What's Sup Forums's opinion of strong female characters?

What's Sup Forums's opinion of strong female characters?

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Made me fall hopelessly in love with dark haired blue eyed woman. Ended up marrying one who reminds me of her.

They're done pretty shit, most of the time, which is sad because they can be done great if someone takes the time to do it right.

Literally a male character rewritten at the last second as female with no changes besides pronouns.

We don't need them to be forced all the fucking time. We don't society to pretend that female empowerment is a new thing or an important, unmet goal. They've been showing us girl power and strong female characters for decades. No western girl alive today should have any insecurity because of her gender.

I fail to see the problem, the best women are basically equal to men in contrast to childminded damsels. I'd also offer Sarah Conner as a badass female that springs to mind, she saved herself when Reese got his shit pushed in near the end.

>Kills a handicapped person to get some sort of power in order to not be a whore her entire life
This probably happened in real life aswell, that's where they got the script from.

It was done fine in Star Wars



I want one to sit on my face

Strong women characters are good when they aren't trying to degrade male characters at the same time.

it used to be done well in the 90s maybe even early 20s. nowadays is just tryhard and pathetic as that ghostbusters and even starwars film

>pic not related

Ellaria sucks, I hate her and her cunty daughters. Oberyn was the only good thing to come out of Dorne.

But I'm an Aryafag.

>tfw there will never be a movie as good as alien ever again.

Nigga what, the movie was literally about her mother instincts giving her the strength to fight the aliums and save the little girl

What are some real life examples of "stong female characters"?

How about well acted, deeply flawed female characters instead of Mary Sues? Cate is my hero.

> strong female character



Bretty good.

Too bad there aren't any in GoT...

What do you mean? Nothing wrong with a strong male or female character if its well written. When gender is forced it becomes annoying and shitty.

Doesn't necessarily suck but these days every single female character on TV is a strong womyn who is capable of everything and don't need no man. Shit is preachy and boring, typically poorly written just to pander played by a flabby/skeletal actress who can't even pretend to fight on camera.

annoying because theyre always skinny fat and or physically weak.

Strong females are great. It's more enjoyable to break them in.

He meant Alien, not Aliens.

Yim Wing-Chun?

She has impressive shoulders

Unless they are in a Wagnerian opera, they probably suck.

not a big fan of fantasy - sorry, op

Unless they are in a Wagnerian opera, they probably suck. Most modern media just uses them to promote unhealthy feminist ideals.

Hard to make a "strong female" character that isn't just a man with tits.

They are all fictional. You want my opinion on Mickey Mouse too? Because it's just as valuable.

Dude, I have the best female character in this whole thread and it's making me angry that no one acknowledges this.

I have never seen a strong female character done well. At best they are neutral, at worst they completely destroy a franchise (ghost busters is dead now, star wars is dead to many, etc.)

In doesn't help that they don't exist in real life either, so it gives women unrealistic expectations.

I think they are fine if they are done well, like if they are obviously written for the specific purpose of being a "strong female" then no. If they are well written, then yes.



Ellen Ripley did really well as a strong female character.

"Get away from her you BITCH" - Still a very badass moment.

Can someone please explain what makes a female character "female"?

I don't understand the criticism of "her character just acted like a man"

I'm aknowledging this girl as the best girl in this thread

Mary Sue

fine when it's not so forced

But James Cameron was the one that turned her into a bad ass lion trying to save the little cub from the alien predator.

Yes, she was a bit imbalanced in comparison to the marines in the movie.

Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 - A Strong and emotionally/Psychologically scarred character.

Yes, female characters can work right strong, but nowdays they just have to push it so hard it comes off bad.

>Bossed around by men
>Best friend is a nigger who was smarter than her (lawyer who questioned everything instead of just going along with the CIA)

only creates problem in real world when some women do really believe this is how it goes outside of fantasy as well

you would think they would not, but indeed they do. there was that one talk show with peter hitchens and 20 something girl with glasses. i was sure she would say something not so smart or just stating her stand on the issue, which offers nothing, but instead she started to compare the real world to the game of thrones

Strong women are great, as long as they have actual character. Struggles, flaws, make poor decisions, general human shit. When you make a strong female lead and make her all powerful do no wrong mary sue, you do a diservice to your character and make them boring as fuck.


Mary Suism basically kills any tension in the scenes where that character is featured.

Ripley in Aliens and Sarrah Connor are basically about them struggling and giving it all to be a good mother figure against overwhelming odds, the role nature intended. That's why they're good strong female characters

Your Cracked, Rey was easily the worst character, hell, the worst aspect of the newest star wars film, terrible mary sue, there were multiple times watching that movie that I found myself wishing they had just stuck to Finn as the main protagonist, he was waaay more interesting then her, and that was with them trying damn hard to make him a retarded goof the whole damn movie. Rey was just all around horribly done, but without her Finn could have been made into a much cooler character.

They're great when done right

>strong female characters
literally a fantasy.

Exactly, and sometimes it sucks because writers will come up with a cool ass concept for a female character, but the drag it through the dirt with the way they handle the character over all.


What a bonehead.

fucking hooooooot

Ever had a girl pin you to the bed and climb on top and just dominate your dick?
So good.

Being used as a sex object and then switching roles is beautiful

This. EASILY one of the best female characters ever made, to bad Scarlett is going to botch the shit out of her.

Spoilers: Major Kusanagi was a man before becoming a cyborg.

My ex sliced a nigger with her knife when he tried to grab her. I like strong women and I hate how the media tries to force it. The "strong" women you see in the media are usually weak bullshit.

Just go through some parts of Soviet propaganda.

There are also a lot of female saints in the Catholic Church and female regents in the German Reich. St. Helena might have been the one to secure Chistendom.

Lol, I remember that meme.

>implying Aliens didn't surpass it in ever way

>a skinny American woman can drink more than a fat man

And SJWs would go nuclear when you would make bad ass mama character protecting her children, celebrating life and birth and so on for the same reason they won't allow us anymore to have stories about saving princesses from the wizard's tower... UNLESS THEY HAVE A DICK UNDER THEIR DRESS!

My Mom

>started out as a weak slave wife of a mongol
>only became "strong" because of a mcguffin
>makes bad decisions after bad decision
>mcguffin constantly bailing her out
>makes more bad decisions
>mcguffing still bails her out
Danaery is a shit character in the show.her entire character is based around her dragons and her dragons are constantly bailing her out of her bad decisions.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

>Lets honor house martell by killing legitimate members of house martell

They also had a completely legit way to have a female ruler of dorne with less dumb shit: arianne

but fuck logic.

You need only look in your back yard.

Never thought of it that way.

Makes sense

Fucking this, Dany is the worst main plot point of the show she started out interesting, but it genuinely bothers me thay her character never does a damn thing for herself, ever. She gets everything handed to her, or taken care of by someone/thing else.l, she's gotten so boring, the only thing that makes that section interesting anymore is Tyrion hanging around. A lot of the characters around Dany are interesting, but she herself is a shit ass character. Jon will always be superior to her.

I think Alien had more spookiness to it.
I like both, each for different reasons, but Aliens didn't quite reach the same level of scariness like when Captain Dallas went alone into the maintenance tubes.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko

>Private Pavlichenko fought for about two and a half months near Odessa where she recorded 187 kills.[7] When the Romanians gained control of Odessa her unit was sent to Sevastopol on the Crimean Peninsula,[7] where she fought for more than eight months.[6][8] In May 1942, Lieutenant Pavlichenko was cited by the Southern Army Council for killing 257 German soldiers. Her total of confirmed kills during World War II was 309,[5][6] including 36 enemy snipers.

>tfw they entirely cut out best targaryen
He's still gonna be relevant in the books, r-right?

if they are pink-haired and from 80's cartoons i'm all in


Why would you want that? If they're strong, they're not female anymore.

>tfw there will never be another Xena: Warrior Princess

Who is this?

As long as they get naked, who cares?

>Has black hair
And no, Young Griff has blue hair and it's dyed.

Can be genuinely good/interesting if they're written like, say, pic related. Too bad that most of them aren't. Most of them aren't even characters, just vessels for progressive agendas.

I-It was the only picture I had of him saved. ;_;

Aegon "Better than Dany" Targaryen. He was supposed to come in around this season of the show but they supposedly decided not to put him in.

No problem with them.

What I cant stand are shittily written female character. And god know there are plenty of them.

His name is Aegon Targaryen, and he's supposedly the son of Rhaegar who was taken away during the sack of Kings Landing.
They aren't going to include him in the show, because its more scenes they need to shoot and more things they'd need to explain which will just confuse the normies that watch GoT.

It's make me in the need to serve her and fuck her.


>Book Danaerys is being build up as a tyrannical ruler
>burns armies
>crucifies her enemy leaders
>talks about burning her enemy's alive along with their family's.
>makes constant bad decisions but always is saved by her underlings, always men.
>thinks she has right to everything because of her birthright.
>she is starting to be just as crazy as her father the mad king.
>her dragons are the reason why she hasnt been rapped to death yet.

>meanwhile show danaerys can do no wrong.
>the show is building her up as the ultimate ruler
>all men want to be with her
>all men are evil or cucks.
>all women are good

The same case with cersei, this cunt is pure evil in the books, but the show is portraying her as if she is the good one.

The show is in the hands of jew directors btw.

They give me boners unless they are involved with black men. Bonus points for black woman dating whites

What the fuck she's like 90% neck

that character was fucking a the GOT version of a spaniard.
A gay spaniard.

i dont see cersei being good in the show

>tfw you'll never get drunk under the table by a young Karen Allen in a bar in Mongolia.

Generic and forced.

All the normies are rooting for her.
And the whole "muh evil religion" vs cersei was bullshit this season.

They're not strong and not especially female.

Daenerys is going to get killed in the show. She's an evil tyrant overwhelmed with power. Missandei is a faceless man there to kill her. GRRM doesn't like war or typical good vs evil clichés. Lots of "fluff" in his writings turns out to be important. Missandei is going to assassinate Daenerys.

not in the new one tho she looks shit tbqh