My motto is if you want to pass the gate you've got to make money to get a sticker

My motto is if you want to pass the gate you've got to make money to get a sticker.

>it's a Mike sits in his car making grumpy faces for 20 minutes episode

Those are the only good episodes.

but what about all those witty comments

It's a Mike goes to the Home Depot and buys the wrong drill tip episode

drill tip for what?

The fuck you said to me ?

My motto is if you want to pass the gate you've got to make money to get a sticker.


thanks for the chuckle

my son wasnt drity

Rewatching Breaking Bad I'm having a hard time beliveing the transition Jimmy and Mike go through.

>Rewatching Breaking Bad
Are you marathoning it?

Couple episodes a day yeah

are you enjoying it?

you're creeping me out bye


Making spike strips out of a hose

i dont know what that is

Try watching the show. Season 2
