>Everything you need to know

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>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Timeline map of Syria
>Fan maps

>East Hama July 18
>Castello, Aleppo July 17
>Latakia July 16
>North Quneitra, July 14
>Darayaa July 13
>Shirqat July 13
>Manbij July 12
>East Ghouta July 11

Ahrar al-Sham announces campaign to liberate several points in Mallah
Rebels recapture all lost sites near Kinsibba


Other urls found in this thread:


first for assad

I told you about the videos before going to sleep!


I'm going to need a Megumin edition of Greater Syria!



nth for IDF girls

International Diabetes Federation


TOP KEK motherfuckers!



>using memes outside of Sup Forums

God damn it you are all autist motherfuckers



Jesus, there's maybe three semi-decent ones, the rest are just awful.


>Saudi base goes up in flames after Yemeni missile strike: video


Houthis will make memes real. Saudis will continue to get beaten and slaughtered. This video, Truly a wonderful sight to behold.


We shoulod also include the official /sg/ flag (Syria_General_Flag_Mk.III©) in the wordpress.

anybody found any intersting mails in the wikileaks?


>3 Vehicles, 2 BMP and 3 tanks under SAA control after FSA/Nusra militants withdrew from their offensive


wait wait wait wait
is that the same grenade coming back?




>look at me senpai how i fucked OTTO XDD
>notice me senpai

Everyone fuck Otto, is a /sg/ national sport :^)


>notice me senpai

SOUTHFRONT!!! why is it missing fom OP?


I just lost my appetite for about a year


they talk about the beheaded child

And all of those pics were even before you country went to hell. Needs a lot of updates with you raging, the user should stop posting it.

i'd only hope so. is that fighting at the mallah farms?

bretty beautiful

She's hot AND feisty.



>Rebels in Syria behead boy in 'mistake'

Gruesome video footage has emerged of Syrian rebels beheading a young boy, in what leaders of the group involved called an "individual mistake."
The video that emerged on social media showed a visibly frightened boy lying in the back of a truck alongside what appeared to be several rebel fighters.

The rebels claimed the boy was a prisoner from Liwa al-Quds -- a pro-regime militia force made up mostly of Palestinians in Syria -- and that he was captured from an unofficial refugee camp north of war-torn Aleppo.

'Individual errors'
But al-Quds denied the boy had anything to do with the group, saying that he was not a prisoner and lived with his family -- "one among a number of poor families living in areas controlled by the terrorists."
In a statement posted on their Facebook page, the rebel group involved, Nour al-Din Zenky Movement, called the killing an "individual mistake" and said it would investigate "the human rights abuses that were shared on social media sites."


shit article

Where is the video?

Absolutely disgusting

is this true?


>Yusha Yuseef @MIG29_ 5 minHace 5 minutos Ver traducción

>Update number : Tiger forces seize now 3 BMP & 2 Tank for jihadists after fleeing the area in #Mallah

cracks me up every time

>Aleppo: Doctors under fire in Syrian city as forces target hospitals

American doctors are risking their lives to help victims of airstrikes in one of the world's most dangerous cities, Aleppo in Syria.

They went to Syria to volunteer and were some of the last people to get out of Aleppo before it was cut off from the world this week, after regime forces took control of the last road leading into the city on Sunday.

"These are innocent civilians and if the world doesn't act they will just be left to starve and be bombed to death," Dr Attar told 7.30 after returning from his most recent trip.

>According to Physicians for Human Rights, the Syrian Government has assassinated, bombed and tortured to death almost 700 medical personnel in the past five years.

A UN investigation also found that Syrian Government forces have been systematically attacking hospitals in opposition controlled areas.

"We visited seven hospitals in the city of Aleppo," Dr Sahloul said.

"Every one of them have been targeted and bombed several times, so it's not incidental."

Media player: "Space" to play, "M" to mute, "left" and "right" to seek.
Video: Doctors under fire in Aleppo as Syrian forces target hospitals (7.30)

One hospital had been hit so many times by airstrikes that it has, literally, been driven underground and is now operating in the basement with sandbags on the windows.


purge has reached 70k+ people

the word from multiple analysts is that that the coup was supposed to happen after 24th but it was pulled back because the plotters were uncovered. then it was pulled back to 8pm from 3am because they were uncovered once again. the plotters had to use 16 year old cadets because they lacked the manpower to move.

nearly everyone is blaming america as a perpetrator of the coup, we might see a 180 turn in turkish politics to an alliance with asia. for the first time i saw anti-fsa news on a pro-akp source today showcasing the beheaded 12 year old boy by fsa people

national security council decision will be announced tonight, erdoğan also said that he will announce something big himself

main opposition party chp has just announced that they will be holding some meeting in taksim this week

i might sit down and translate some select videos from the coup attempt this week, would you guys want something like that or just short summaries?

So lemme get this straight: Based Al Nimir retreated from Mallah farms luring the moderates in and hit them hard when they were not expecting it, amirite?

That was a moderate mistake, nothing to see here.

flag's shit desu
we need something that has a Sup Forums-theme in it as well

Yes, is the 3rd time they do this, and now they have 20+ FSA/Nusra militants under siege inside the farms


See the landing page

Hey, we need to spread the beheader video far and wide to make the normies side with Assad

That disgusting damage control has made me even more angry and disgusted.

She's been the best kept secret of the war. Wish she was here in Sydney

NATO is our whore.

Memorize that.

Without us, NATO ceases to exist.

And if we leave NATO and join Russia, you all will fucking learn Russian as a second language and watch as every single SJW and fag is exterminated bu Turko-Russian troops.

Stay safe brother and be well.

Yes please, translate the videos.


Not the actual video. I'm sure some user here will have the link to it

Keep thinking that roach

jesus. 70k. Yesterday with the educators it only got to 45k

Its like this is the coup

This is laughable after they bombed Manbij hospital housing refugees.

It's just not going to work anymore.

Kebab, I've never thought I would say this before but I want to hug you. Please keep us posted.

The Amerifats are going to double down on their support of the Kurdshits though. They need their Turdistain


Typical OTTO - confusing his mother with his whore....

Well, I dont have photoshop on this computer so I cant do more for a central logo.

The colours are those of the Imperial German flag, and the eagle is a little like the ww2 eagle, only modified.

>tfw my flag design is on the wordpress....

Nah, I wish she was here in my bedroom ;^)
But yeah, she's kinda awesome.

Tabels turned?

>‘Bloody massacres’: Syria appeals to UN after French & US airstrikes ‘kill over 140 civilians’

Syria is demanding the UN take action after it says French war planes killed more than 120 civilians during airstrikes on Tuesday near the Turkish-Syrian border. The deaths came just a day after US air assaults killed a further 20 people in Manbij.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry sent letters to the UN secretary general and to the president of the UN Security Council, which at present is Japan.

Damascus wants the organization to look into atrocities committed by France, which is a member of the US-led international coalition, after it targeted the village of Toukhan Al-Kubra, located near the Turkish-Syrian border and the city of Manbij.

>The human rights watchdog Amnesty International also hit out at the US-led coalition, saying that it needs to do more to prevent the deaths of civilians.

"Anyone responsible for violations of international humanitarian law must be brought to justice and victims and their families should receive full reparation," Amnesty's interim Middle East director Magdalena Mughrabi said, as cited by Reuters.


You're not as important as you think.
We are only there to keep all of you from killing yourselves off.
Biting the hand that feeds you is a dumb move.

>thinking they're relevant

you're military couldn't even overthrow one turkish roach

10/10 would laugh at it again.

do you drink or smoke otto? serious question, I use to post wasted and confused sometimes too.

>joining an alliance with Russia

Two Words: Media Empire

Everyone can contribute.

>if we stopped sucking NATO dick and start sucking Russian dick*

After CNN here comes ...aljazeera

Syria war: Rebels 'behead 12-year-old boy' on video

Nour al-Din al-Zinki rebel group calls beheading an "individual error" that does not represent movement's policy.

The video, posted online on Tuesday, shows a group of men in the back of a truck cutting off the head of the terrified boy.

Before the gruesome murder, the men accuse the boy of being a member of the Liwa al-Quds (Jerusalem brigade), a Palestinian armed group fighting alongside Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government.

The rebels have been identified as members of the Nour al-Din al-Zinki Movement. On Tuesday, the movement published a press release on its Twitter page condemning the killing of the boy and calling the beheading an "individual error that does not represent the general policy of the movement".

The United States, which has previously provided military support to the Nour al-Din al-Zinki Movement, said it was "seeking more information" and that it could not confirm the "appalling report" at a press briefing on Tuesday.

A report published earlier this month by human rights group Amnesty International details several "war crimes and other violations of international humanitarian law" committed by the Nour al-Din al-Zinki Movement, as well as other rebel groups, throughout the Syrian Civil War.

The alleged war crimes include abductions and torture.

Citing sources close to the United States "northern operation command," a coordination body allegedly responsible for providing military support to rebels, Amnesty's report says the Nour al-Din al-Zinki Movement had in the past received military and financial aid from the US, Britain, France, Turkey and several Gulf states.

The funding was apparently halted in September 2015 when the movement joined two other groups that were accused of kidnapping Italian aid workers.


Houthis seize Mecca when?

>Turkish population is 1/2 Russia's size
>Turkey controls more strategic territory than Russia
>Turkey controls all of central asian mudslimes
>Turkey controls all of the water and oil logistics
>Turkey can guarantee security of the middle east

Pretty sure it will be Turkey has good leverage over Russia in any alliance.

Instead of a flag, why not work on an official /sg/ seal next? Like a stamp like we did for Ivan, only a little simpler.

Honestly, I have nothing against the Ausbro, but the flag is complete shite

And thus the flag has nothing to do with /sg/

We need something more meme-ey and more Sup Forums-ish, ya know?
Something in this sense, for example


>He actually believes this

Russia has a far larger army, including a nuclear weapons' force.

As we saw last week, turkey's army is a complete joke. Got destroyed by a bunch of civvies with broomsticks.

It's literally the same article! What they did here is exactly the same as what they did with gamergate.

Twitter's Trust and Safety council will fix this.

I was asking if it was true that te US spokeperson really said that about stop suporting them, no asking about the video

well, having access to the med via the Bosphorus is a huge advantage for Russia.

>the flag has nothing to do with /sg/
Its been around here for the last year almost, since /sg/ tried their hand at doing flags once.
The only change since is to make the "/sg/" in the centre green to match the stars on the Syrian flag.

Your logo is good, but why the heads and not something more traditional like lightning bolts?

Sorry :(

>The United States, which has previously provided military support to the Nour al-Din al-Zinki Movement, said it was "seeking more information" and that it could not confirm the "appalling report" at a press briefing on Tuesday.

from aljazeera


Thanks for your help today. Please keep providing content for the site. We don't have to do it all the time. We now have a working twitter bar running on the right side menu of our page with the latest tweets. We are generating over 9000 Bytes of traffic every hour, at least! We are media empire embryo! Lets fuck Murdochs chinese ex-wifes bum ( cause fucking murdoch would be gross)

Just an example friendo
We simply need something more meme-ey

You'd think the jews would realize it's easier to shoot ugly girls.

Not everything needs to be forced into being a meme ya know.

Let memes happen naturally.

I read back then when they shot down the russian plane that they dont need permission if they are not at war.

And they are not going to be at war im pretty sure. (not 100% sure)

Thanks bro. that has become latest post on SG website. Its great, cause even the twitter auto tweet, which was so far untested, got tested. It works. SG website now tweets whatever posts are added to the site.

We did some of that shit at the begining. I will have to dig through my external hd, to find and repost. We can vote, refix orwhatever

>Inside the ISIS torture chambers

fanatics TESTED Syrians on their religious knowledge before executing them in squalid prison

Islamic State fighters held local people in the city of Manbij
Forms questioning their knowledge of Islamic rules were left on the floor
A BBC videos shows the torturous conditions locals were kept in
'Their goal was to... break their will,' Kurdish fighter explained



I don't think you understand how the Turkey works.

We love death. We revel in it. Our entertainment? It's fucking completely GEARED towards death. We even have stricter rules for sex over death. Shit, we laugh at it.

Turko-Russian troops are coming for you you Eu cuck

I am the knife that cuts the heart. I let you all be the hand that wields the knife. I will cut ( and paste) what ever the hand directs. Sort it out, when we have a alternative I will put it into place. Who knows maybe one of the other admins will sieze control and hear your pleas. Let me know what to cut. I am the knife.

so the twitter posts what we post on the website? is it linked to certain page ?

>We now have a working twitter bar running on the right side menu of our page with the latest tweets.

we ded et leddet


>I don't think you understand how the ̶T̶u̶r̶k̶e̶y̶ Muslims works.

I don't drink dude.

>A BBC videos shows the torturous conditions locals were kept in
Yeah until France bombed and killed the survivors.

Great work lads! Anything to create a Turdistain

Why are you such a meme bigot?

The twitter account retweets 'latest posts'. It does not post about changes to other pages as far as I know. So essentially if someone posts a new post, they dont have to manually go to twitter and announce the content. Wordpress triggers twitter.

Without us, NATO ceases to exist.