-
>author named MC after himself

Han is a pretty common name in parts of Europe; I had a grandfather with that name. Leia isn't that weird, either.

Also, Vader was inspired by a classmate of George named Gary Vader. He's even mentioned briefly in American Graffiti.

I actually hate that everyone forgot that a Star Wars character can have a normal name like Luke or Ben, and everybody is named some weird bullshit

>Blast Hardcheese