Based Wilders

I didn't know about this guy until recently. His polling looks good, but will he win the election next year? Can someone from the Netherlands fill me in on what the general mindset towards rapefugees is over there.

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This guy always scores high in the polls leading up to an election. But he always sabotages himself and his party because he doesn't really want to take responsibility. He was born for the opposition.


How big is his head really? Up close? He's tall so I imagine he's practically a real life bobblehead.

as much as would like to like him, he's an idiot without any concept on how to win an election let alone running a country.

geert has said things that make him unelectable. nazi tier comments. nobody will work with him anymore. he also has no real plan and his party is a one issue party. the debate about immigration is completely dominated by him and this has created an us against wilders effect in the debate. there simply is no nuance anymore. you are either completely against immigration or completely against wilders.

people in the netherlands are not really happy with all the immigrants. and in the big cities there are a lot of criminals, human trafficking, welfare refugees and streetscum from other countries. so that is the answer to why he is so popular. people hate the immigrants here because they behave like complete shitlords.

He has been blessed by Kek

Neither does anyone else here, so ill take my chances.


I'm voting

can't argue with that.

All we need is one terror attack and its a done deal.
Its gonna be a cliffhanger now.

He will rule the world!



He looks like some actor but I just can't figure out who.

>I didn't know about this guy until recently.
you're kidding, right?

>he always sabotages himself and his party because he doesn't really want to take responsibility. He was born for the opposition.


The guy loves to shout how everybody sucks from the sidelines.
But he doesn't want to carry the responsibility of being in charge himself.

I was there, Geert's speech gave me chills

This man is based but I can't get over how fucking huge his head is.

How tall is he?

He's a jew and people who vote for him are degenerate

> Neanderthaland

Tfw this guy is manlet/average tier in Netherlands


He is fucking tall as shit. Like 6'6"

>based wilders

>the protector of christianity

>secret jew

It certainly seems that way

The hair probably helps as well

>How tall is he?

About average by Dutch standards.
Tall for a half-Indonesian though.

>he will rule the world
Oy vey brother the goyim knows

He really should compete in a Hair competition with Mr. Trump

Edgy as fuck

He's not half indonesian, his mom was a dutch immigrant who lived in the dutch colony of dutch-east-indies


>secret jew

He's definitely not a secret Jew.

He used to work in a Kibbutz.
No Jew would ever do that.

>one issue party
This meme needs to end.

6.5 or 1.95 desu, above average though in the Netherlands though not by much :^)

He is.


Average is like 185 so he's tall even for Dutch standards

Geert will rule the world

Sounds like a great idea goy

Not-Pim isn't so good

>Van Leeuwen vond in het Nationaal Archief het dossier van Johan Ording, de grootvader van Wilders. Ording was adjunct-directeur financieel toezicht in Oost-Java, waar hij trouwde met Johanna Meijer, afkomstig uit een bekende joods-Indische familie.

OK, I stand corrected: he is a Jew.

Don't know why he plays the Good Goy, though.
Why subject yourself to Jewish masters if you could join their ranks?

Nice try, Achmed

The tribe is backing (((Islam)))


He is the poor man's Pim Fortuyn.

Latest poll suggests its going well. He might be voted into the parlement.

>He might be voted into the parlement.

You must be 18 to post on this board.

Pity some leftist cuck killed him.

Fortuyn was an even bigger idiot.

Flamboyant homosex with no plans other than "disband the army, I prefer navy boys"

FACTUALLY in bed with jews.

>thinking a party can win without Jews in the 21st century world

Jobbick got BTFO at the last election in Hungary. Orban is still pretty based.

How to actually fix the netherlands:

>Ditch the "speciale gemeentes" shit former colonies
>Move all moroccans/turks to FREE HOUSING in flevoland
>Open afsluitdijk and flood flevoland
>With the shit population mostly gone, close dijk again and build a new flevoland
>Also build more dikes and expand on Friesland, Noord-Holland and Groningen
>Keep Ijsselmeer/Markmeer for shitkakkers to sail on


He did, though.

>implying someone that wants to do good for his nation will ever win in an "election"

Just like in 2010?

Cuckold summary of politics.

You sound like every anti- Ukiper

Anti Trumper

Anti FN

You're parroting a narrative that is world wide you do realize that

he is 195cm = 6'4"

at least, thats what i found from google

Good or bad?

some people think we should let rapefugees in.
but literally no one wants them in their town.

wilders will not win in the election.
because there are no parties that are willing to cooperate with him.
if a party were to cooperate with him, then they would lose voters. so usually every pollicician denounces wilders before elections. and then his rampage remains contained.

He has Indo roots though.

Why can i understand this?

Netherlands was a mistake. It's needs to be split up between Germany and Belgium.

>one issue party
..yeah its only the biggest issue of our time and will dictate how the future will look.. anyway its not like you have anyone else to vote for and wilders pvv no matter what you think about them are still miles better than anyone else you could waste your vote on.

based geert is just playing the good goy


Geert sent the one.

Nederland's only hope died many years ago.

man i wish i was blonde now