I used to work for Milo Yianopoulos. AMA About all that jazz.
Milo Yiannopoulos Worker AMA
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Does he have any of his own ideas?
Why is he doing the exact same shit he criticized the left for doing?
He fabricates drama, cries to his echo chamber, blames everything on a boogeyman and most recently has started canceling attendances because of "safety concerns".
This is exactly the type of stuff he and other gamergaters accused people like Anita Sarkeesian of.
why do he need employee for?
How many threads shilling Milo did you have to post everyday here, faggot?
When you fight the Jew, you become the Jew.
>used to
What happened m8
Stop bullshitting us
We all know you browse Sup Forums Milo, there's no reason to pretend to be an underling to fool us
None actually.
Yes mostly but they're not exactly original
Yeah he's definitely a drama queen and his material would be kinda stale without protestors. It's mostly calculated. I remember me and other employee's hoping that he'd get protested
Research and article drafts as well as twitter
He let go a bunch of people.
Seriously not milo. check below I'm actually callin him out on some things. 99% of the time he was a good guy actually. I have no bad blood.
what his dick look like tho senpai
actually never got to see it.
What happened to Milo is the same what happened to old Benji. They both stared into the abyss too long. The difference between them, is that Ben faded out in to obscurity, and Milo is continuing to poison the alt right
Would he let you suckle on his penis?
Ben and Milo are two very different people. I like both of them immensely but yes they both have their flaws. Ben is a conservative of a certain stripe, a social conservative. 20 years ago milo would've been a democrat. Ben would've been a republican.
how much do you think milo is worth?
Money wise? A lot actually. He really is as rich as he tongue and cheek brags about. Also very generous and not just thru the privilege grant.
How long have Milo and Anne Coulter known each other?
Are they close at all?
Did he redpill her, or was it the other way around?
Not very long but I know they both like each other. Both great people, I've met her in passing once or twice.
Do you all go through PrEP like candy there?
Sup Forums would rather reply to bait threads than an actual opportunity to get inside info on current events
there was like one other person there that was gay or bi and milo never had or would have relations with staff.
range? i'd guess 1-2 million but sounds like you think more?
I'm getting some good replies here (unless you meant me as the bait thread) but yeah I'm down to answer most things.
What's Milo's next big aim?
well he has a London townhouse that he bought before the real estate bubble inflated and he made a few million selling the kernel. Assuming he invested it he probably has more than that.
m8, that's probably his speaking fee for a single event
Is she a tranny?
Probably get a regular TV program, grow his podcast and expand his BB presence. Build the Milo brand.
His fees are really low. Less than his travel costs.
100% not.
>he made a few million selling the kernel
How fucked is milo without twitter?
Also, how much of a slut is milo or is that an act?
Also, is he *really* right wing or is he just riding the cock of the right for money?
>His fees are really low. Less than his travel costs.
yea, what was his fee for the faggot tour or whatever? i thought something like 2-5k per event?
Does he still talk to Ben Shapiro?
I'm not going to read any of this thread until you post some sort of proof, you fucking fag enabler
if I saw him in a public place (like a bar) and said hello - would he be appreciative and receptive, or does he prefer to be left alone by strangers?
But Milo works for Breitbart. Are you saying Milo can hire/fire people? And sounds like you were an assistant editor. What degrees are required and what's the pay? Planning on going into a different field or applying for editor somewhere else?
How often did he browse Sup Forums?
>Are you saying Milo can hire/fire people?
Not an expert but he started and was EiC for the Kernel. There were some legal issues
but I think he made some cash once the dust settled.
Not very but it was important to him.
Somewhere between the two. He does have gay sex but not as much as he did in the younger years
He is right wing, if anything he tones it down. He's also actually catholic
Not sure as I never touched or handled any money. Not that much tho and I'm pretty sure it depended on the groups ability to pay.
I think so.
I really don't have proof I'd be comfortable posting. The last thing I want to do is leak things or reveal who I am. I'd like to reiterate that I do like Milo and he is a good and intelligent guy. Sorry.
Probably he'd be receptive. He's a nice dude.
Milo works for BB but I worked directly as an assistant for him. No contact with BB of any sort. I wasn't paid actually, this was a resume building thing, not a regular job. I wouldn't know about the Assistant Editor jobs because I never had one haha. I wasn't an editor, but I'm new in the field and I'm looking for more work probably.
Not sure. The only time I saw him on it was when someone showed him a link about it.
like asking a fish how much he swims, m8
>He does have gay sex
>He's also actually catholic
does milo have any celebrity friends or admirers we'd be surprised to hear about?
>I worked for Milo directly
>by "editing" and "researching" his articles
>not paid
>promised it would help on resumes
>still looking for work
I knew Milo was a Jew but God damn...
He's certainly conflicted about it.
Is this his new twitter handle?
I know maisy williams likes him.
That's not a fair way to frame it. For me or him. I asked for the job and the terms were my own. I would feel bad taking money as I didn't do a lot of work seeing as I was busy with other stuff. he offered payment and I refused. Other people did in fact get paid. Also it is on my resume and has helped me get freelance and short term work with some other people. I'm still in college so I don't have time for full time employment.
not a clue.
How much of it is an act?
90% 100%?
So does Milo lurk Sup Forums at all? Or is it just his interns shilling?
Really not that much. He really does hate what he says he hates. The extremely provocative (we need more self harm, fat people should be under house arrest) stuff is done to provoke.
Hey Marc
Please read above. I don't think he browses regularly and I never saw anyone shill.
milo pls stop with all the threads about yourself
I know who you're talking about (marc G) and this is definitely not him. I don't even know that he's fired.
How does Milo reconcile his claims of being alt-right, when the alt-right is filled with actual fascists that hate gays? Is he just co-opting the term to be edgy?
Haha.. cut the shit.
>tongue and cheek
kill yourself
Is it true her vagina is more roguh than wall paper and that it's actually dangerous to fuck her?
Does Milo plan on making a new Twitter somehow?
Seriously, It's not him. I don't want to make people think it's him because he was a good guy but no it's not marc.
Yes. @Trumpsexslave
God no, I have the weirdest crush on her.
Great. Now we have two Milo employees here.
What hobbies does he have we might be surprised by? For example is he a golfer or does he like to fish or read poetry or some random shit? Or is he pretty much all about drugs, gay rimjobs, and upsetting SJW's?
no clue I don't work for him anymore :p
Did Milo put his weewee in your bumhole? If so, how did you feel about it?
Follow it bitches.
I heard she has to be in control and that you have to actually prepare for sex with her. Apparently, she will make you beg for mercy if she sees your not an alpha. She tortures betas.
idek if the other guy is/was an employee
He loves poetry. TS Eliott is a favorite of his if I recall correctly. He actually likes shooting a lot and has done it since he was a kid. The gun thing isn't done to appeal to americans.
Why would you take orders from somebody who displays such a nauseating amount of self-loathing and cognitive dissonance?
I think he's actually a straight male acting gay so he can shit all over feminist and SJWs.
Am I right?
I can't speak to that authoritatively, but I did get that vibe from him.
Because his self-loathing doesn't make him a bad person. He's a good person who's fun to work with.
Not a straight male but I think like 90% gay 10% straight?
>all that jazz
I think you meant jizz
He has you fooled too I see ;)
WHY in the FUCK would a HOMO battle feminist?
That's the front line for the homo agenda.
It makes no sense. Ain't no gays protesting for straight rights or anything like that.
Why this ONE?
Also he wants a cure for homosexuality.
Odd statements from a "flamer".
Answer OP
did someone make a doc about him? i thought there was something coming out called american milo?
>"I know Maisie Williams like him"
The same woman who said that you are either normal or a sexist?
Enlighten me, please.
Also, some general other questions to sate my boredom.
>Does he really support Trump
>What will he do when/if Trump loses to Clinton
sorry, missed that one. The Alt-Right is a very broad term and milo is self admittedly not alt right.
yeah, never got huge iirc
Idk I know she positively tweeted him?
He certainly does and probably not much other than write.
Why is Milo trying to convince the right that being a faggot is okay?
It's not, and we know he's just a liberal subverting the right.
personally I think that even he doesn't like being gay. I really don't know if his gay message is that cohesive.
how much drugs and drinking does milo do? what drugs?
I honestly don't think he does that many. He said he did more as younger guy. I think he did coke one time before a speech?
is he really as flamboyant as he appears to be or is he just putting it on for a public persona?
I've noticed he's picked up an american accent real real fucking fast, I get the impression he just mimics whatever he needs to to find his social niche
Did you travel with him on his tour? Or was it mostly work from home?
he's bretty flamboyant but self aware about it. He knows it's a quasijoke
Idk he hangs out with americans mostly.
I went to a few of his events in my area to do camera work.
>gay sex
What is he like? I know you said he's a nice guy and all, but how did he act/did particular mannerisms stick out to you/&c when he wasn't doing the whole performance?
Hm. This is a good question.
So he was pretty laid back and chill. Always invited me out for drinks after shows I was at. Gave hugs a lot. I wound up in the hospital and he was chill n concerned.
because it is an efficient way of pushing a political agenda
I know it's you John, why'd they kick me out
I'm glad to hear that. I've always been kinda on the fence about Milo, but if you're not just BSing, I definitely like him better after this.
How hard is it to get a job/internship working for him? Do you need to be in a particular area of the country?
Sounds like a bro desu
The game of thrones chick?
Can you prove it? She seems sjw
Not john either. Again, marc and john are good guys so I don't wanna implicate them in this.
From what I heard you annoyed margaret or made a joke that went too far.
yeah I mean like his schtick or not he's a decent guy mostly.
Yeah I can understand that, I was honestly surprised that anything got under their skin, what was the last you knew was going on the the slack before you were out
Also how soon after I was gone had the purge happened?
Ugh. I always found her unbearable to be around. Did you know she was fucking Stu behind the scenes?
Oh c'mon it's hardly out of the blue, there was Lucas' buddy as well after meeting for like a day
She was chill enough though I thought, alright by me
> 1 post by this ID
>nobody named stu on the team
> nobody else from canada on the team
> Margaret is a massive sweetheart who's universally liked
sure faggot.
not much things had been really quiet
a few months really. In june.
Ru that's someone who isn't from the slack and it's certainly not me. It's a troll.
Does he actually want to separate a professional personality from the gay shit he promotes more and more?
His increased fame has emboldened him in ways I don't like.