Why didn't Anakin turn to the light side after this?
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Because from his point of view the Jedi were evil.
He didn't believe him and even if he did he didn't care as long as sheev could save padme
You think he would have taken the hint after literally killing children
He had an alternate perspective.
The Jedi weren't any better. They knew the Old Republic was a corrupt bureaucracy that allowed too many worlds in the outer rim to be exploited for the comfort of the core worlds, yet they fought to preserve it. Even becoming the generals for the war effort against a rebellion. The Jedi deserved what they got.
but he did, and then he pretended to sheev until the battle of endor.
I wonder what would have happened if he had surrendered. I guess it would have been the same as when the Vatican covers up pedophilia cases among priests to protect the priests. Do you think they would have just sent Anakin to live in some far away planet and covered up the whole younglings murder thing?
Either way the clones were still in control of the situation under Sheev's guidance so I don't think all the jedi would have been able to stop Sheev right? Even with Anakin's help.
You have to consider Anakin's point of view
>I have failed you Anakin. i have failed you.
how would nu-star wars handle this scene?
>Anakin chanellor palpatine is evil
says who? obi wan? how does he get to decide who's good and evil according to his world view?
>you were a good friend anakin!
>yoda, anakin and obi-wan triple team sheev
>kill him
>padme lives because anakin is good again
>show security recordings to senate
>padme knows anakin was manipulated and puts in a good word for him, so he's excused
>jedi start fresh without the most corrupt man in the galaxy around
The End
kino desu
How did Obi know Palpatine was Sheev?
anakin had to be borderline retarded honestly to fall for palpatines bullshit
>ewok music starts playing
I still can't tell if Sup Forums dislikes this scene or not. Not that I give much of a fuck.
The scene is god tier and the tension is palpatineable.
It's Kenobi at his best.
>Do you think they would have just sent Anakin to live in some far away planet and covered up the whole younglings murder thing
Anakin was literally a walking Holocaust. He can't be contained.
They would have had to quietly assassinate him, like JFK.
Get the nostalgia out of your system. Revenge was just as shit as the others, only "darker"
>Anakin, Sheev is evil!
>Who the fuck is Sheev?!
Kind of jarring, but overall a brave choice of dialogue from Lucas.
sheev was disrupting his internal communications
Now that you mention it, what happenned to Bibble after Episode 1? I bet there was at least one cool EU book about his life after the Invasion but it's probably not canon anymore and Disney be like "Bible? Who dat?".
The specific scene is what is being discussed here.
It's great and you know it.
>Your new empire? HAHAHAHA
>Don't make me cut you with my lightsaber
People give hayden shit for being a bad actor, but wtf can you do with lines like "from my point of view the jedi are evil"
From my point of view the younglings were evil!
There is literally nothing wrong with that line
terrible in the context, not really something a raging dark jedi exploding in front of you would say
>I disagree with you opinion and assessment of the situation obi-one
You mean after he just strangled Padme himself?
It's "Obi-Wan" you retard
Come back when your out of middle school
>Killing Sheev even when triple teaming him
Good luck with that
Well, considering how Windu somehow managed to disarm him, i think he would get his ass handed to 3 of the most powerful warriors in the movie universe.
You know he could have destroyed Windu at any second and he only pretend to lose to bait Anakin right?
When Sheev uses a lightsaber he is disrespecting you
Why did Obi Wan leave Anakin there, legs chopped off, to die in burning lava? If he believed in him, why not try to rescue him
He seemed to be genuinely struggling when he was fighting with windu though, i think he was only putting an act right after anakin arrived. It wouldn't make sense for him to be acting when there was no one in the room except for windu.
Scene is still hilarious though.
Ep 1 was the absolute kino
He didn't believe in him. he did for years before Anakin went all edge
The real question is, Why the fuck didn't he finished him? Pretty fucking cold to leave him there in pain, slowly dying.
>not choosing the music at the end of episode 1
What was George thinking?
How did obi-wan kill darth maul when maul had the high ground?
Because the Jedi ARE evil.
In Episode 7 Finn explains to Rey how in becoming a stormtrooper he was taken as a child from a family he'll never know and trained to do one thing.
How are the Younglings any different?
Really stimulates your noodle.
Maul didn't underestimate obi-wan's power
Well, if Anakin had decided he didn't want to be a Jedi, he could have stayed on Tatooine with his mother as a slave.
That's because Finn was the only black stormtrooper and he was racially abused during his training. There aren't very many black jedi either, Windu was one and he turned out to be an asshole.
>only a sith deals in absolutes
what did obi wan mean by this
I didn't think the power difference between palpatine and Windu was as massive as you say. Wasn't Windu the second strongest Jedi after Yoda in ep. 3? And Yoda didn't get his ass whooped so I think Mace could've done some damage.
You underestimate my power
Wrong dumbass. Windu and Yoda are genuinely better duelist than Sheev. While Sheev himself is an excellent duelist Yoda was the best in the galaxy. Sheev was definately stronger in the force than either Yoda or Windu however
I agree with your point of view
> Anakin is a victim.
> He was kidnapped by a sect of religious soldiers as a kid and used as a child soldier.
> He went to wars and killing people because he was taught to do it.
> He never saw his mother again and she was raped and murdered.
> He was manipulated by a powerful adult (Palpatine) to fulfill his own objectives.
I wonder why Anakin went so wrong in his life...
the moment he starts breaking his oath of chastity
Thats another unnatural norm of the sect that are The Jedi. I wonder how is pedophilia inside the jedi order.
Jedi don't kidnap babies. They ask the parents if they can come to the Temple to train. They only do it for young children is so they don't form dangerous attachments to the past like Anakin did. If the parents say no, nothing happens.
Good thing they explained that somewhere in one of the films. Wouldn't want to have to go read some shit books about Star Wars to find that out! /s
> 'describes chancellor palpatine as ''evil''
> attacks anakin after claiming he 'only believes in absolutes'
how does thi smake sense? lucas you hack
fuck off you kiddie-diddling pajama-wearing space wizard
Order 66 was the best thing to ever happen in this galaxy
Doesn't help that they filled his head with the "Chosen One" bullshit and then denied him the position of Master, despite knowing he was at risk of falling to The Dark Side and that there was a Sith Lord unaccounted for.
fuck off JIDF
Sheev hardly ever dueled before or even after.
He still was one of the best. Sheev was a prodigy in all things.
Sheev had the power of spinning, though.
Just say "The Jedi are evil!"
>shit characters like Han solo or that bitch in rogue one get their own movies
>sheev doesn't get a standalone trilogy
fucking disgusting
that fight is fucking fantastic. sheev is weird and unpredictable and unorthodox and completely wails on these two retards who've been trained since birth to fight
Typical leftist thinking he can just scream "x is evil" and everyone will fall in line (and if they don't they're evil too)
Well done Lucas for showing the hypocrisy.
I would really like to see that, actually. How Darth Sidious came to be.
That he's a hypocrite. That had been the whole deal with the Jedi for 3 movies how are you still confused?
Yoda doesn't win a single fight in the Star Wars films. How do you conclude he's the best anything?
inb4 EU "canon" bullshit
he was easily the best character in the prequels just because of how unapologetically evil he is, his unambiguousness somehow gives him more depth of character than the cardboard people around him
I think a palpatine film would have plenty of content to choose from and also utter in a new age of sheev-posting
Bingo. Suprised no one else posted this.
And to be fair the Jedi basically had power across the galaxy with almost no oversight. They weren't voted on or anything. So some criticism was just.
that could mean only one thing
> Bingo. Suprised no one else posted this.
It was literally the first reply. Why repeat it?
Probably went onto advise the next Queen. He seemed more like royal staff, a Private Secretary or something like that.
>tfw Jar Jar went on to have a cushy life entertaining children.
this is gold
what if sheev was just angry about not being able to get that pornstar vag action and just cried reaally hard