Well, that's the USA for you.
>registered to vote as Socialist
>"cannot vote in primaries"
Until a socialist candidate comes, I can't actually vote
>gg USA
Well, that's the USA for you
You can't vote in closed primaries, you fucking idiot. Open primaries, the general election, and any and all local and state elections are available to you.
Typical "socialist" rebelling against something that he doesn't even understand.
wow you are a fucking idiot.
OP here
Not rebelling, more just having a defeatist attitude
I'm new to the voting scene. I turned 18 in April.
>I can't actually vote
You can't vote, in primaries.
You can vote in general elections.
Of course you're this fucking dumb.
>unironically registered as a socialist
Get out
>what are closed primaries
>never voted before
>I'll join the edgiest party I can right out of the gate
You could have at least been funny and joined 'The Rent is Too Damn High' party.
>A socialist
>Doesn't understand how things work
I'm Not Fucking Surprise At All.
So you made a thread about it instead of researching? Fuck you, Millenial. KYS.
USA is going down. Its been fun boys.
OP, What's your major? Liberal arts? Do you have glasses and talk about white privilege?
I align with socialist ideals I'm not trying to be edgy or anything
I'm a foreign language major. I don't have glasses and white privilege doesn't exist.
Why the fuck would you register to vote as a socialist. Just register as independent moron.
My buddy is a registered Jedi and fills out his Census like that too
>wanting to vote for an outdated and irrelevant party
hey, that's your fault
>registering for a party
>register for the socialist party
Read some books on civics, American government, economics, political science, and various books on liberalism, conservatism, socialism, capitalism, libertarianism, etc.
Expose yourself to many points of view, and form your own opinions, then vote accordingly.
Do that, and I doubt you'll still call yourself a socialist.
>Not registering as opposition and derailing their primary
Babby-tier socialist detected. Try some activism or executing homos in a ditch.
You're an idiot who shouldn't be voting at all, user. You should get a vasectomy too.
Back to plebbit with you.
>I align with socialist ideals
so what's it like living with Down's Syndrome?
Thanks for the advice user. Will do.
I don't get your complaint. How could you vote for something that doesn't exist?
Closed primaries are BS but, your a fucking retard if you register as anything but one of the two main parties.
T. Registered independent dumb dumb
I didn't know you americans crave to be poor and without any rights but whatever
What's this about having to register to vote?
Good, Socialism is the antithesis to our Republic.Maybe Venezuela or Cuba would be more your style, see how you like their Socialist Party's.
I know, it's a travesty socialists aren't executed in the US.
Why didn't you read the rules? You better hope Trump doesn't win. You just put yourself on a very dangerous list that threatens your survival under a Trump presidency
Yep, that's the USA, someone who can't read the fucking rules.
Common Core strikes again.
I was pretty much you last year. Then I took economics first semester at uni and I've learned a lot
It's not even based on human reality
No, you won't.
I was getting my drivers license for turning 18, there wasn't anything that caught my eye
Fuck off, faggot. Go mive to Venezuela if you want to experience a socialist utopia where white cis males have no power.
Fuck off commie fag.
>i can't vote in primaries that my nonexistent SOCIALIST party doesn't have!
there are far too many people alive on earth today
>align with socialist ideals
>not edgy
Pick one
Even niggers could figure this shit out and they don't even know what democrat they're voting for
I think it's time for me to abandon thread
>Implying either party - democrat or republican - should allow non-members to decide their nominees.
>Registering as a socialist.
Wew lad. Pic related.
What socialist ideals do you align with?
Be specific plz
>I'm a fucking retarded autists.