Donald Trump thinks he can deport me? Well he better think again, because I'm not going quietly.
Donald Trump thinks he can deport me? Well he better think again, because I'm not going quietly
Are Sikhs considered Muslim?
notice how the vast majority of these off topic spam is made by mobile posters.
That's a Sikh retard
Why would you assume Sikhs are here illegally?
sikh post bruh
Siks are cool man. They respect our culture.
its in their religious doctrine to be certified kebab removers
The Sikhs will help deport the muslims OP
Sikh b8 m8
We won't deport you, you Sikhs are pretty bro tier
But Sikhs immigrate legally and aren't Muslims
Hey retard, a Sikh spoke at the convention last night.
Not all mobile posters have iPhones you fag
Sikhs are like badass Indian Jews
This shitposter thinks sikhs are mudslimes
Mobile posters are posters of peace.
do you know how easy it would be to destroy all the extremist mudslimes and oppress the "moderate" ones in the United States?
i want you faggots to get violent. im tired of western cucks defending your primitive ideology. go ahead and push us to remove kebab
> 1 POST
For real though I went to school with a handful of sikhs and they're all total bros, one time in high school we pooled money together and paid one 18 dollars to run into the classroom pointing double finger guns while yelling ALLAHLALALALALA he got suspended and we were still friends
They aren't thin skinned babies that spontaneously explode when you poke fun at their culture like muzzies are
They aren't, but Christians are. Same holy texts, same holy places, and common theological origin of the religion, ie. Judaism.
Differences between Christians and Muslims are minimal, but there are no similarities between Sikhism and Islam. In fact, one of the core ideologies of Sikhism is resisting Islam.
one of the core ideologies of islam is resisting sikhism
i think you're confusing
>resisting sikhism
>fucking goats
Your a Sikh. I don't see your people killing innocents so your good to stay. Based Trump only hates the Julian roaches which if completely logical bc they are scum