Feels good, man. :)

Feels good, man. :)

Is your country also in the red?

Other urls found in this thread:


We need to make USA more hostile to Muslims so it stays this way.


Does America really have that little muslims???

feels good man

This is bs, i see Muslim wherever I go.

Armenia really deserves more credit than we give them.

Hell yeah

they have even more muslims than the uk

>Muslims in Greenland

the fuck are they freezing their asses off there for?

3 million is the usual estimate of how many live here. Lets say it's actually double that and more like 6 million muslims. In a country of 350 million+, that's still less than 2%.


Per capita, m8. We have tons of German and now Latino descent. Muslims will catch up... but Europe will eruption into civil war before that happens.

I'm half Polish, so yeah.

Though I was born and raised in Belgium, so no.

feels ebin mane

This continent ain't big enough for both beheaders, also fuck islam.

1% still too much



Argentina's Leaders BETRAY Jews and ALL Non-Muslim Argentinians.
Reader comment on item: Prosecutor: Argentinian President Plotted to Cover Up Iranian Role in AMIA Bombing


>On 9 June 2005, Argentina signed a Memorandum of Understanding with UNHCR which specified particular criteria for refugees to be resettled in Argentina:

survivors of violence or torture needing physical and legal protection
women at risk
those lacking prospects of local integration in countries of first asylum
preferably those with urban profiles
those with job skills
families or women with children with strong integration potential.


We send them there. We should probably send more. It is very peaceful and there is no war there. Isn't that the reason the immigrants came here for after all? Peace.

It's a shame we haven't send our entire muslim population up to greenland...


jewfags on suicide watch!

Try not living in a cucked city.

Lets see a map with a Jew population of less than .1%

also, jews make up about 0.04% of the population here.


>Cuckada not in the red

Glad I left.


Remember the size of the US.

>they have even more muslims than the uk

I would like to take: "What is per capita" for $500

Muh Latvia.
So much segoi

I have newfound respect for Armenia.

Feels good, man.

Sente bem, homem.

60 % white

That map is objectively wrong. Portugal is nothing but niggers and moors. We deserve to be annexed and genocided.

>tfw muslims are actually opressed here
One of the few good things about this shithole.

Long live Portugal

God damn it, Argentina...


Brazilians are edpilled about islam, do you wanna know why because some of the negroes we brought from africa were muslim and theyrevolted and tried to create a muslim kingdom in the bahia state.

feels good man

>Less than 1% of the population

Also should we have a

>Countries where Jews constitute less than 40% of your highest court

It's tricky with the US, 25% of muslims are black people who found mohammed in jail, then some muslim organizations in the US count all arabs as muslims, meanwhile half are christian. I think it hits around 5mil if you count all arabs as muslim in the US, it's nowhere near that really.

The funny part is just as many US muslims leave the faith as others convert to Islam, roughly 20%.

Native-born American Muslims are mainly African Americans who make up about a quarter of the total Muslim population.

3.3mil Muslims in the US, which 25% are african american, so it's roughly 2.5mil non african american muslims, 72% of american muslims are immigrants.

I live in an area with a lot of muslims, maybe the highest concentration, could be 10% of the population. They mostly concentrated in a weird part of the neighborhood where not too many people lived and not too many businesses years ago, but now it's one of the most densely populated part of town. Do they riot? No. Why? Cause we'd literally not tolerate that from them. Did I grow up with a few muslims? Yes. They're all based and would open hand smack any religious nut who preaches about religion.

Shut it pekka. You are comparing apples with oranges.

Its hilarious that america is 40% niggers but that doesnt mean they cant gloat whrn we are fucked by the islamic army we invited.

>2 terrorist attacks in the past year
>No Terrorist attacks in the past decade

It doesn't matter if it's per capita because they do not integrate, which means you have a huge amount more terrorists in these non-integrated Muslim communities.


if only we had less niggers, we would be the most based country in Europe

Based Armenia. We must send them help.

Yes, we are on the red.

What is this red meaning?

>Feels good, man
Enjoy while you can. Once your liberal elites decide that the US is too racist and too monocultural, they will surely try to enrich you with some muzzies. And it will be easier for them since christianity is dead in America

With the way they breed 2% won't take long to increase.
You'll start noticing at 5%
10% is where the real fun begins, just ask France

Butthurt belt...
More like Europe's Chastity belt.


>Argentina having more Muslims than America
This is totally bullshit: I'm argie and I'd never saw a single burka in my whole life before moving to the US.

Has temer really said no about the 50000 refugge plan?

>Ramadan is a period of peace

I am tired. less than 1% moslems it means.

Blame our "we apologize for slavery" mentality for that, we let every godamn nigger from our ex-colonies in, same colonies that kicked us out because "muh whites are ebil"...

>No terrorist attacks

As of this year though you have exactly 1% Muslims though and that's just a conservative estimate.


Yes he did. Our Dracula doesn't want even more filthy blood around here.

Hopefully your figures are right. We have no borders and shit in EU.

The media is trying hard for change it in Brazil. Always have islamic religion of peace and diversity propaganda in the big channels.

Sounds like you might have landed on your feet with that guy. How's he doing?

ikr? when did an empire ever lose territory and bring people from that territory afterwards?

who dafuq thought this was a good idea?

Where the fuck are the muzzies in Greenland?


feels bad man

>A Murder by a black man

If we include those America is well in the lead

>>No Terrorist attaks
Of course, they don't want to destroy their own home.

How the fuck does Argentina have a somewhat sizeable Muslim population


Do you live in Chicago?

yeah cause we kill them

>How's he doing?
Not too good, corruption is still rampant and there's talk that he is involved in a political scheme against the police operation that is trying to put dirty cunts like Dilma behind bars.

Tbh not much will change unless we get another right-wing military regime.

Doing well. People like him.

>less than 1% muslims
>less than 1% jews
>less than 1% niggers
Feels kinda good man

You guys are missing out on all this cultural diversity

That's not true, come on. The military is as corrupt as the government. How many people tied with the military have astronomical welfares?


I'm really really surprised with Portugal.

You bigots should be more like your brother Spain :^)

>more than 99% mexican
>feels good


Has Irony gone too far?


Diversity only works when the people are willing to integrate into society. Our diversity works because we share a greater common unified culture.

European diversity isn't working so well because many of your immigrants have no desire to integrate, they form completely separate communities and adopt none of the principles that made the west so great.

That would include Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Russia. And Russia in general perhaps.

>Retarded monkey didn't understand the "kinda"
Huehue education

That kebab road straight through europe

>our diversity works

European cultures happen to be quite ethnocentric unlike American culture, which happens to be independent from race and ethnicity.

It's harder for immigrants to integrate there in Europe because their cultures aren't really set up the way ours is.

This is BS. We dont even have a 1% of actual black people, much less muslims.

>tfw Dad is alone

Your president is a Muslim nigger with an Arabic name.

Yep. Not that there's too many nigslims here anyhow.

>Lying on Internet.


WTF? nigga there aint no 400.000 Muslims here!

Well, to be fair, not even Muslim Institutions here don't know exactly how many there are in the country.

But +400.000 I don't think so, I never saw one in 21 years.

>Entire US population almost 320 million
>US has 3 million muslims
>1% of the entire US population

>UK around 64 million
>UK has 2.7 million muslims
>Total muslim population of UK is around 5%

Have fun in your caliphate cucks

2.2% JUST

>The military is as corrupt as the government
Confirmed for not knowing shit and being a soft cheeks boy raised by grandma. We deal very harshly with our crooks unlike the civilian government.

>How many people tied with the military have astronomical welfares?
Literally not illegal. We've been treated shit since the 80s for protecting the country from brother Sam shady movements and Cuban-controlled commies so we deserve a fair share of reparations.

>american reading comprehension

fells gud.. tho DESU i dont mind more muslims