Who are worst?
Jews or muslims
Who are worst?
Jews or muslims
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Remove jews from positions of power and watch the mudshits flee and be exterminated.
The people who say we need one or the other
jews. muslims are just the jews little mercenaries.
Christians and/or atheists
Kikes and Muslim should form an alliance to conquer Europe and enslave their women
>Kikes and Muslim should form an alliance to conquer Europe and enslave their women
They already have one, it's called ISIS
Ironic how it's always Americans who prefer sandniggers over kikes. Must be to do with your relatively little Muslims population for now.
Jews, as annoying as they are, would be impotent without their Muslim army.
It's a question of what is more dangerous: an army without officers, or a group of generals?
Christian are the worst.
They killed a lot of people during crusade and because of them there are still terrorists that are traumatized by them today.
The worst is that those terrorist make a bad image of the brave muslim living in our country who have to endure unfair treatment by white privileged christian.
They hate fun.
Kill them alllllllllllllllllllll.
>Pick your poison
Well at least the kikes doesn't hit us with trucks, axes or blow us up.
It's already here.
It's a sad day when this could either be a kike or a slime.
Kikes kept us from siding with Hitler.
Get rekt, kike.
Jews by far. Muslims are just manipulated and controlled by them, the same way that we are. They've just been in that land, dealing with that shit, for thousands of years so they're a good insight into the future that the Jews envision for us.
When I was a kid I lived for a short time in the Southwest in the desert, in a house with some land.
As time went on a developer built a retirement community there complete with a golf course that sucked up the aquifer's water. This massive retirement community's presence uprooted and drove off the coyotes, snakes, and javelina's (small warthogs) into our land and neighborhood, sometimes tearing up our trash or garden, sometimes eating someone's pet.
Now yes, the desert animals had become pests, but this was their land. They had been driven off of it into mine and now were causing problems. It really wasn't their fault, but those greedy developers and lazy retirees.
Then where the fuck is my yazidi blonde sex slave?
Hitler had no love for the US anyway, too nigger infested. He did respect England though.
Jews. Jews are the reason why their are rapefugees in the first place.
> remove all Jews from the earth
> multiculturalist agenda stops in the West
> no more conflict in the middle east
> deport all muslims back to their homeland
> ??????????
> profit
>Muslims are the victims
The white race gets literally bred out by a Muslim army and the Jew media still has people siding with the enemy. Maybe Jews are worse for being able to pervert things so far that people believe this shit.
The Middle East was Christian and Zoroastrian long before Jews helped engineer the spread of Islam to defeat their old enemy, Christians.
The honest reaction to Muslims should be deportation or extermination. Like the Crusades.
The only reason we stopped killing Muslims was the Jews.
Muslim-Americans are generally nothing like ones from the ME. Hence why we don't have nearly the same amount of terrorist attacks, they integrate here fine. Might be something to do with ME muslims thinking they're going to hell
muslims jews are ok
> Jews helped engineer Islam
Fuck that.
Muslims need to die along with the Jews who created them.
>no more conflicts in the Middle East
> Deluded American
The type of Muslims is highly irrelevant. It's almost exclusively about absolute numbers.
> they integrate here fine.
You understand nothing about Islam, you naive fuck. You can never use Muslim and integrate in the same sentence. Here, take some advice from a kike: jewishpress.com
jews are based.
You're ignorant if you think Islam is fine just because of that. It's like 1% of the US population or less. Jews outnumber them.
If it was 5% I guarantee you'd despise them and the Jews who brought them.
Oh right, I forgot you live here and know what the people are like.
According to a 2014 religious survey, 64% of Muslims believe religion is very important, compared to 58% of Catholics who believe so. (In the U.S)
As you can see from pic related they're nothing like the ones in Europe, so you're wrong.
If it weren't for Jews, Islam wouldn't exist. I'm not saying we're similar at all in this day and age, but we descend from the same people that the Muslims descend from. Unlike nogs, they're Caucasian just like us. Caucasians are the enemy of the "Jews", and those particular Caucasians have been in the "Jews" coveted space for centuries. Of course they would subvert, control and destroy them the same way that they wish to do to us. They're completely fucked these days with little chance for a return to normalcy, and they're a threat to us for sure, but they're just a Jewish tool.
>nothing like the ones in Europe
>15% sometimes justify suicide bombing
I just found out I am probably a jew. I was always told my heritage was Italian, but upon researching my last name, it appears as though to avoid persecution in italy my ancestors converted to christianity and changed their name... I'd have to say muslim. Jews are greedy, but at least they're not blowing us up. If I found out I was a muslim I would definitely kill myself. Jew though, not too horrible, I'm just confused as to where the fuck my gold is.
Wow, such convincing stats: Muslim-Americans must be great people.
Again, the only reason the Muslims in your country appear peaceful to you (I think plenty of your fellow Americans would beg to differ) is because they are a tiny minority. Soon as their numbers grow (plans are on the table if I understand Hilary correctly) their attitude will change and they won't be so harmless any more. Needless to say this has nothing to do with the type of Muslims but rather their numbers and influence. Take it from a Eurabia resident.
Mind if I share on my facebook?
In Europe the same median figure is 20+ for that age group. I'm not for Muslims or Islam, but to say we have it as bad as Europe with ours... Yeah no
Muslims are not Caucasian, they're Semitic. They share the same halogroup as Jews.
If they were Caucasian then Jews would be too.
I do not understand how it is so hard for people to comprehend that Muslims and Jews are working together against whites.
See That gives a very clear description of how Muslims are in on the act. They aren't tools of the Jews. They're beneficiaries. Semitic brethren.
>One fixes the "western women" problem
>The other gives sound banking advice in exchange for a fee
Multiculturalism could work if we purge the faggots, betas and feminist.
If you read what's coming from the americuck apologists for Islam it's surprising that Trump has so much support. I hope he'll pull through in November...
>shilling this badly
Jews. The Muslims are their useful idiots. Jews pull the strings.
Jews are still butthurt their temple was destroyed and now Muslims run it so they want to destroy Christian Europe with Muslim hordes to get revenge and eventually retake their holiest land (if they can move all Muslims out of Israel).
How are they so fucking unaware of Islam?
Jews are shilling Muslim immigration because it FUCKS SHIT UP. I honestly don't know how people don' understand this. Muslims aren't some oh boo hoo victims, they're the faggots who will wreck shit in the interests of their Semitic brothers - Jews.
Jews can be Caucasoid, they can be anything because like I said they are trans-racial and will be like chameleons. Arabic people are Caucasoid. You're being short sighted and completely buying into kike propaganda. Arabic people are useful idiots and Goyim just like us, they're just like a picture of the future, because they've been being fucked with by the Jews for much much longer.
>Multiculturalism could work
Sure, come over and see the beautiful world of multiculturalism.
Everything green is Caucasoid.
They are the same. Jews are just smart ones.
You fucking retard no one is saying let the Mudslimes in, the mudslimes are fine, we can trust them, they're good goys. They just aren't the real enemy, they're just a fucking tool being controlled by the cabal. We can make efforts to keep those animals away from us without pretending that they're the end all be all enemy. We need to focus on the cabal if we're ever going to really fix these problems on our planet.
Sup Forums is not yet lost
no dude, born and raised new yorker here...
I used to work at a department store before this "refugee" bullshit and one time there was this muslim nigger with the hat wearing all black carrying a huge black bag and as he passed me he dropped the bag with a loud thud and kept walking. I was so fucking scared. I called security but no one answered. I went up to him and said, "sir, you dropped your bag" and he said "yeah I know, go get it for me" and I was like no fuck that I'm not touching that fucking bomb bag.... he came up to me and started talking about essential oils and interjecting bits about how he knows security is watching him and that I called them... if that happened today I'd probably literally shit my pants.
This contradicts Soros' work though.
Globalist Jews don't want Israel. They want to fulfill the Kalergi plan and have a global brown, probably Muslim, race ruled over by a Jewish aristocratic class.
They see Israel as a barrier to that goal of securing Muslim compliance.
Ironically they were closer under the Ottoman empire, Jews dominated quite a large portion of that. Far more than they did of Europe at the time.
They're just different flavors of the same kind of shit. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All trace back to Abraham, all of them have a history of violence and being despots.
The only true religions of peace are Buddhism, Hinduism, and Germanic Paganism.
Someone hasn't read Mein Kampf. Hitler praised America far more than Holland, that's for sure.
For the Muslims you can simply translate books like the god delusion and god is not great to get their young away from their faith.
For the Jews you would need to stick them in ovens all 6 bazillion of them.
So the jews are far worse.
Not sure, 9/11 already happened a long time ago, the youngins don't seem to remember, just look at that idiot praising his country for having such well integrated Muslims while the only reason they don't have mass rape cases like in Cologne is the number of Muslims in relation to the sheer size of the U.S.
On a different note, I don't necessarily agree that only Jews are to blame for islamization. It kind of takes away from the responsibility of White Europeans who are essentially just as much to blame for the influx of sandniggers. Sure, Soros is a kike, but I'm not suggesting that scripture from the Torah is dictating his desire to flood the western world with Muslims. Contrary to Muslims, their hatred toward non-Muslims is actually rooted in their religion specifically.
No, you're falling for the Jew propaganda that Muslims are victims here.
1. They're (Arabs) are very closely related to Jews
2. Muslims are the intended race to inherit Europe from whites under Jewish plans since the 20s
3. Muslims are the only non-Jewish religion Jews consider to not be idolatry, so they are willing to live with them
Muslims are not "just like us". That's the kind of weak blue pill talk that encourages sympathy that will be exploited. Muslims knowingly serve the Jew.
An army is just as accountable as its generals.
As for the cabal, the easiest way to smash the Jew cabal is to say that Jews are responsible for the Muslim invasion of Europe. Avoids all the complicated banker talk, because this is super easy to prove and exploit. Soros is a fucking gift because of how regularly he supports Muslims.
The road to removing the Jew is via removing the Muslim.
Jews, by far. To be honest, I've never met a Mohammedan that I didn't like, and I blame the constant hostility in the Middle East as the fault of Zionist aggression.
There's a sharif's star on the head on the right.
the only reason jews are behind everything (good and bad) is because they're intelligent.
Sure good goy, you just keep thinking you've got it all figured out.
> he quotes an antisemite that thought the protocols of the elders of zion were real
You're stupid aren't you?
I think I found a picture of you
No troublemaking group on Earth is a major threat to Western Civilization without the force multiplier of THE JEW. Remove THE JEW, and mankind mostly gets along pretty well.
What good are Jews doing in the world?
All they do is suck the lifeforce out of America and European countries and produce anti-white media and pro racemixing nigger movies
> For the Muslims you can simply translate books like the god delusion and god is not great to get their young away from their faith.
It's the other way around you ignorant burger. Muslim faith is stronger than any other. It's Islam>Judaism>Christianity (Catholicism prolly last)
No, but I'm sure you have. Please cite for me the passages where Hitler praised the U.S.
We dont like Mudslimes either idiot, the kikes are the ones pushing them on everyone.
jews. Removing muslims doesn't remove jews, but removing jews will remove both jews and muslims and more.
>being this blue pill
Keep telling yourself how great and "victimized" Muslims are until you wake up in an Muslim country and the Jews laugh at you falling for a trick that could easily have been avoided
>but but but if you hate Muslims you're a bad goyim
you should check out "the bell curve", I think it would explain a lot for you. jews aren't sucking the life force out of America, it's niggers.
Lol how convenient. It's never your own white multicultural authorities that ought to be taken to account. Back to stormfront nigger. Don't forget; Hitler loves coons and Muslims too.
remove the jew, close the borders, bomb the muslims into oblivion at our own leisure and bring in ZERO "refugees"
kill yourself first, kike internet defense force
>NAACP was started by Jews
you must be new, the tendrils of kikery go extremely deep
We should wait until the muslims have removed the jews before we remove the muslims
>implying I'm Christian
you're so easy to see through, fucking Chaim.
go suck on some foreskins you jew rat
After talking to some of these Americans, I guess the Jews don't need to work to hard on forcing Muslims upon them and destroying the country.
>the elite will eliminate the people via miscegenation, thereby replacing the white race with an easily controllable mestizo race. By abolishing the principle of equality of all before the law, avoiding and punishing any criticism of minorities, and protecting the minorities with special laws, the masses are suppressed.
And yet you're so easily duped
maybe it was the jew plan to expose the niggers all along. just look at what BLM has done: redpilled a ton of people. the jews in the media fighting trump have just made America love him more. This was the plan all along.
Chistians for being such cucks.
All three are shit to begin with.
I never implied that nigger. I implied it's definitely not only da jooz who want to islamize your land. You have your fellow white country men to blame too. Or are you saying they've gotten so weak they just can't deny orders from kikes any more? Damn the kikes certainly have come a long way from being gas chamber victims to dictating your every way of life. Maybe it's just in whitey's nature to be weak?
yeah thats why Hollywood and the music industry constantly produce WF/BM couples, they push anti-racist rhetoric every day in schools across the country, they promote nigger movements like BLM, they jump down the throat of that Senator that said white people contributed the most to Western Civilization as if that wasn't fucking common sense.
They are not benevolent.
>implying they aren't working together on this
>Yes I stole the cookie from the jar and I will repent and never do it again
>Cookie? What Cookie? OY VEY ANTISEMITE!
Seriously fuck off kike, you've already been found out, you're not even Dutch, you're a fucking Jew masquerading as a real European white man.
Muslims genuinely despise kikes. There's nothing fake about it. They just about hate every non-Muslim person but they have a special hate for Jews. Has to do with Muhammad's endeavors and to an extent the Israel-Pali conflict.
It's bait to push western civilization into turning against the nigger. High-quality bait. and it's working.
The delusions ITT are astounding
Jews dont control muslims
Jews dont want to destroy whites
Jews dont want 'greater Israel'
I really pity you poltards
Remember Jews also owned alot of the slave boats that brought Africans to the USA, and now Soros pushes the BLM shit too.
Muzzies, by a long shot.
You don't have a single fact to back that up though, and if it were true its not working.
I mean you're entitled to your theory, but the literal opposite is true.
Whatever you say Mordechai
>Semitic brothers
Yea... No.
"...and nearest among them in love to the believers will you find those who say, 'We are Christians,' because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant" (5:82).
You're a moron. For the sake of being able to show you how infinitely worse Muslims are I wish Hilary would become president and began importing Muslims by the tens of millions so you have about 10% Muslim population too. Sadly Trump's election benefits us too so I hope he wins but damn, read up a bit on the situation in Europe before regurgitating the victim mentality kike blaming nonsense you read here every day by some burgers.