>You know, I'm something of a national socialist myself
Jesus Raimi
>You know, I'm something of a national socialist myself
Jesus Raimi
Does anyone have the ant piss puddle pasta
>You'll get your damn rent when you FIX THIS FUCKING DOOR, YOU SUBHUMAN SLAVSHIT!
jesus christ!!
>Harry tells me you're quite the science whiz. You know, I'm something of a scientist myself. I like to pee on ants and watch them swim around in it. I sometimes wonder what they think of the mysterious yellow rain. They panic at first, mandibles flailing, running into each other, trying to escape the warm, bitter stream, but eventually the come to accept it, maybe even enjoy it. Really puts things into perspective. So Pete, if you ever find yourself in doubt, just find an ant hill, and pee on it. You'll thank me later.
>pete don't tell harry I'm an islam sympathizer
what the fuck lol
Opened the thread for this very thing. Best one next to uncle Ben's "I'm in hell peter with all the gooks I killed!" one
>He was White Peter
>All these years protesting the Civil Rights Act, and one of my own gets me.
>Was I wrong boy?
>Uncle Ben-he-he looked Italian
>Oh Peter, thank you
>[Uncle Ben dies smiling]
>This movie was 15 years ago
Dafoe truly has the face of a man who pisses on ants to see their reactions
>I could feel the blackness of his skin on my hands as his nigger body fell to the floor
wow the racial undertones are ever present with raimi
>Ben stares directly into the camera
Was breaking the fourth wall really necessary Raimi?
>that scene where spiderman comes across a guy getting raped in an alleyway and spiderman just stares at a distance and starts to jack off
I really dont know where Raimi was going with that scene
It's an autobiographical piece in many ways.
How the hell did Raimi get A-list actors to say these lines?
>smile or I'll be back next week you mongrel cunt
I just didn't understand why spiderman was pimping out hoes or where that arc was going
>sleeeeep...like a nigger during the work weeeeek...
Wow, really? I guess 2002 really was a different time.
>You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "The White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Pete. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party."
the best meme
>You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes, I know these things you do, I learn how to find many secrets in old country. You will not pay rent? This is fair. We will take rent in other ways. When I was in old country, in Bosnia, my friends and I... we do things to women. Terrible things, make them ugly women who will never be loved. Your friends, redhead girl and science girl... they will beg me to stop, as my men and I rain alternating blows of ejaculateing and fists upon them. And when they are broken, Man of Spiders, when they are nothing more than shells... you will know the rent is paid.
>For this month
>That scene where aunt May finds Peter's cunny folder and Peter loses it and takes his dead uncle's gun and is about to off himself
No new capeshit movies will have scenes as intense as Raimi's kino
>Remember Peter, with great firepower comes great responsibility. I wish I had known that back in 'Nam. By the time our guns stopped firing at Hill 82, there were so many charred and blackened civilian bodies it looked like God himself had brought his fury to the land. I myself burned down so many hospitals and orphanages that it took six months before the smell left me. It's the smell, Peter. The smell of roasting human beings, I'll never forget it. I had heard about Long Pig but never smelled it until that day. Of course, we called it Rong Pig because we were in 'Nam. Anyway what were we talking about
That fucking scene kept going on forever
you know in some way I think pete mutilating those two asain women later in the film was just him trying to make his uncle proud.
>Spiderman? no more, now I shall be known as Hitlerman
What was the point of the Hitlerman scene? Why was he a ginger?
I really didn't understand why there were so many copies of mein kampf in all the shots until that scene.
>Mr. Ditkovich: Having trouble with the phone?
>Peter Parker: No, no I was just trying to figure out what to say.
>Mr. Ditkovich: If it is woman you are calling then you say "You are a good woman. I am good man. If landlord does not receive rent by end of week, he will hunt you down and hurt you. Hm?"
>Peter Parker: What? I uh...
>Mr. Ditkovich: Is simple. You pay rent, or you ask woman for money to pay rent. This not game, Man of Spiders. I do not joke. I work in Milosevic's army as dog handler. Not dog handler like Americans understand, sniffing for bombs and drugs. I train dogs to rape women. A rape by a man, woman can work through with therapy and help. But to be raped by dogs, to feel their putrid canine sperg entering their most private of places as my men and I laugh, this will truly destroy a woman. She will never be whole again, forever a husk. My dogs are hungry, Man of Spiders. They yearn for that flesh which is forbidden to them.
yeah, not really sure where Raimi was going with this one. I need a directors cut.
> You grabbed me and you said "Aunt May, Aunt May, is that man made of chocolate?"
Got me off guard Raimi.
>that one scene where uncle Ben talks about his superior in 'Nam and how he used to tell him stories about drowning horses and how sweet cake would taste after that
He really went too far in a couple of places
>that fifteen minute long sequence of Spider-Man lynching the black mugger in daylight Manhattan from the streetlamp
It was beautifully shot, but so many close ups of the black man's face...
HAHA! I love how you guys just replace a quote with something racist and then pretend like the actors really said it! HILARIOUS! LOVE IT!
Damnit Raimi what the fuck. I remember I didn't understand quite what was going on in this scene when I watched it as a kid but now I see this whole movie was pretty messed up.
oh great reddit just ruined another thread.
t. guy who never actually watched the Raimi trilogy
i want Sam Hyde to play that scene out
2002 was a different time
>he's not creative enough to raimipost
post all you want Raimi, you're not getting away with this shit
>literally all it takes is to torrent the movie, pause at some part and write the quote word for word here
Almost the entire trilogy is full of lines that would never be allowed in a 2017 movie
We need to come up with a term equivalent to hothead but for Raimi threads.
get this goblin outta here
It's you who's out reddit! Out of the thread!
>You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "The White Man's Burden."
Holy shit this has me in tears
i dont know why this is so fucking funny senpaitachi
Dr. Reddit. New villain in town.
Doc Red
>google a quote from Spider man
>replace a few words with the following buzz words
>white nationalist
>social nationalist
>post it
>giggle to yourself thinking you're creative and funny
somebody get this goblin outta here
>finally, at long last, I have become Spiderman!
Left the theatre right at that moment
>gas the kikes! race war now!
Went right back in
Fucking goblin leave
>That's a cute outfit! Did your life partner pick it for you? If so send him my regards and bless that we live in a tolerant society that allows gay marriage as a loving union between two people
Anyone feel these Remastered versions don't pack the same punch? I mean I guess we have to move with the times but still
?Mad redditer goes berserk, we don't have pictures!
fucking kek
>Sorry im late its a jungle out there, i had to beat an old jiggaboo with a steak
t. Hothead
it was so long ago I mean you could just say these things
>What's your name kid?
>The Human Holocaust.
>"The Human Holocaust?" That's it? That's the best you got you racist fuck!
>Yeah you filthy kike!
>Oh, that's it! I'm calling the Shoah foundation!
These threads were never funny
dumb goblin posters
>waaaaaa they are making fun of my racist movie
go away Sup Forums
>Mysterio would have been Jewish
Raimi was a truly a visionary
It's you who were never funny Gobby. Never funny at all you reddit using piece of shit
fukin kekerino chino weeno
>Now it's six million and one
What the fuck did he mean by this? Who are the 6 million he's talking about?
>Ah, Dr. Connor's student. He tells me you're brilliant.
>[ Peter smiles, flattered ]
>He also tells me you're as lazy as a nigger on Martin Luther King day.
Haha! "NIGGERS" "HITLER" haha! Funny stuff guys!
the funny thing about these threads is Raimi was also accused of calling the blue ranger a faggot on set of MMPW
I can imagine him inviting Bruce down during filming and being like
>So Sam, which one of these little pieces of shit is the faggot? Is it the queer with the glasses and overalls?
Stop posting, goblin
Could you explain why you're so very ass flustered?
>this was the original design for the green goblin
>Mfw they kept referring to Venom as "nigger Spider-Man"
The early 2000s were a strange time for Hollywood
"man of spiders" always gets me
i wish i had come up with that as an online handle
do you go into every thread you don't like, or you just a nigger yourself? This movie was for a different time, stop whining about it
That's actually why they cancelled Spiderman 4. The idea of a Jewish man manipulating from behind the scenes with illusions and smoke and mirrors was considered too on the nose -
Especially the planned scene where he was going to create an illusion of Spiderman firebombing a Synagogue to turn public favour against him.
>You know spiders can change their colour to blend into their environment, just like those goddamn kikes change their names to blend into our societies
How the fuck did he get away with this in hollywood?
look we agree with you goblin poster, it's weird looking back on 2002.
You've haven't sunk your humour low enough to find these threads funny
>The Human Holocaust
>Pfft, that's the best you go? Why don't you name yourself after something that actually happened, kid.
you seem mad senpai
To be fair had they used a different mask it could have worked really well
then again I'm biased since I loved how the goblin looked in the cartoon
Literally you Gobby
the antisemitism on set really made a lot of people nervous even in 2002, eventually they changed the name from 'the jewish menace' to 'the green goblin' and toned down the nose.
>this thread
Just how juvenile are you fucking 20 year olds?
today when you look at this you just wonder how this passes the censors.
That's just meme magic changing the universe again
Give it time and in a year or two we will have a full fledge attack against Raimi for being literally the KKK
>le ironic conservative bacon meme man