Can anybody on Sup Forums give me a good, non-sinister reason why Merkel is importing Durkas by the truck load into Germany?
Angela Merkel thread
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She is a fucking moron
The reason is to create a "Eurasian-Negroid race", as per what Coudenhove-Kalergi wanted to happen.
Look it up.
Non-sinister? She's stupid.
she is continuing on hitler's path
only with the islamic ideology can we rid this world of the jew
On the surface she just looks like a woman who is overcome with emotions.
In reality she goes to those Bilderberg meetings and plots with the elites. Really she's just a puppet like every other politician.
the patrician class owns the real estate. More people means less housing availability means propped up housing prices.
gotta keep that bubble inflated.
Have you seen any direct effects of the Durkas coming into your country yet?
Last time I was there was in 2012 and it was still under control
Her reason is for cheap workers. Sort of like how we get temporary foreign workers.
It was a stupid idea, but it's my understanding some figured they'd fill some jobs and deflate wages for factories.
>can anyone give me a fake reality I can believe in
Sorry bud, try Reddit.
not really
it's mostly the media shilling for either side of this overblown internal conflict
the shilling happens on pretty hardcore levels though
Yes. Nasty border clashes would mobilize the left (Greens) against her. Opening the gates means that she now can mobilize the left-wing useful idiots against the right.
That too.
I defended this bitch when Putin used his dog to put her in her place
>Then you see videos of her throwing down the German flag in disgust and welcoming all the mudslimes into the country enmasse
Why live
The same reason all politicians want immigration: it's good for business.
Cheap labour.
Pic related, it was too easy of a guess tbqh
>Reminder, Angela (((Kasner))) is the real name of Angela '''''''"Merkel"'''''''
jews have her by the balls
Its almost like you havent even heard of Anders Breivik, or the political atmosphere in his country, or the importing leftist voters who want free gibs scheme that was a major component in the cause for what he did.
Its white genocide, and the reason the are being brought in is to A vote against the people, for free gibs and B wipe out the people through reproduction
Were already the minority, or our children are at least. Theres no coming back from it now unless we deport them all.
I hope she want's to boost right wing parties and open the eyes of leftist faggots which germany is full of
there is no better eye opener then islamic terror attacks or mass rapes
before her invitation our right wing were under 5% (you need to be over 5% in germany to be recognized)
now they are 20% and rising
my other theory is that she is simply insane
reversed hilter's path
mix inbreds morons into the europe to make future generations as dumb as possible so you can rule over them easily
Keep in mind, any show of patriotism whatsoever is looked down upon in Germany because "muh evbil nazis!" Which is pretty pathetic.
If I lived in Germany I'd make sure I had a German flag flying outside my house and as many articles of clothing adorned with German symbols as possible.
Fuck the weak leftists.
This is modern day Germany folks.
>Anti-German racism done by Germans
I thought Merkel was a crazy witch, but the guy who is supposed to be the "brain" of the german goverment is an even more disgusting race traitor, calling his own people "inbred" :
People who climbs to power tend to be sociopaths, I see no other explanation.
We have to stop with this meme, only 54 of the million of migrants have a job. They are unemployable and cost a lot of welfare.
Merkel... Sure thing
Main reason: She feels guilty. Thats what she said. "We have to do this because of our past ... " also in regards to all the GERMANS that got deported/killed AFTER the war.
Indeed it is. I used to laugh at the stupid 'merican patriots and their love for veterans etc. I didnt understand the bigger picture. I didnt know about the globalist agenda. Now im a proud american patriot and Trump voter (please take me)!
its the opposite. there were a couple of different options following world war two for what to do with germany, the harsh option was to destroy you through breeding you out with mass immigration of foreign men, this was abandoned for a softer option because usa wanted a strong germany as a bulwark against the ussr. the ussr is now dead and they can afford to genocide you now
So the middle east is uninhabited for an Isreal 2.0.
finally i understand
>Angela Merkel thread
No matter what they still drive down wages of employed natives.
a pali guilted her into it
sad really because most Germans don't want war but its not far from pursuing this tyrannical policy to Germany being bombed out cities again. pretty dumb mistake.
This is not how it works. How can you get rid of the jews who dominate the media and many other important institutions by importing masses of brainless muslims? Not viable, not possible.
She only does what she's told to do.
End game is cilvil wars >>>> eu army takes control>>>> insert a single government>>>>reform europe into a single country
Ok, we have a single European country now, what's next?
Stop assuming it's HER idea. Stop saying she's "insane".
She's doing this on behalf on the EU and the larger power structure that is beholden to.
It's purely economically motivated, although it pretends to be about social progressivism and 'compassion'.
Honestly, all these "she's dumb", "she's crazy" comments are unproductive.
If you want to solve an issue you need to actually understand its cause.
Merkel is not "crazy". She herself said some years back that multiculturalism is a failure. It's just that the German population is diminishing, so she allowed the EU to convince her to diversify it anyways, purely for the sake of maintaining economic profits.
Have some actual fucking perspective.
That is an extremely dumb and ignorant comment.
What can you do with millions of dumbfucks who can't even speak the language? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing!
Of the millions that came since last year, exactly 51, count them, 51 were able to find a job! The rest is just ballast on our social security system.
>he fell for the "cheap labor" meme
>american logic
Because she is a CIA asset
It's really that simple, and open secret in the intel community.
CIA is way too spooky
Implying they will work
Don't want to risk it
She's not importing them, she's incapable of stopping them.
She has dressed it up to look like Europe needs them so no one will accuse her of being completely unable to do anything constructive about it.
If she wanted to bring people in to Germany, why is she letting them struggle over on boats and walk from Greece?
This migrant boom was not planned. She's a shrewd business woman and she's hidden her deficiencies very well.
What a disappointment like all other politicians that seemed promising. Back when she came out against the NSA I thought she was great and wanted to move to Germany. Then I realized she has the neoliberal weakness like all the others when she let shitskins invade the country with open arms.
She is a good christian.
>intel community
Taco Belle
Pretty sure I can figure this out from the context but this is % unemployment by nationality right?
She's lived in an elite bubble for so long she no longer understands what it is like to live like a normal person, so she was/is incapable of understanding why importing tons of non-Germans could have undesirable results.
she want to be Mother Theresa
unfortunately she doesn't realise she's already caused more suffering than Mother Theresa
She doesnt have children. These are her children
That's right
Percentage on welfare
Thanks. That shit's fucked up, pretty sure even our niggers aren't that high
Her real name is Kasner, she's an Ashkenazi Jew.
This and many other answers supports this faggot "innocent" meme.
She's NOT innocent!
She knows it all!
She studied and graduated in Physics, meaning she's not dumb or naive!
Don't fall for the fact that she got tits and pussy, that's her gratest weapon – if a MAN would have done all this shit she done, he would be in JAIL!
Okay, what is the motivation, besides "she's nuts" or "she's the NEXT HITLER"?
Just because YOU and I think it's a bad idea, doesn't mean corporations do. They like having workers they don't have to pay much. Look at what companies do with illegal mexican workers in America.
For a Muslim holocaust.
She actually is the reincarnation of Hitler.
It won't be long now until they send them all off on trains to Buchenwald.
Fundamentally, it is advantageous to those in power at the moment.
To restrict borders could effectively limit the EU's economic benefits to members and cause them to lose faith in the institution.
For those in the country, importing third world masses effectively depresses wages and weakens labor unions while raising the price of living.
For those in government, those imported masses will soon be voting for their parties.
These people aren't working you dip, look at . They're being imported to destroy local cultures and help usher in the coming globalist regime.
I don't know why everyone's calling her the moron. The german people voted for her.
>inb4 germancucks say they didn't
You did. That's why she's in power. She's been in power for 11 years now because you all voted for her. You all voted to have hordes of Muslims imported into Europe and now you reap the consequences.
I hope Germany burns like Dresden burned during WW2. You all deserve it.
my bad it was 2010.
anyway, all you underage summer faggots should take a look at Kalergi - Coudenhove plan:
- bring different people(cultures),
- mix them,
- achieve perfect low IQ and confused sheep
- profit!
>You did. That's why she's in power.
well, I didn't. do u understand how the """"""democracy"""""" works?
>I don't have anything to argue against this so I'm just going to call him a jew
top kek, you'd think retards know how democracy works.
*german fdr """"""democracy""""""
this is the reason
She read a book and talked to a bunch of advisers about this book predicting physical extinction of the German people by 2050 and believes it's just the 'natural order' of things and is just going along with how she thinks the future is supposed to happen
Man.... Its the krauts you are talking about.
Wow, thats borderline masochistic levels of self deprecation. Can't even display your own countrie's flag
>18 million votes in 2013
>16 million votes in 2005
There is a 7 million difference in votes for the 2013 elections between the winning party (CDU) and the 2nd party (SPD). You guys voted for her a 2nd time on mass.
You mean like how democracy worked in the last Austrian election?
yeah '''''krauts'''''
Because her constituents felt bad for the refugees and especially so after that drowned toddler hit the news cycle. Bringing in the refugees and "refugees" made them feel good which, in theory, would continue to solidify their support for her. However, it seems as if it is driving more people towards the AfD but she can't backtrack on this without being accused of racism from the most cucked portions of her supporters and allies so she needs to keep going forward with it and hope they start integrating.
She's based.
>the political party that I support didn't win so obviously it was fraud!!!
Germans aren't reproducing enough so the Globalist Capitalist Jew's import sandniggers to bolster the cheap labor supply so that they can profit and seize more power.
Also importing foreigners who don't integrate into a democracy disrupts the democratic process, allowing Jew's to whittle at rights easier.
And they are also blurring cultural and national ties so that the people won't have any unifying beliefs to rally and organize.
They want to create chaos and uncertainty so that we all beg the Gov for more police power
>if I ignore the actual voter fraud that happens all the time in elections maybe he'll just forget about it
Even if she won legitimately it's only because Germans have been browbeaten into self-loathing and masochism for the past 70s years by kikes like you with "hurr hurr u deserve it 4 natzees lol" propaganda
Collapsing population has not been delt with successfully before. The elite are terrified.
I think she had hopes that the postwar german mentality of guilt amongst the electorate would sway in her favour as a result of this. Failing this, she would of course be in good favour with the new migrant electorate allowed in.
I am an expert on post WW2 Geo politics
And this is the literal truth.
Also Germans are cucked faggots and deserved their own destruction just as Hitler stated in the bunker
VW and Mercedes Benz have been complaining on the cost of labor. Fund government to allow migrants to flood into the country and thus an influx in cheap labor.
Every day I learn more and more about how fucking ridiculous the EU is and every day I become more and more impressed that you bongs had the balls to pull the trigger and bail
ignore all the other comments, since u asked for
>non-sinister reason
everyone knows actually the real reason, but i guess it is more fun to constantly tinfoil on Sup Forums
Merkel was originally a conservatist and her party was/still is the most rightwinged party in our parliament
Since there are obligations, called human rights, germany took in asylum seekers from wartorn countrys. We always did this and so does basically any western democracy. So far nothing bad happened.
Now, this is when the shit went down:
Merkel was in a talkshow, getting questions from regular people. One of them was a young palestinian girl (around 13-15 yo if i remember correctly), who told Merkel about her situation and that she does not see a future for herself in germany due not having the same rights as other german kids and is scared about having to go back. Merkel then said, that she (the girl) is just here on asylum seeker and ofc we alredy helped them a lot by giving them safety, but in the end most of them have to return. Not everyone can stay here forever. Merkel, the conservatist she is, telling small cute girl in front of german nation, that she propably needs to leave. Girl crys like crazy into camera. Merkel saying "oh cmon, dont be sad. You did a fine job so far."
- Public outraged, Merkel demonized, Headlines everywhere, Germans saying refugees welcome (thinking all refugees are like this girl)
Merkel, who until then always did whatever the majority of people wants suddenly screams REFUGEES WELCOME!!! cuz she scared of loosing next election. Even invited little girl to her home a while later. Girl getting full Visa.
Thing is, she cannot go back from this now. In polls, the majority still wants the refugees. Merkel does what the Majority wants. She has no bigger plan, no secret sinister NWO stuff in her bag. She simply does what polls tell her to do. She does that shit since she was elected the first time and this is why she keeps getting elected over and over
If that were the case she would have had a policy of cherrypicking those actually needed to fill skill gaps in specific markets. So few of these migrants have jobs that the government might introduce a new, lower minimum wage specifically for the first six months a migrant worker holds a job, whereafter it is then increased. Insanity.
Spooped to Hell.
totally right. still doesn't mean I voted for her.
also, consider how the majority is implemented in the german voting system: non voters DROP OUT completely in the counting – which means, Merkel (assuming CDU=Merkel) is only supported by 29,3% of the elective.
The German economy and the EU are a giant socialist pyramid scheme. They need young workers to pay (super high) taxes in order to keep paying pensions and retirement/health benefits for old people, poor people, and lazy people. The EU looks at their 10 year financial projections and they freak out...if they don't bring in new blood, all of their plans will fail and they will lose their jobs.
Just in the nick of time dude
Like some kind of superhero movie
Please bomb Berlin, leave not a single trace of it's existance.
Merkel realised in one perfectly moment that shes an evil mass murdering nazi fucker and proceeded to commit suicide for her sins!!
tldr 2
Merkels a fucking moron