Don't you think this is a bit too much? One shot would have done the trick...

Don't you think this is a bit too much? One shot would have done the trick... there's no need to empty the whole clip inside his head.

>Oklahoma City Police released security camera footage on July 18, showing the fatal shooting of Miguel Angel Chavez-Angles on a public bus.
>Chavez-Angles, 42, was shot and killed on June 24 after throwing a fire extinguisher and trying to seize a gun from one of the officers on the metro bus.
>Oklahoma City Police said the officers were responding to a vandalism report and Chavez-Angles had fled to the bus after jumping into another vehicle.

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is he fine?

also trips

tis but a scratch

that was hilarious

fucking spic got what he deserved

Racist police officers kill a man after he simply tries to inspect a female officer's gun.

>trying to escape police on a metro line

they're called mexicants for a reason I guess

Totally deserved.
Also, is legal CC in Oklahoma? Some of the passengers should shot the asshole.

Damn, whole shit looks like a movie.

I think the real problem here, is that women are police officers, they are to fragile and weak. I do not believe women should be allowed to he police officers

Burritos Lives Matters

>tried to sieze gun

At this point that can be assumed to be a fabrication.

Police here, despite what their worshippers would have you believe, are nearly universally corrupted. That's why the only people who give a shit when they get shot are ignorant trailer park dwellers and other cops.

You didnt even watch did you

Dude what? There's a fucking video

>how can an unarmed retard become fatal?
>you send a desk dwelling fat bitch with a gun

I don't see anything wrong with it.

He was a threat the moment he went for the gun and it needed to be submitted by force.

t.pic related

>criminal spic on the run tries to hijack a bus to get out (kek)
>female police officer is useless and gets rushed
>has to be saved by her partner who empties half a mag in the beaner's face

Is this a movie on stereotypes?

Look at her training, she runs on, into a blind corner, with her arm and gun fully extended, basic training in go to furthest was with back against it, not run in like a cowboy, i mean guy got what he deserved, but cop training classes are going to be needed for her. That shit is bad training.

I've seen them all. Our police here possess Down's syndrome level intellect.

This dipshit lady pig thought it was a good idea to empty a clip into somebody on a fucking public bus instead of dropping him and kicking his ass.

The cops should have had shotguns, would love to see burrito explosion.

1. Women should not be police officers with the exact same duties as men. Never alone

2. Go for a cop's gun and you deserve more than one magazine retard

Next time just say

>spic gets magdumped in the face

women make terrible police officers, the fact that he even grabbed the gun warranted him to be shot. yet, if i was a cop i'd have manhandled his psychotic behind.

Why even pull the gun out when the Bus driver is in the crossfire? And then she just fucking hands him the gun.

Women should never be cops.

The lady cop needs this

You obviously didn't watch the video you daft cunt. The male officer shot the guy while he was trying to wrestle the female officer's gun from her hands.

Once again, yet another proof women should not be allowed to be police.

>female cops



>Female charges him
>Starts shooting

t. Never used a gun

He didn't empty his "clip" nor was it too much. This is standard procedure for subduing a threat.

Nope, just right.

People like this are a drain on society and the more expediently we can remove them, the better.


that was some movie shit

lol after drilling his face with several rounds he still turns around and aims at him just in case he was a cyborg or the undead?

Don't care. Incompetence is still the reason why this happened. Don't blame the bean for seeing an opportunity and going for it.

She almost shot the driver.

Combat is an open ended gamble in the best of circumstances. Monday morning quarterbacking here is as well served as in telling a surgeon that disease ought not to exist.

as a fellow spic I'm glad that retard got 3 rounds into his face

No. Once he went for the gun, it became a struggle for life and death. And skull fragments aside, wtf is really the difference between one HP round and five?

He was trying to get the female officers gun, that was the proper reaction.

Wtf what the hell was that female officer doing?

>Female cops

They need to be fired en masse

It could have ended up better if that cop did not enter the bus like a retard. He did try to take her gun though so he got what he deserve.

Not necessary, sure. You actually release stress and anger that moment when your life is in danger. He shot to kill not to wound, so subconsciously he behaved beneficially to his personal well being too


It's like calling a car a truck

She could have intentionally blasted the driver and nothing would have happened. All they have to do is throw their hands up and say "i dindu nuffin"


Fucking brutal. Really though it was the druggies fault. No sympathy.

America is so cool.

that dumb fucking female cop could have easily gotten someone hurt or killed, how fucking retarded are cops in the us?

Trying to be a cop the liberal way.

>One shot would have done the trick...
US cops are rather mediocre m8, you're asking too much

>don't blame the bean for being a murderous criminal

Off yourself lad

Female cops are a joke everywhere..


you need /k/ faggot

They're deliberately made to be just above the cusp of mental retardation. That way they can claim ignorance any time they fuck up

>be subhuman behaving like chimp
>get shot in the head

Seems about right, they guy seemed like a mentally ill nut job, treatment might have worked. I doubt the female police officer will get off without some reprimands or investigation though, she seemed pretty fucking clueless as to how to address the situation.


Here we go...






Piece of shit got what he deserved. The video proves two points:

1. Women are inept police officers
2. Never reach for a cops gun

t. American Spic

they really just want normie chads who don't question anything

>Female officer fucking up bad
Color me surprised.

Its funny no one dares do a study on force escalation on male officers versus female officers like if BLM really wanted to make a point they should be asking for female officers to be striped from departments as I would bet any amount of money they are quicker one for one to go for a force multiplier when dealing with a threat even from a average man.

not that retarded, they have to attend court dates, file police reports, go home to families, pay bills, and do taxes.

As much as I respect women, I have to agree with you. I honestly feel like this woman endangered the bus drivers life, her partners life and her own life as well. She forced the situation and then she hesitated with her gun drawn and that's unforgivable.

Wait did that one chick take off running after the dude while her partner just casually strolls back to the cop car wtf did i just watch

Women sucks in everything.

Was this Spanish or English? I can't understand shit...

But, it's 2016..

She'll get a medal.

If you watch the female has no real reason to pull a gun yet as the spic was unarmed and if the male was the first to respond he would of probably came in with fists or at the most a tazer/baton.

I've been looking for this webm, thanks.

Contrary to your COD playing beliefs not all headshots are kill shots

our tone is awful. Female Cop with inflated sense of ego confronts a clearly aggitated and confused person so she draws her Gun? What the fuck is wrong with you in that god forsaken continent??!?!?

The guy said the Devil was chasing him? He's trapped on a bus and trying to help some woman get her stroller off the bus and finds himself looking at a heavy set woman with her hand on her gun. Reaches for a Fire Extinguisher, female cop goes hysterical as he grabs her weapon and the horrible reality explodes through her thin veil of Cop Powa that she might actually die here. Here's a bit of speculating, would he have shot her if he got her gun off her?

That was pure Monty Python madness.

Oklahoma is the most conservative state in the nation.

But ammo is expensive, better to let those tax dollars work.

Officers life was in danger.

If he had not gone for her weapon he'd still be alive.

Police should just stop pretending women can be good cops and just use them as an excuse to kill criminals.

Guy acting dangerous but not enough to shoot at? Send a female cop in first so she fucks up and when she's struggling, rush in and blow him away.

You just watched equality in action.

Oh man, if only I could find the womens soccer video I thought I saved.

damn right, all the women officers I have worked with have always acted like they didn't know what they were doing and couldn't handle seeing gore.

>one shot

If i'm shooting that head is done son, getting the job done

Let me guess, he is not a real latino. He is mentally ill and was radicalised by tacos.


>Was this Spanish or English? I can't understand shit...

it was english, but I couldn't tell what the guy was saying either, except "take all my money and my credit cards and take me to (some place)." and the bus driver kept telling him that it wasn't a taxi.



forced to live on one taco a day

This wouldn't have happened if that cop wasn't a woman.

it appears to me he clearly saw himself plant at least three shots into his head... only the Antichrist would have survived such a blasting.

I know "muh training" and all I just found it funny..

This would actually work.

Dios es grande

Oh the things you find when you go searching through webms.

What movie is this from

I'm not sure if I understand Spic American - but was he SERIOUSLY gabbling something to the bus driver, when he was trying to bribe him to skip bus-stops, about how 'white people' were trying to kill him and he and the black driver needed to 'stick together'?
Have BlackLivesMatter really poisoned people's minds in your country so much you can try to pull that shit with some hope of success?
And why the fuck was he behaving like an Alabama nigger running from a lynch-mob in 1925 anyway? By behaving like the cops were going to just execute him without trial if they caught up to him he MADE them execute him without trial?
Is this some kind of scripted hoax? Or are non-white people in the US really buying the BLM narrative that the cops are basically just the KuKluxKlan without the sheets and burning crosses?

in america you have the right to eat until you are full.

>shoot him repeatedly in the face
>get the woman off the bus and keep your weapon pointed at his corpse in case he tries to come back from the dead
