>Prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Earth is round experimentally
how do you respond ?
>Prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Earth is round experimentally
how do you respond ?
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Give the ship over the horizon example
Get into a boat a go around the world, Eddie. It's that simple.
>MFW Eddie is one of the first few hundred people in space following overwhelming crowdfunding support for the only thing that will shut him up.
>I'm not saying I was drugged Joe but it didn't feel real somehow...
Look at shadows at noon on the equator and at the edge of the Arctic circle
Can be argued that it's a mirage effect
How can you be sure you're always going in the same direction if there is a fake magnetic field ?
How do flat-earthers explain that Earth is spherical when viewed from space, or the fact that you can literally travel around the world without falling off a ledge into space? Shit is so bizarre to me. It's like people that believe dinosaurs never existed, despite there being fossil evidence to the contrary.
Look at it's shadow on the moon
I'd let Carl tell em
Then tell them to shut the fuck up.
Mental illness. They have to keep coming up with further conspiracies to explain further evidence against them. I tired to join the flat earth society to make fun of them but they have a rigorous vetting process
They claim any evidence is CGI or fake
Imagine being Joe in that episode and having to be all like "damn, Eddie Bravo, I love you, you're my long-time friend and overall great bro. I would totally spend time with you off-podcast, both my "Rogan" character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is talk to an actual human with a functioning brain capable of thought. Like seriously imagine having to be Joe and not only sit in that chair while Eddie Bravo flaunts his disgusting mind in front of you, the favorable audio quality barely concealing his raspy voice, and just sit there, article after article, hour after hour, while he perfected that "I'M CRAAAAZY" line. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking beliefs but his haughty attitude as everyone in the room tells him he's STILL A GOOD DUDE and DAMN, EDDIE BRAVO BELIEVES *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been having nothing but a healthy diet of professional athletes and celebrities and later alleged woke victims as guests for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in New Jersey. You've never even heard anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his wrinkled forehead as he attempts to understand subjects he knows nothing about, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "crazy (for that is what he calls it)" beliefs, the beliefs he got from watching videos by obscure YouTube channels in the previous years. And then the clock tells you you're there for another fucking hour, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
maybe we're on a really big dome
>believing in the bone jew
Watch a sunset, when the gets out of your view, go to a higher plateau and see the Sun again. They did this shit in ancient times ffs.
This You can use a Sundial anywhere on the planet and get a 24hr cycle. Nowadays we use watches.
Nah that's just the light refracting through the air, it creates the illusion of the world being round. Learn your sciences dummy.
Magnetic field is not the only way to check direction. Hell, if you're so paranoid, use echolocation to get a map of the ground under the boat. If vikings could cross the goddamn ocean, so can you.
>actually engaging delusional people
This can be explained if the sun is directly over one of the sticks and around 100 km in the sky
Ask him how this happened if the earth is flat
Also ask him why flight times don't work with a flat earth model and would take way longer
Reminder Eddie did nothing wrong. Joe and his faggot nuthuggers in the studio got so preachy while Eddie was just talking about something he enjoys.
I hate when Jamie's squeaky ass starts talking. Shut the fuck up and mind the soundboard faggot.
>enjoy telling ppl all the discoveries in the last 2k years are a scam and we shouldn't fund scientific exploration
Fuck you Eddie, i wanna visit Mars before i die.
Eddie, Joe, Jamie....the fuck user, you actually watch this shit and know their names?
Kill yourself painfullyyy noaw
>i wanna visit Mars before i die
Nigga, not even your grandkids will set foot on another planet.
You must be 18+ to post here.
If you watch jewtube celebrities I hope to fuck you're not over 18. That shits for kids man, grow up.
Not with ppl spewing shit like this idiot.
You have to be 18+ to post here
why does it even matter? The point is "proving" something like this via science is because you also intend to make predictions with it. A theory of a round earth is useful for someone putting satellites into orbit, because they can make money from it. If the topology of the earth was very important to you due to the technological advances or profits you would make from depending on it, then you'd make sure that you were operating under a solid model of the earth.
Anything else is just pure mental masturbation.
Eddie had been Anti-Flat Earth for ages and people had been talking to him for ages about it so he's taken the bait recently. The easiest way would be to take him to a tall building and do a panorama then squish it together to see the curvature in the horizon.
>If you watch jewtube celebrities I hope to fuck you're not over 18. That shits for kids man, grow up.
Man has never been to space.
didn't an ancient greek mathematician figure out the circumference of the earth to an extremely high degree of accuracy using basic geometry with a bit of geographical knowledge?
Circumnavigate the globe in a plane. They managed it in fucking 1924.
You're technically correct but you type so much like a fag that the other poster is actually superior to you
Flat earthers do not care about proof because they don't need to rely on a "flat earth" for anything in their lives. If you built a spaceflight plan based on their model of a flat earth, they would never put themselves in that space ship because they'd know it would kill them.
The truth is that some people like to believe that they have "secret knowledge" as a way of making themselves think that they are smarter than everyone else. This only works up until you suddenly need to be accountable for the things you are saying.
this kills the flat earther
Eddie doesn't trust science or math. He's basically a paranoid schizo at this point.
Make a friend in China.
At noon call up your friend in China and ask him how bright it is outside.
literally live now
That's CGI created by the lizard people who don't want you to know there's more choice land beyond the edge of the mapped earth that they take for themselves. There's nothing in space it would hit the firmament
PoV from take-off to orbit by completely separate organizations.
smooth as fuck
Whomst r u quoting?
During a lunar eclipse, you can see the Earth's shadow as curved upon the surface of the moon.
The earth is flat. Digits confirm.
Show me ONE (1) real verifiable photo of the spherical earth from space.
Spoiler: you cannot
Why do flat earthers think anyone gains by covering up the earth being flat? What would be the motive for the conspiracy there?
The globe on the old iphone dummy
Jeezz make it harder why dont ya!
Dumbest question in the thread rn
"Show me a picture of a 3d object in 2d space, so that I can then argue what is pictured is physically flat rather than round due my inability to accept reality"
Like honestly flat earthers are right, if your perspective is 10 m above ground level and never changes. No shit that humans thought this and are convinced it. But nowdays humans can EMPATHIZE and VIEW THINGS FROM DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES WHILE ACKNOWLEDGING THAT PERSPECTIVE IS LEGIYIMATE THOUGH NOT THEIR OWN.
What a surprise that fucking polfag roleplayers don't want to do this.
If you stand on the seashore and watch a ship sailing away, it will gradually disappear from view. But the reason cannot be the distance: if a hill or tower are nearby, and you climb to the top after the ship has completely disappeared, it becomes visible again. Furthermore, if on the shore you watch carefully the way the ship disappears from view, you will notice that the hull vanishes first, while the masts and sails (or the bridge and smokestack) disappear last. It is as if the ship was dropping behind a hill, which in a way is exactly the case, the "hill" being the curve of the Earth's surface.
>the motive is not obvious therefore it doesn't exist
Thanks, detective. Really makes me think
Second dumbest question in the thread rn
Nice strawman
Good job avoiding the question cunt
Sweet job explaining away my argument bro. What part of it is a strawman ? Flat earthers do not think the earth is flat but merely that it cannot be proven otherwise.
I have explicitly illustrated that this is due to their lack of ability in seeing the reality of other perspectives than their own.
Well, where is it faggots?
If he wants something that he can see himself, GPS. There's no way GPS could work if the earth wasn't (mostly) spherical.
According to Eddie "They faked the moon landing 6 times" Bravo, people are easier to control if they think they're living on a ball.
I ain't trying to hear that shit, earth is flat because God our lord made it that way.
Just open your mind FFS.
Here you go. Now go ahead and prove that all of them are fake. I'll wait.
Anything that cannot explained is part of an ancient conspiracy. You need to keep in mind that most of the people trying to prove the flat earth are super trolls and don't really believe in that stuff. I'm sure there's some paranoid schizo or two out there, but they're not many.
By beating the living shit out of that manlet retard
couldn't get past the penis inspection, huh?
Here's video proof. No need to thank me, famalam.
>falling for the measurement Jew
Woman will be the first.
>believing in (((math)))
>any of these
You're fucking retarded
Fifth from the left, third row. You just got exposed, shill.
weed makes you paranoid
I've never seen evidence that the world is flat. Flat-earthers seem to be more concerned with debunking every piece of evidence as if that suddenly means the Earth defaults to being flat.
>literally using a photo editing program WHILE doing the video to alter the pics
he wasnt high or drunk this time
It's Russian hackers.
where are the stars? did the CGI artist forgot to put them?
Protip: Don't bother blaming me. As you can tell all I did was do a google search and post the results. I can't be held accountable for what came up.
Obviously some of them aren't photos, but the point is that he has to prove that ALL of them aren't.
He made the rules, I just gave myself a high chance of victory.
Light exposure
Eratosthenes did it by observing shadows in wells in Aswan and Alexandria, yes
Moon. Not space
Resources for the inquisitive minds:
The truth is out there if you're willing to listen.
What do you think the "crazy shit" Eddie believes is. The shit he was going to bring up at the end of the podcast where he said discredits the flat earth thing. Idk what he even meant by that but I wanted to punch my dash board when he said that.
no, you're stupid and probably the russian who tried to steal my steam account
filthy ruskie subhuman
What could be the turtle's endgame?
Why do white people believe in crazy shit?
Pretty much this
Polfag BTFO by a 3000 year old dindu
>The son of Aglaos, Eratosthenes was born in 276 BC in Cyrene. Now part of modern-day Libya, Cyrene had been founded by the Greeks centuries earlier and became the capital of Pentapolis (North Africa), a country of five cities: Cyrene, Arsinoe, Berenice, Ptolemias, and Apollonia, Cyrenaica. Alexander the Great conquered Cyrene in 332 BC, and following his death in 323 BC, its rule was given to one of his generals, Ptolemy I Soter, the founder of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Under Ptolemaic rule the economy prospered, based largely on the export of horses and silphium, a plant used for rich seasoning and medicine.
come on man
Yes. He measured the sun's angle of elevation in Alexandria at noon on the day of the summer solstice in Syene. Combined with a rough measurement of the distance between Alexandria and Syene which was measured by literally counting steps, he got a rough circumference of the earth.
in third world countries they would be killed off for purporting such ridiculous claims. In USA people just look the other way.
you literally can't though, not because it's not possible but because people who believe the earth is flat don't have the capabilities to understand any experiment. Any experiment you present them, they're already biased to not believe it and would use flawed logic to disprove it. Show them an actual picture of the planet, they say it looks fake. Tell them about two identical sundials in two different locations, and they'll explain it through their flat earth lens. You can only prove it if the person you're explaining it to has the mental faculties to understand it.
Are you implying that Africans with their cargo cults aren't infinitely worse?
At least some of the crazy shit white people believe ends up being true.
This is just "But atheists can't prove god DOESNT exist"
Its a fuckin shill trap just stop responding to them