
>The Twin Cities, it turns out, are also home to some of the worst racial disparities in the country.
>you can’t separate racial inequality from segregation
>One theory is that Minnesota had been so white for so long it simply didn’t know what to do with the communities of color within its borders.
>Another theory is that Minnesotans have forgotten the history of prejudice in their state

Or maybe, just maybe, Scandinavians do great everywhere and blacks do poorly everywhere.
There's a reason the smallest test score gap is in West Virginia, and it's not because the blacks there are smarter.

Bernie always talks about how great Denmark is because of the socialist programs they've implemented. How can people heap praise on Scandinavian countries, and see the great state of their American cousins, and not make the connection?

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Ayy ooooo, Minnesota bro reporting in. We are also full germans and slavs which are usually only retarded fiscally, unlike blacks who are complete retards.

Germans are also successful, like Scandinavians. That's why Milwaukee is similarly chagrined for their race gap.

mfw your state is recognized on Sup Forums

will Minnesota go republican this year or does the DFL still have a stranglehold on the state?

Not sure atm. But i've been on the trump train since it first hit the rails.

I go to Minnesota more than any other state and everyone I've talked to is for trump. I know its possible

Do they mean black people or the Somalians because there's a difference. A lot of the Somalians are actually quite well off.

really? I thought most of them refugees who worked at the airport

We also have a shitload of finns

Apparently most of them were part of the Somalian upper classes which is why they got out. Which is also why a lot of them are mad all the time because they went from the top to basically second class citizens here. Ya but I know a few who drive BMWs.

Minnesota is already great

pic related is nonexistent outside of the cities

uptown bro here

someone save me

head north. You won't regret it

Bloombro here there more whites than nogs

where north?

Been to MN a few times, as a very dear friend on mine lives in an suburb near Minneapolis. Pretty white and calm neighbourhood. 9/10 would move if I could.

People there tend to be a bit fat, though.

Sounds like niggers should move away.

Duluth? Bemidji? Virginia?

I'm in Brainerd visiting for the month and this town is the cutest little thing I've ever seen.

Normally in Ohio I'd see black people all over the place, but it's nothing but whites (especially blondes) as far as the eye can see.

Anyone in Minnesota willing to show me around? I'm starting to like this state.

Minnesotan here. First of all if you go to Minneapolis it will be very hard to find a white person there unless there is some event. North Minneapolis is the negro ghetto, everywhere else is Somali land(who are also black but easily identifiable from the american negro). The Mexicans have their own little part in the city too.

Ok well cities are literally all that matters when it comes time to vote

I think if Bernie had been the Democrat nomination 99% chance we would have gone with him. With Hillary I think it's probably 80% chance.

Of course the divide is great, MN took in high IQ whites and Somalis, of course they aren't on the same level.

Another minnesotan reporting in.

I think some counties will go red but the big cities and the state will remain DFL. MN will most likely turn out for Hillary (or jill stein or some shit).

A lot of the rural DFL reps are fairly based compared to your average dems elsewhere.

Minnesota is also home to some of the most wack job liberal faggots around and parts are filled with Muslims

in Texas are cities have the same issue but we always vote Republican in the end. Minnesota is 90% white whereas Texas is 45%. I know they can do it

>spics area

nicollet and lake through lake and the target by 55

Yeah, there are a lot of really rich Somalians that I see a lot at the nicer restaurants in Minneapolis, but the majority are still shitters living in the commie blocks in uptown Minneapolis.

>A lot of the rural DFL reps are fairly based compared to your average dems elsewhere

I suppose because most of Minnesota outside the cities is lower middle class white communities and those are the people they have to get elected by

lel, I'm from Brainerd but I'm in Dayton for the rest of the week, how long are you there?

We dont have any us senate or govenor race this election. And no we will not be going red anytime soon, They just built a mosque in my city here in MN. As a gun loving American i fear for my rights in this state.

would any Minnesotabros mind giving me an update on the philando castile thing? Are there protests going on?

Basically this. Most of the Somalians I've known have a decent amount of money and used to be nurses and shit back home. They're also pretty secular despite traditional muslim dress and not eating pork. They're refugees from the 90s, not the latest wave of "syrian" migrants.

It's their kids, who grew up in the states and went to public schools, who are running off to join ISIS. Bored edgy teenagers who want to die for something, I guess.

Tbh, I would rather be surrounded by Somalians than domestic black people.

Texas has a history of standing up to the government. Us Minnesotans were just a bunch of pussy union members.

So according to the niggers, the problem is no one is investing in their communities.

Why the fuck would anyone want to invest into a community that hates them?

Let's be honest, Minnesota is like 80% people who are actually German but claim to be Norwegian because nobody can call you a nazi that way.

Its the same as Boston, which is full of Anglo/German hybrids who claim to be Irish because the Irish are permitted more nationalistic leeway.

It's the legacy of slavery, because Minnesota was one of the big slave states.

Sorry to say bros here is where rapefugees are being settled

I'm pretty sure Minnesota had more troops fighting for the Confederacy than the Union.

You what..? I don't think I have met a single openly pro-trump person. I know they're here, but they're all incognito lest the lynch mob come after them.

It will stay blue; the white voters still haven't woke up.

If they had, they'd have allied with the Mung and gone after the niggers and the Somali's.

Thats exactly right, Somali kids are ghettoized by the native blacks here then they think they are a bad ass and since they are muslim the only place they can go try to be a bad ass is the middle east. These native blacks are the true problem.

Minneapolis reporting in. Nothing crazy is going on like highway closures, but there are still vigils and up until a day or two ago protests at the governor's mansion (but they finally got driven off by the cops). I don't think it's over by any means.

So long as they don't close 35W again I don't give a shit what they do.

Le Sueur County reporting in

This. Minnesota is great and I consider the cities its own thing altogether. Our politics are completely botched and the Republicans here are neutered cunts.

last time I was there I wore my MAGA hat everywhere and got compliments. I wasn't in the cities, however

Honestly socialist sweden/denmark/norway were pretty fucking great until they started letting in the hordes.

somalians in the USA all have downs syndrome

Minnesota also has some of the strongest social programs in the US. There are job searching services, temp services, job training and housing, free GED courses out the ass.

The only reason for the blacks in MN to be so segregated by inequality is their motivation.


>live north
>nigger-free neighborhood
Feels good

Minnesota needs to be made less white, so that the white people there have their bubble popped. The same shit happened here in WI which is how Walker was able to slay the unions.

BLM constantly uses Somalians to pad the numbers and make it look like blacks in MN are suffering more than they actually are.

Note however, that Somalians are actually making impressive economic/class progress considering that many of them came from literal war zones less than a decade ago.

Blacks in MN are so butthurt that Somalians don't like them is one of the few perks of having so many Somalians around.

Same here brother

Youre right man i live here and everyone i talk to says they like Trump yet somehow democrats win always, I think they rig the elections here.


Somalis > Blacks.

It could be worse: we could be Milwaukee

Minnesota Sup Forums reporting in. Hmong are the only decent immigrants we get. Too many Somali and lazy dindus around.

Tons of niggers from Chicago move here just to get free shit kek.

My friend was at the protest recently in Saint Paul and said that they were busing protesters in and paying them $15/hour.

>One theory is that Minnesota had been so white for so long it simply didn’t know what to do with the communities of color within its borders.
"Minnesota" is not fucking sentient you dumbass leftists. You want every white person to form some kind of fucking hive-mind with the sole purpose of mixing with Somalian neighborhoods?

there sure are a lot of Minnesotans itt. Also, what's the mall of America like these days? Is it a no go zone?

fuck off we're a red state now

This guy gets it. If you live in Minnesota, the state will bend over backwards to help you. If you fail it is because you are shit.

Same here. Living in the NW part and visit the family farm around lake country as much as I can.

I was hoping we could settle this right here officer, in Brainerd

this, does anyone have the map?

That fucking megabus brought us too many chi-town niggers.

I hope not.
Haven't been there in a few years but it's always fun to go through.


Unfortunately, a good 30% of white minnesotans are hyper-liberal transplants who came here from more conservative parts of the country.

My brother-in-law is from the South and he won't shut up about how superior it is here to his "backwards/ignorant" hometown. It's fucking unbearable.

I think it's partially because Somalians are so fucking dumb. Have you ever met a Somalian? They're the dumbest breed of nig out there.

MoA is alright but they've made it a hipster paradise with the retarded expansions these last 5 years. Unnecessary price hikes too. It's become even more of a tourist trap than it was before.
I still go there occasionally for the people watching or mini golf, but for movies and clothes shopping I take my business elsewhere.

Minnesota is the most cucked state unfortunately. And this is coming from someone who lives in Minnesota.

MN is purple. Lot of mining families.

Mall of America is a tourist trap. It feels relatively safe.

I only really go down to the cities for the occasional concert or renaissance festival.

>It's their kids, who grew up in the states and went to public schools, who are running off to join ISIS. Bored edgy teenagers who want to die for something, I guess.

It probably has something to do with the regression to the mean. You'll get two smart blacks into to country and they will pop out retards like their country average.

>Implying it won't always be blue forever

We voted for fucking Mondale.

It's all that Swede blood.

I walked past the vigil a few days ago. the cops were still blocking off the street in front of the governor's mansion a few days ago, but they looked relatively calm. The vigil itself looked more like a block party than a protest/memorial and it was like 50% white and 20% people who I couldn't tell if they were mixed-race or just really fucking ugly.

>Norwegian candidate
>Home State of the president candidate
>Amazed when he wins'

Not saying our politics aren't completely fucked. Let us have some context. We aren't California or Northeast tier even. Despite Mark Dayton who is an absolute fabulous faggot of the highest order.

>renaissance festival
Good taste, surely one of the most comfy of events to attend here.

I saw Tool in St. Paul a few years ago. Kicked ass

The funny thing is that they're all fucking uber and taxi drivers.
I don't think I've met a single white uber / taxi driver, they're literally all Somalis here.
It's gotta be the most degrading shit since that job is like being a temporary servant.

Brooklyn Center reporting in. It's pretty relaxing actually

He was from Minnesota, that's the only reason.

I think because of what dayton said after the shooting a lot of people in the state are turning on the dems.

I've been seeing more and more slutted up Somali girls walking around staring at their smartphones, so clearly integration is working.

Ayyy that's my namesake town

They're still being butthurt about it, but they'll shut up the second some evidence is released that's pro cop.
BLM here is shit. But they can at least put their head down and shuffle away when they're wrong.

Yeah. Going in about a month as is my yearly ritual. It's really the only reason I go down there.

I usually stay far north of the cities around the Alexandria area and all over lake country.


this white guilt faggot won by 9,000 votes. And Franken won with less than that. Please make Minnesota great again

The only good thing is that even Dayton isn't retarded enough to try gun control in this state. The dems know that shit will never stand with our huge hunting population.

I remember reading a hilarious article a few years back where it turned out the Somalians had a word for Africa-Americans.


Fuck MOA.
I hate that shit-stain and I hate that it's considered a landmark.

>Please make Minnesota great again

I sure hope so. I really love my home state and I don't want to ever abandon it. The population density in the city fucks everything

Gun control would fail miserably here. No real mass shootings of note. We even have open carry here with your carry permit. Hunting culture is still strong. I honestly never notice the Demshits pushing too much gun related stuff and when they do it makes news.

Which is funny because the Somali plants here are uglier, smellier, and more thieve like compared to your average American dindu.

I hate them so fucking much.

>Minnesota also has some of the strongest social programs in the US. There are job searching services, temp services, job training and housing, free GED courses out the ass.
>The only reason for the blacks in MN to be so segregated by inequality is their motivation.

Hmmm. Where have I seen that before..?

Better schools and facilities will only help white/Asian kids, so the better your schools are the bigger the gap will be. The whole goal of common core was to produce a way of teaching that is so unhelpful that the white kids do as badly as the black kids.

I've been thinking of leaving Wisconsin for Minnesota, because it's about the same, but even whiter.
Not that I can't just go Up Nort' and be in whiteville too, but someplace that has white cities instead of white villages would be nice.